• Record Label: PIAS
  • Release Date: Apr 28, 2017

Generally favorable reviews - based on 9 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 6 out of 9
  2. Negative: 0 out of 9
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  1. Oct 23, 2017
    Visuals is probably the most ‘simple’ Mew has been since Frengers (albeit without that album’s jet engine roar), but if it never quite reaches the twisty heights of +--it remains endearing nonetheless.
  2. Q Magazine
    May 9, 2017
    Visuals spatters Mew's art-rock sensibilities on a pop canvas. [Jul 2017, p.111]
  3. Apr 26, 2017
    The majority of the record is magnificent. Granted, those who missed the avant-garde heaviness of earlier works on the glitzy +- will feel the same way about this one, but it’s hard to argue that trio isn’t just as dedicated, fearless, and confident in their new direction.
  4. May 30, 2017
    Far from perfect, but confident and assured.
  5. Apr 28, 2017
    While it's true that some of their pseudo-"prog" power is lost without Madsen's riffs, Mew's delivery is no less effective. Their ever-morphing vision has simply moved beyond terrestrial bonds and ascended into the expanse of the galaxy.
  6. Apr 26, 2017
    If you’re looking for pop with a light outer frosting of edginess, Visuals hits the spot and then some. But if you’d like to hear Mew explore those edges and break free from the stultifying safety of their music, Visuals leaves you frustrated.
  7. Apr 28, 2017
    It’s a confident release from a seasoned band still harbouring the energies of youth. Somewhat paradoxically however, it’s also a considered record, one that muses on the transient and a reminder of the importance of being able to appreciate what we’ve got, while we’ve got it.
  8. Apr 26, 2017
    What remains is a strong EP blown up into a flawed full-length. [Apr-Jun 2017, p.82]
  9. Apr 26, 2017
    Visuals is drenched in grandiosity, but many of its songs are devoid of proper exploration; instead of pushing the limits, they often feel idle.
User Score

Generally favorable reviews- based on 14 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Positive: 11 out of 14
  2. Negative: 2 out of 14
  1. Apr 29, 2017
    Una palabra para describir este disco sería: Pop Inteligente. ¿Porqué? El album desde el principio se veia que tendría en su sonido laUna palabra para describir este disco sería: Pop Inteligente. ¿Porqué? El album desde el principio se veia que tendría en su sonido la ausencia de su guitarrista "Bo Madsen", una carga que ha muchos "Frengers" les generaría ruído, sin embargo, el sonido de Mew en este disco es una gran solución por la inclusión de muchos otros instrumentos, lo que deja a la banda en una nueva faceta que agrega al trabajo de esta banda un buen material comercial, cosa que jamás, y repito, jamás los integrantes se habían aventurado a hacer.
    Es cierto, no es por mucho el mejor album de la banda, le falta el sonido progresivo que dió fama a la banda, sin embargo, se nota a leguas que no es esa la intención de este album.
    A quienes les molesta el pop y a éste lo entienden como producto de la mediocridad, les digo algo, el pop más mediocre que escuchamos en la radio no tiene ni por mínimo el trabajo de este album, que por muy ligero que se llegue a escuchar, se notan las mil y un influencias que la banda tuvo para hacer este trabajo, y por esto mismo digo que es un pop muy inteligente.
    Si la calificación que le pongo es demasiado y un poco irreal, estoy de acuerdo, de hecho, la calificación se la puse para ayudar al album a escalar un poco más en la calificación de Metacritic
    Full Review »
  2. Apr 28, 2017
    Captivating from its first note till its last. The most criminally underrated and enigmatic band of the last 20 years return (rather quickly)Captivating from its first note till its last. The most criminally underrated and enigmatic band of the last 20 years return (rather quickly) with another gorgeous, lush, unpredictable, fascinating batch of smoother, experimental synth pop. Not as dark or aggressive as Glass-handed kites or No More Stories but explores a smoother, more playful side of the band that started with the astonishing +-. Kind of amazing at this point to still see US/UK critics (again) completely missing it with this band. I'm convinced they'll be discovered by someone long after they're gone and a retrospective lauding how inventive and ahead of their time this band was will endear a new generation of fans who'll wonder how we missed it so horribly when they were actually around. Can't wait to spend the rest of the year discovering new things buried deep within as Mew records grow with every listen. Full Review »
  3. Apr 28, 2017
    More different than anything Mew have ever done. Even though Mew have been quite quirky and unpredictable over the years, I usuallyMore different than anything Mew have ever done. Even though Mew have been quite quirky and unpredictable over the years, I usually immediately get and appreciate every release. That wasn't necessarily the case with this one. I was a bit confused upon first listen. They've completely ditched any type of progressive/indie/art rock for a more lightly progressive indie pop sound. The guitars are pretty minimal and most are completely replaced by synths. Do not let that deter you though. It's quite a fantastic album. The first 3 tracks on here are particularly amazing, but every song here is pretty strong, though I do wish Zanzibar were longer. It's very pretty but too short. Also this album lacks an epic closer like every other Mew album has contained. I feel like those that really love Mew, such as myself, will love this. It may not immediately spark, but I feel it definitely will if you stick with it. This album grows like crazy. And last but not least, the opening track here is one of their best songs Full Review »