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  1. May 2, 2016
    I myself was disappointed in this album, after how long it took and how disappointing his 2015 projects were, i was pretty damn let down by this album, views from the 6? more like views from the 6/20
  2. May 2, 2016
    Classic drake album that proves why he is still at the top of the rap game. There was so much hype and pressure on this album and he still delivered a solid album that would've received better reviews if there wasn't so much anticipation, like how he did with IYRTITL.
  3. May 2, 2016
    what was he thinking? bland, repetitive, lifeless, devoid of energy or creativity. just heavily pop or dancehall influenced tracks with **** forgettable bars and a near-complete lack of impressive moments that used to fill drake albums. its a typical drake album without the typical drake quality. trash.
  4. May 2, 2016
    great music fantastic flow. Drake delivered as promised. People only hate it cause he doesn't rap on half his songs but thats not who he is. He is more than just rap but still has great bars
  5. May 2, 2016
    Views is in fact pretty much all hype and no substance. The production is nice but even that isn't outstanding, just a revisit of earlier modes and styles of sound. Very disappointing and lazy album.
  6. May 2, 2016
    Drake realemnte can do albums !
    It is incredible , from the composition of melody and finishing . Drake knew how to make a simple and strong and impactful lyrics album.
    Maybe there was a little overstaffed content that do not particularly find interesting in one.
    But that does not take away Merio this excellent work
  7. May 2, 2016
    Drake is not progressing as an artist. He used up all his tracks on "In case you're reading this its too late". I don't believe he knew how commercially successfully that mixtape would be. I believe that is a genuinely talented - as evident by his acting and previous classic albums. This album is by no means great. It's dull and lacks any theme. 20 tracks is outrageous especiallyDrake is not progressing as an artist. He used up all his tracks on "In case you're reading this its too late". I don't believe he knew how commercially successfully that mixtape would be. I believe that is a genuinely talented - as evident by his acting and previous classic albums. This album is by no means great. It's dull and lacks any theme. 20 tracks is outrageous especially throwing in Hotline Bling is just bizarre. There are a few good tracks in this album, & proper use of samples. But as an album this isn't cohesive whatsoever. Expand
  8. May 2, 2016
    Show me someone who can make an album with songs like controlla, Hype, Keep the family close, and weston road flows, and still make it cohesive other than Drake. Drake shows here why he is a superior artist to his peers. He shows more versatility than in any other of his albums. The theme of Views is also very nice, going from winter to summer and then winter again. Everyone here thatShow me someone who can make an album with songs like controlla, Hype, Keep the family close, and weston road flows, and still make it cohesive other than Drake. Drake shows here why he is a superior artist to his peers. He shows more versatility than in any other of his albums. The theme of Views is also very nice, going from winter to summer and then winter again. Everyone here that gives the album less than a 6 is a Drake hater, and doesn't enjoy his music, so they came here to hate. Expand
  9. May 2, 2016
    Drake ain't developing. Always the same...Less crying & singing, more rapping please. Album is wack. I'm giving 2 coz "9" and "Hype" were good. The rest is trash.
  10. May 2, 2016
    Views came hyped with shoes too big to fill, The album is very cohesive and the song trasitions are the strongest of any of drake's albums. although the general idea of the album has been used before in lupe fiasco's tetsuo & youth of the changing of seasons winter to summer etc. drake tries exploring different sounds and ideas throughout the album (keep the family close) yet also plays itViews came hyped with shoes too big to fill, The album is very cohesive and the song trasitions are the strongest of any of drake's albums. although the general idea of the album has been used before in lupe fiasco's tetsuo & youth of the changing of seasons winter to summer etc. drake tries exploring different sounds and ideas throughout the album (keep the family close) yet also plays it safe with songs that sound like they are off prior releases with a new touch. Production on the album is the strongest highlight and really shows "40's" talent. I felt as if the album sounded a little too cold during the "winter" and summer didnt last long enough with people wanting to hear a couple more upbeat tracks with drake really showing his mc skills and less slowjam r&b singing. It gets a little boring at points and runs a little long but also shows a fun bounce needed at crucial times in the album (childs play). My overall opinion, Dont get your own upon first listen, this album seems deeper than what is on top and can peel layers to appreciate whats under with each listen. Highlights: weston road flows, childs play, fire & desire, & views Expand
  11. May 2, 2016
    Okay so first of all, i dont really see where all the hate is coming from. It just doesnt make any sense in my eyes to hate on this album like some people on here do. One of those people is the user "SXN80" - i love the nickname, he really made sure nobody would realize he's a kendrick stan and just here to hate on the AOTY - he goes on a rant and rates 3 out of 10. WOW, nobody can lookOkay so first of all, i dont really see where all the hate is coming from. It just doesnt make any sense in my eyes to hate on this album like some people on here do. One of those people is the user "SXN80" - i love the nickname, he really made sure nobody would realize he's a kendrick stan and just here to hate on the AOTY - he goes on a rant and rates 3 out of 10. WOW, nobody can look 100% objectively at things but 3/10? Come on man!

    Ok so the album starts with the song "Keep The Family Close" - one of drakes best intros for sure - which gives the album directly from the start some kind of movie feeling. I personally think the Song sounds like some kind of James Bond theme song. Love it!
    The next song is "9". At first i really thought this song was lame and mediocre, but after a few listens it grew on me pretty much. But to me this is probably still one of the weaker songs on the album. But this song just shows again perfectly how you have to let the album sink in before writing a negative review on metacritic.
    The next few songs are really really great.
    "U with me?" Is probably together with "Weston Road Flows" my favorite song on the whole thing. Great atmosphere + nice beat switch up = great song! Nothing more to say.
    "Feel No Ways", man the production on this one... damn! Again one of the better songs on "VIEWS".
    "Hype" is a great party tune. After my first listen i knew pretty soon that this is going to be one of my favs.
    "Weston Road Flows". Like i said probably ties with "U WIth Me?" for me, but those tunes are exactly my type of song.
    "Redemption" got that late night vibe to it, really like it.
    "With you" is one of the few songs i just cant stand on this one. I dont know but this sounds to dumb and chart orientated in my opinion.
    "Faithful" is take care era drakes return! I already got one girl i connect to this song lmao.
    "Still Here" again a more hyped track. Sounds nice!
    "Controlla"! Ok so this one is going to be a chartbreaker for sure! Its probably one of the greatest summer themed songs i've ever listened to! Wow!
    "One Dance" We already know this one, not really my type of song but still pretty cachy!
    "Grammys" is a great turn up song, but man futures part couldve been better, still a great song though.
    "Childs Play" is the second song for me on this album that just wont grow on me. Dont like this song, sounds exactly like "With you" too childish. lmao the irony on this one.
    "Pop Style" is - like one dance - one of the songs we already knew, and honestly i dont get why so much hate is concentrated on this song! I love it, especially the part "I cannot be gotten thats a given", hypes me up every time.
    "Too Good" is one of those soon to be chart breakers on "VIEWS". Very catchy and overall a great song with a beautiful feature.
    The interlude after this fits quite nice and sounds great aswell.
    "Fire & Desire" - this song is perfect for you when you're in a relationship!
    "Views" - a great outro for a great album!

    Overall i'd give it a 9/10 but since the user score is like 6.5 thanks to **** like "SXN80" i gotta rate it 10/10.
  12. May 1, 2016
    Drake's best work. His most textured, most ambitious, most mature release yet. If you don't get it, try listening to it more than once. Your one-listen reviews are destroying hip hop. 10/10 release, and the best rap album of the year so far.
  13. May 1, 2016
    SectionEighty is host to a Drake fan section where VIEWS has been receiving mixed reviews. Fans of Drake seem happy to enjoy the project by abandoning critical opinion altogether, rarely engaging in substantive discussion. Most neutral users, myself included, feel Drake has back pedaled creatively into the Take Care/So Far Gone era and crafted perhaps his most difficult album to sitSectionEighty is host to a Drake fan section where VIEWS has been receiving mixed reviews. Fans of Drake seem happy to enjoy the project by abandoning critical opinion altogether, rarely engaging in substantive discussion. Most neutral users, myself included, feel Drake has back pedaled creatively into the Take Care/So Far Gone era and crafted perhaps his most difficult album to sit through yet. It would seem that If You're Reading This It's Too Late sapped Champagne Papi of any of his lighter, catchier anthems and VIEWS has been reserved for his limited vocal stylings and faux-emotional pulp. Better luck next time. Expand
  14. May 1, 2016
    Great album. Shows a very diverse side to drakes vocal talent and overall production on the album is stellar. Perhaps not the album we will acknowledge as great right away, but certainly an album worth giving a few listens to before making a final verdict. I listened initially and didn't feel it at all. Listened two more times and now I can't stop. This is a strong piece of work by Drake,Great album. Shows a very diverse side to drakes vocal talent and overall production on the album is stellar. Perhaps not the album we will acknowledge as great right away, but certainly an album worth giving a few listens to before making a final verdict. I listened initially and didn't feel it at all. Listened two more times and now I can't stop. This is a strong piece of work by Drake, at his most vulnerable and talented I think. Expand
  15. May 1, 2016
    I think the album is the best we can get this year. It's not already a classic as Drake said on the album, but It's a very good album. He made song with reggae and dancehall elements and songs with R&B and Hip-hop lyrics, but he didn't focus the album on Rap songs and bangers, and this was what I wanted. He made good songs with other styles but he forgot the Rap songs, and It's theI think the album is the best we can get this year. It's not already a classic as Drake said on the album, but It's a very good album. He made song with reggae and dancehall elements and songs with R&B and Hip-hop lyrics, but he didn't focus the album on Rap songs and bangers, and this was what I wanted. He made good songs with other styles but he forgot the Rap songs, and It's the negative point in "VIEWS". "9", "Faithful", "U With Me?" and "Childs Play" are the best songs on the album. It's a better album when you listen more than one time, on the first listen, It's like 5/10 or 6/10 but the album is really good with sometime. Jay Z said that a album isn't a classic in a recent period but when over the years, the music still good, and I think "VIEWS" is gonna be this type of project. Expand
  16. May 1, 2016
    Basically, if you're into Drake's current sound, you'll really like this album. If you're expecting something different or new, you won't like it as much.
  17. May 1, 2016
    Found it weak, basic, repetitive in its beat. Seems like he has been doing the same thing for all his albums, time to change it up. I was expecting something more sense it has been four albums since his best album, "Take Care."
  18. May 1, 2016
    Simply put, this doesn't feel like it's by the same Drake and 40 who brought us Take Care and Nothing Was The Same, two albums that are classics.

    I mean, has anybody else heard the songs "Days In The East", "Views From The 6" (that one leaked song), or "Can I"?! Those songs sounded darker and edgier than everything else Drake has done, and I expected to hear a darker, edgier follow-up
    Simply put, this doesn't feel like it's by the same Drake and 40 who brought us Take Care and Nothing Was The Same, two albums that are classics.

    I mean, has anybody else heard the songs "Days In The East", "Views From The 6" (that one leaked song), or "Can I"?! Those songs sounded darker and edgier than everything else Drake has done, and I expected to hear a darker, edgier follow-up to Nothing Was The Same. Instead, there's a bunch of cliche Drake songs and re-hashings of his previous sounds. There are some dope tracks, but it's disappointing to see Drake and 40 not challenge themselves. Drake even mentioned that he made most of the album last winter, which doesn't make sense to me because he's been "working" on the album for 2 years now; doesn't he have ANYTHING to show for it besides this?

    Plus, why did Drake feel the need to do dancehall songs on one of his solo albums? It comes across as uninspired. If you're going to pull a Kendrick Lamar and get into another genre, you have to do it right. Drake clearly just wants to sell a lot of albums and get more fans than what he has. I really hope he redeems himself and saves his legacy on his next album.
  19. May 1, 2016
    lame trap beats with uninspired production and average lyrics. Drake's VIEWS are limited and show his one dimensionality as a rapper and failure to branch out from his traditional style and make his work more interesting
  20. May 1, 2016
    Lazy album which lacks his once creative touch. I feel like the album is too consumed into creating memorable lyrics that it forgets about memorable music. I would not adivse to purchase or even stream - I'm sure (hope) the hype for the album will simmer down and Drake gets back to his old style.
  21. May 1, 2016
    Another album of typical Drake fare. This album should be enough to reveal that Drake is a one-trick pony, incapable of any real emotional introspection, but as long as he maintains the hype we can expect 4 more albums of the same in the future. The album's only saving grace is the production, a recurring theme in modern mainstream Hip-Hop (have you heard The Life of Pablo?). For all hisAnother album of typical Drake fare. This album should be enough to reveal that Drake is a one-trick pony, incapable of any real emotional introspection, but as long as he maintains the hype we can expect 4 more albums of the same in the future. The album's only saving grace is the production, a recurring theme in modern mainstream Hip-Hop (have you heard The Life of Pablo?). For all his talk of growth and vocal prowess, there is little of both here. Not a bad album, but certainly not one with any real replay value. Expand
  22. May 1, 2016
    Ok so first let me just say I hate drake. And not a fan. But this album makes me change my mind about all my hate I have about drake because these powerful lyrics actully makes sense and gets you into the beat of all the songs. These songs touched my emotions and now I feel bad a bout hating on drake 9/10 only problem is hotline bling and summer intorlude
  23. May 1, 2016
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. SOLID album, not perfect, but definitely a culmination of all of his previous work, just refined. Slightly agree that he played it a bit too safe, especially in his verses. Doesn't have a lot of punch lines that will stick with you like some of his previous work in IYRTITL and Nothing Was The Same, but the distinctiveness of each song and mixing is definitely there. Listen to this album in order from the first track with headphones on, the same way you listened to Nothing Was The Same, or other introspective albums. I read somewhere that this is more of a 3am after the club album than a 12am club banger album and that is totally fine. The big hits are Pop Style, One Dance, Hype, Too Good, and Still Here, while others really really grew on me like Redemption, Fire & Desire. He has a lot of different sounds in this album but they all fit TORONTO, which is something people do not understand. The diversity, the energy and the seasonal variation is felt throughout the album. Songs like Feel No Ways, Keep the Family Close, and Views are examples of this. One major criticism I have is for an album titled VIEWS (previously from the 6), I felt like his songwriting was really lacking. He had lots of chances from tracks like Keep the Family Close, U With Me?, Weston Road Flows, and Views to really tell his story, but they were dragged down by repetition about ex-girlfriends and the life of a rapper. I missed the well written verses from tracks like Too Much, Know Yourself, etc. from his previous work. Overall, FAR FROM a bad album. Don't listen to the haters, give this one a chance, let it grow on you and just enjoy the vibes. 2nd best Drake album after Nothing Was The Same. Expand
  24. May 1, 2016
    At first the album seemed some what lackluster but like a lot of hip hop albums it grows on you. There are no songs on here I would skip after giving it a couple listens its really grown on me and I have enjoyed it more than any album I have listened to in a while. Certainly met the hype in my opinion.
  25. May 1, 2016
    This is the Take Care Drake we've wanted back for so long. 40 & Drake do their thing like only they can do. Fans of Trapper Drake should continue listening to If You're Reading This. Real fans of Drake since SFG will love it.
  26. May 1, 2016
    Dull, Tedious, Boring, Monotonous, Repetitious, Uneventful

    This album us a tiresome journey that you can't wait to be over even before it really starts.
  27. May 1, 2016
    Nice album with more lyrical songs. I think One Dance and Keep The Family Close are best song of the album. There is no new sound in the album but this latest effort of him is great!
  28. May 1, 2016
    Good album. Good melodies. Good production. The lyrics are almost the same but a little better than Nothing was the same. He's versatile musician.
  29. Apr 30, 2016
    Très bon album, le flow est maîtrisé, les feat. sont en parfaite harmonie avec Drake. Avec If You're Reading This It's Too Late, Drake avait placé la barre assez haute. Et pourtant, il arrive à la surpasser avec cet opus. On pouvait penser que l'album serait plus orienté pop avec les énormes tubes Hotline Bling & One Dance et pourtant se sont les rares pistes pop de Views. Well done Drizzy!
  30. Apr 30, 2016
    Listening to 'Views' was entirely frustrating. It's clunky, bloated, irritating and occasionally downright boring. But with that said, there is some interesting material rammed into this 20 track offering.

    On this release, Drake tosses everything he's ever done to rap out the window to focus on R&B and dancehall, which are seen as primary influences in the middle of the record
    Listening to 'Views' was entirely frustrating. It's clunky, bloated, irritating and occasionally downright boring. But with that said, there is some interesting material rammed into this 20 track offering.

    On this release, Drake tosses everything he's ever done to rap out the window to focus on R&B and dancehall, which are seen as primary influences in the middle of the record ("Controlla", "One Dance"). On tracks that do contain rap, the bars seem tired and lacking passion compared to his older LPs. Still, there is a bit of grit on standout tracks "Still Here" and "U With Me?". This back and forth between genres, though seemingly unfocused, somewhat aligns with Drake's goal of creating a record that starts in winter, cycles through summer and returns to winter.

    The record has a story and interesting tones as well as several excellent tracks but overall it seems too packed and way overhyped. 20 tracks doesn't seem necessary. At least 7 weren't needed at all and others could've been shortened or condensed into other songs.

    Overall, nearly 90% of everything on Views was a risk and maybe 50% of that risky material paid off. The other stuff? Kind of forgettable. Stick with 'Take Care' and 'Nothing Was the Same' and come back to 'Views' when you're finally tired of them.

    And I'm still mad "Controlla' was ruined. Popcaan >>

Generally favorable reviews - based on 31 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 17 out of 31
  2. Negative: 0 out of 31
  1. Mojo
    Jun 28, 2016
    Drake's genuinely fleet-footed flows and sly humour prevent his pained introspection descending into a cheesy whine fest. [Aug 2016, p.95]
  2. Q Magazine
    May 31, 2016
    The middle section boast a tougher, truculent edge reminiscent of last year's mixtape If You're Reading This It's Too Late. But it's during the final sequence that everything clicks. [#361, p.114]
  3. May 10, 2016
    Eventually, people will get tired of the same old song if it's sung too often. On Views, Drake is starting to sound a little weary of it himself.