
Generally favorable reviews - based on 31 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 17 out of 31
  2. Negative: 0 out of 31
  1. May 6, 2016
    Despite some intriguing musical excursions though Views is very much the Drake record in excelsis. It’s staggeringly long at 20 tracks and 80+ minutes, and is a grind for even the most ardent fan to get through.
  2. 60
    Views, like Take Care and Nothing Was the Same before it, is brilliant in places and thoroughly bloated in others.
  3. May 5, 2016
    Drake is far too talented to turn in an album of dregs, and a lot of the content featured of Views is of the same breed of quality we would expect, like the instantly contagious 'Grammys', featuring Future. But for him to be so often contented with merely satisfactory results is somehow much more disappointing than a total failure.
  4. May 5, 2016
    It’s a disappointment for an artist who’s managed to get better and better with every subsequent release up until this point.
  5. May 4, 2016
    Views packs much less of a political punch than Bey’s must-hear epic, and at 20 tracks, Aubrey for the most part provides a rather overweight and lethargic waltz through his musical comfort zone.
  6. May 3, 2016
    Drake's Views is him lying on a therapist's couch whining for large chunks of time and the album drags as a result. Yet, if you took the best dozen tracks, you'd have a perfectly enjoyable, listenable LP.
  7. May 3, 2016
    Yes, at times it does drag a little and--though clever and often charming--the content isn’t particularly inspiring.
  8. Apr 29, 2016
    Views genuinely makes for mesmerising listening, even if much of the album seems to consists of lazy meanders through Drake's psyche.
  9. 58
    Yes, Views is both overlong and underwhelming. But there’s a glimmer of something more poignant beneath its bloated surface.
  10. May 6, 2016
    Drake feeds his own ego and starves his humility. There are engaging moments scattered throughout, such as the subtle outro to “9” or dvsn’s stellar turn on “Faithful,” but from the content to the execution, Views is strangled by the 6ix God’s own delusions.
  11. May 10, 2016
    Eventually, people will get tired of the same old song if it's sung too often. On Views, Drake is starting to sound a little weary of it himself.
  12. May 3, 2016
    A casual, only slightly-different-than-usual release smothered in atmosphere with one solid R&B song (that’s reportedly been kicking around in a vault for a while) left stranded in the album’s penultimate slot.
  13. May 2, 2016
    Views is ostensibly set in Drake's hometown of Toronto, but most of it sounds like it's being narrated from a shuttered room at 3 in the morning. The moodiness seeps into a weary, bleary series of recriminations tinged with bitterness and petulance.
  14. 40
    It’s not completely without merit--some of the backing tracks have a mesmerisingly entropic grip, as well they might, with 14 writer/producers involved in a single track--but the overall effect is utterly wearying, and unpersuasive: after all, only fools waste pity on the wealthy.
User Score

Mixed or average reviews- based on 977 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Apr 29, 2016
    Coming from a big Drake fan, I loved the album. His singing and vocals have improved a lot, I think that Drake and 40 made a great work here.Coming from a big Drake fan, I loved the album. His singing and vocals have improved a lot, I think that Drake and 40 made a great work here. As for the part that everyone was expecting a rap album, Drake has said several times that even though he is a rapper, and has been know for his rap skills, he likes and enjoys singing. Good to know that the 2-year wait is finally over and I'm able to have this album on repeat. :) Full Review »
  2. Apr 29, 2016
    A very mediocre effort, something everyone should be used to from drake. album is bloated and lacks cohesion. a lot of cringe worthy bars andA very mediocre effort, something everyone should be used to from drake. album is bloated and lacks cohesion. a lot of cringe worthy bars and weak flows. being unchallenged as the biggest name in rap really hasn't helped him Full Review »
  3. Apr 29, 2016
    I was very disappointed i expected so much more, Drake barley raps on this. The sound is all over the place one second its rap ,than r n b,I was very disappointed i expected so much more, Drake barley raps on this. The sound is all over the place one second its rap ,than r n b, then reggie it just comes of as unfinished. Additionally this has the most mediocre tracks out of any drake project Full Review »