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  1. Apr 16, 2022
    It's a poor album with poor messages and poor influence but it does have some charm with its whimsical and wistful tune and winter like approach. It's a nice vibe and just a chill album. A bit stupid I think I lose brain cells listening to Drake and yeah.
  2. Nov 25, 2019
    The instrumentals are boring the flows are minimalistic and not in a good way its way too long for its own good and the songwriting is downright cringy
  3. Nov 30, 2017
    Utter trash and generic trap music. Nothing innovative or memorable unlike his first mixtapes. Do not recommend to anyone. A few melodies they are bearable but for the most part this is un-listenable.
  4. Apr 13, 2017
    What went wrong? After a string of great albums, we get this. After a promising opening track, the album slowly falls in quality. And BOY DOES IT FALL HARD. The production is lazy at best, Drake's singing is lifeless at times, the features are just there, and some of the worst bars of his career are in this record. However, what really kills this album are the dancehall tracks. YouWhat went wrong? After a string of great albums, we get this. After a promising opening track, the album slowly falls in quality. And BOY DOES IT FALL HARD. The production is lazy at best, Drake's singing is lifeless at times, the features are just there, and some of the worst bars of his career are in this record. However, what really kills this album are the dancehall tracks. You probably already have heard them, but they are so insufferable that it makes me question, "why do I even bother?" Overall, shameless attempt at selling out, I expected better from this guy. Expand
  5. Feb 16, 2017
    After all the hype, I was extremely disappointed by this. In Views, Drake sticks to his classic formula instead of trying anything new. The album is also about 20 minutes too long. Comes off as really bland compared to other albums released in 2016 like Coloring Book and The Life of Pablo
  6. Jan 29, 2017
    Drake has to be one of the most overrated rappers of all time. While he occasionally pumps out good singles, his albums to date have been terribly tragic. 'One Dance' is possibly the ONLY standout track on his LP
  7. Nov 7, 2016
    I was a huge Drake fan before VIEWS and thoroughly believed that VIEWS would be Drake's magnum opus. However, I was instantly disgusted by the mediocrity that is VIEWS. There are literally no memorable songs besides Controlla. The fact that Drake has sold so many copies is disgusting because this record is one of the worst projects he has ever put out. I cannot listen to the whole albumI was a huge Drake fan before VIEWS and thoroughly believed that VIEWS would be Drake's magnum opus. However, I was instantly disgusted by the mediocrity that is VIEWS. There are literally no memorable songs besides Controlla. The fact that Drake has sold so many copies is disgusting because this record is one of the worst projects he has ever put out. I cannot listen to the whole album because it is so dull and monotonous. Lyrically there are no meaningful songs, only songs that resemble past Drake songs. The bright spot of the album is PARTYNEXTDOOR's feature. Expand
  8. Oct 16, 2016
    Boring, repetitive, droll, annoying, with a few good highlights that are ruined by the rest of the album. Drake shows himself off as another artist who cares little about art, and more about consolidating his own reputation as a boring, whiny rapper who cannot get a woman. He bores his way throughout the album, singing more than he does rapping, and he can't even sing live so already theBoring, repetitive, droll, annoying, with a few good highlights that are ruined by the rest of the album. Drake shows himself off as another artist who cares little about art, and more about consolidating his own reputation as a boring, whiny rapper who cannot get a woman. He bores his way throughout the album, singing more than he does rapping, and he can't even sing live so already the futility of this project is brought forward.

    I wouldn't pay full price for this album. Buy the good songs for 99p / $1.29 and spare yourself a boring journey.
  9. Aug 30, 2016
    lixo total amore, uma merda, apaga esse caralho, album ruim da porra. Ngm merece esse rap meia boca, se e que da p chamar de rap. Embuste do rap eu te odeio
  10. Aug 24, 2016
    Overrated garbage. The fact that this did so well on the charts shouldn't be a surprise, it's just depressing. Awful songwriting, some very irritating beats and passable singing, the album just comes off as tedious. Its length suggests something epic when it is the exact opposite. Never was a Drake fan and this album isn't helping.
  11. Aug 19, 2016
    Drake shouldn't sing. He is not a vocalist that should be taking space of others. Now this guy has completely messed up the billboards with the streaming. So he didn't release any music video of his singles, and he collapsed Spotify because people find his music to be so "cool". His #1 weeks on Billboard 200 were basically built up of 80% streaming, it's outrageous. And mostly all comeDrake shouldn't sing. He is not a vocalist that should be taking space of others. Now this guy has completely messed up the billboards with the streaming. So he didn't release any music video of his singles, and he collapsed Spotify because people find his music to be so "cool". His #1 weeks on Billboard 200 were basically built up of 80% streaming, it's outrageous. And mostly all come from "One Dance", while it's his most appealing song it definitely was blown out of proportion. While he doesn't rap anything in his singles, it's not the album's fault but basically all have said it, you will still not enjoy listening to the rest of the album. So people please realize now, this music is not "cool". Expand
  12. Aug 8, 2016
    Coming from a former drake fan, I expected a cinematic or a concept album, something in the lines of GKMC, or Under Pressure or more of the epicness that was promised that Back To Back and IYRTITL had at the least, the intro and tracks 1-6 gives the impression that it would give a recurring theme or narrative, that's when Redemption comes in and messes up the cohesiveness of the album,Coming from a former drake fan, I expected a cinematic or a concept album, something in the lines of GKMC, or Under Pressure or more of the epicness that was promised that Back To Back and IYRTITL had at the least, the intro and tracks 1-6 gives the impression that it would give a recurring theme or narrative, that's when Redemption comes in and messes up the cohesiveness of the album, Very lackluster and a very over hyped letdown... I feel that Drake sold out with this album and he only revamped the album for it's commercial value and monetary gain not only for himself, but for Birdman, Lil Wayne and His Labels and People on his payroll, I feel that before Meek exposed him, he was working on a completely different version and that is the version that we want to hear.... The dancehall and pop influence seems out of place in this album, I feel like he should've filled VIEWS with personal and real life songs talking about growing up and the struggles of living in Toronto and Memphis along with the singles and that would've been a perfect album with a lot of replay value. Joe Budden had a point, he sounds uninspired. To wrap this up, the album was boring, no memorable songs, no Replay Value, I cannot believe people are still buying this, that it's selling a lot of records and staying #1 for 12-13 weeks on Billboard

    VIEWS title track, Feel No Ways and Controlla were the only good songs on this album

    It's too long for an album and his newfound arrogance is starting to reflect in his music and that will be his downfall

    The 6 God has lost a fan....

  13. Jun 20, 2016
    what was he thinking? bland, repetitive, lifeless, devoid of energy or creativity. just heavily pop or dancehall influenced tracks with **** forgettable bars and a near-complete lack of impressive moments that used to fill drake albums. its a typical drake album without the typical drake quality. trash.
  14. May 18, 2016
    Drake's supposed magnum opus finds itself falling far below expectations. The biggest issue with this album has to be the lyrics, which are mediocre at best and cringe-worthy at worst. Lines such as "I got so many chains they call me Chaining Tatum" are so bad that I can't even muster up the desire to listen to the songs they belong to. You could have a VIEWS drinking game; whenever DrakeDrake's supposed magnum opus finds itself falling far below expectations. The biggest issue with this album has to be the lyrics, which are mediocre at best and cringe-worthy at worst. Lines such as "I got so many chains they call me Chaining Tatum" are so bad that I can't even muster up the desire to listen to the songs they belong to. You could have a VIEWS drinking game; whenever Drake rhymes a word with itself, take a shot - I guarantee you'll be unconscious by the 5th track. Although Drake makes up for this somewhat by surrounding his music in a few decent beats and singing, he's not s strong enough a singer to carry him as much as he relies on it to. The end of "U got me?" was a revealing point of this album, as Drake shows more emotion and ambition than the entire rest of the album combined. Despite being a mighty 20 tracks long, VIEWS comes off as lazy and unambitious, content to stick to safer sounds and overdone subject matter. Overall, there are a few nice sounding hooks and beats on this thing, but the horrible emceeing from Drake and total lack of vision and ambition on this album makes it very skippable. Expand
  15. May 14, 2016
    I have seen other people in this review section mention how "Drake has out-Draked Drake". Frankly I could not agree more. The album is characterised by slow, monotonous rolling production by '40', with Drake largely singing tunefully over the beat. While 'Take Care' consolidated Drake's position in the rap game after a couple of mediocre albums, 'Views' has taken it all the way back again,I have seen other people in this review section mention how "Drake has out-Draked Drake". Frankly I could not agree more. The album is characterised by slow, monotonous rolling production by '40', with Drake largely singing tunefully over the beat. While 'Take Care' consolidated Drake's position in the rap game after a couple of mediocre albums, 'Views' has taken it all the way back again, to this former position. Drake's music has become dull. He talks primarily about his former relationships throughout the album, with many songs being indistinguishable when placed on paper, simply due to the common subject matter. Undoubtedly, Drake is a good musician. 'Take Care', along with works such as 'If You Are Reading This Its Too Late' and 'What A Time To Be Alive' were excellent, with various tracks on all three albums contributing to Drake's current position in the 'rap game'. Nevertheless, 'Views' fell short of expectations greatly. Lyrically it was poor, while production was average but uninteresting. It is truly dumbed down, uncreative 'rap'. Expand
  16. May 10, 2016
    Drake is an artist that has garnered too much respect for not a lot of great work. He's produced a few great hits that do reserve their own catchy atmosphere, but for the majority of his work, Drake is just... bland. It took him two years to release this album (although, he had essentially two albums leading up to it), and the twenty-track piece possesses nothing new. Drake shamelesslyDrake is an artist that has garnered too much respect for not a lot of great work. He's produced a few great hits that do reserve their own catchy atmosphere, but for the majority of his work, Drake is just... bland. It took him two years to release this album (although, he had essentially two albums leading up to it), and the twenty-track piece possesses nothing new. Drake shamelessly rehashed everything that goes into a classic Drake album - empty backing tracks, slow tempos... nowhere near worth the hype. A few hits do not make an album (and the hits were noticeably lack luster compared to previous ones, like Energy). Expand
  17. May 9, 2016
    the problems this album has are obvious. one the production is lazy and not very catchy. two the subject matter sounds like his past albums. seems he took his past works, while making new songs and stuck them together. the lyrics on here sound uninspired, and repetitive. like many other big names drake seems to be letting his passion for music go due to his success with fame. a very poorthe problems this album has are obvious. one the production is lazy and not very catchy. two the subject matter sounds like his past albums. seems he took his past works, while making new songs and stuck them together. the lyrics on here sound uninspired, and repetitive. like many other big names drake seems to be letting his passion for music go due to his success with fame. a very poor album hes made. disappointing. Expand
  18. May 6, 2016
    I'm not sure anymore if Drake truly understands what made him famous. He seems to release his raps on mix tapes and his "singing" on his full albums. Unfortunately, his "singing" only works when the songs are well written. These are not. The beats are slow. The lyrics lack significantly, and I found myself nearly skipping every single song after listening through it a few times. TheI'm not sure anymore if Drake truly understands what made him famous. He seems to release his raps on mix tapes and his "singing" on his full albums. Unfortunately, his "singing" only works when the songs are well written. These are not. The beats are slow. The lyrics lack significantly, and I found myself nearly skipping every single song after listening through it a few times. The only songs worth listening to are the ones that have already been released as singles. To have hyped this for so long and for it to be this bad is mind boggling to me. If anything, I always appreciated Drake because I felt like in the studio, if things didn't sound right, he'd wouldn't settle until it was perfect. Now, all I hear is hurried, lazy and uninspired songs... which is strange for an album he was apparently working on for the last year or more. Expand
  19. May 5, 2016
    Om really not impressed with this album. There are a few good tracks but with poorly written bars. I wish that there would've been less Caribbean flavoured songs, because it all just sound redundant. And finally, the most important thing that was lacking in this album is GROWTH. He seemed to have forgot that, which is why I gave him the score of 3
  20. May 5, 2016
    Worst album. Wasted my time listening to this! This is the rather disappointing. Was actually listening to take care you can tell the difference.i believe meek Mill's claims drake doesn't and can't write on his own .stuff !
  21. May 3, 2016
    Complete utter trash....I was expecting so much more and fell asleep on the first listen, no lie. This was suppose to be a classic but it was a disappointed.
  22. May 3, 2016
    A complete misfire worth of "Tha Carter IV" and, even worse, "LASERS" status. The lack of preparation and focus is evident on this project, proving it the black sheep in a great catalog.
  23. May 2, 2016
    Drake. The man who somehow became the biggest name in Rap without actually rapping. Views comes just a few short years after his last solo album "Nothing Was The Same". In the meantime Drake released a solo mixtape "If You're Reading This, It's Too Late" which was solid, but nothing game changing. Then his mixtape with Future that spawned the single "Jumpman" where Drake just Drakes allDrake. The man who somehow became the biggest name in Rap without actually rapping. Views comes just a few short years after his last solo album "Nothing Was The Same". In the meantime Drake released a solo mixtape "If You're Reading This, It's Too Late" which was solid, but nothing game changing. Then his mixtape with Future that spawned the single "Jumpman" where Drake just Drakes all over Future beats while Future was just there for the ride. Then during all that he won a very lob-sided feud over Meek Mill. Though Mill had a better position on the issue, Drake slaughtered him with a series of pretty mediocre diss tracks.
    It's been a solid five years since Drake has release a great album. His 2011 album "Take Care" was nothing short of phenomenal. With a few duds at the end, it wasn't a classic, but it does have a big handful of the best tracks Drake has ever had anything to do with. Views is basically tracks 12-18 on Take Care but less interesting. It's slow, uninspired, lazy lyrics and nothing that tells you to stick around.
    Drake completely out-draked Drake in the most Drake way possible in Views. At twenty tracks long we hear some tracks that could have been enjoyable had the beats been a little bit more pronounced and in your face, but they all seem extremely watered down. To make matters worse Drake took out the features from Poppocan, Kanye West and Jay Z. Drake just Drakes all over every single track and even when there is a guest feature, Drake shows up and Drakes over their part. It's almost as if he just can't handle not having complete control over this album. What's sad is that the guest features on this album are the parts that give this album life, but they're so few and far between the album just seems dead in between.
    Lyrically the album is so Drake that it hurts. It's so uninspired, and it spawns some of the weakest lines ever put into a rap song. "Like when Crystler made that one car that looked just like the bently." What in the? It's like Drake can't have enough Drake so he's having conversations with himself in the music. It's painful to say the least.
    Ultimately this Drake is so Drake that not even Drake can Drake enough. So Drake just Drakes all over this Drake and Drake just Drakes Drake Drake. Drake.
    This Drake Gets Three Drakes out of Ten Drakes.
  24. May 2, 2016
    **** just utterly **** struggle bars for days, no flow, singing bull**** about relationships and love, no rapping, no talent for lyrical rapping content, only has **** for 14 year old white boys who wanna look cool by listening to good, popular rap, i was impressed and actually enjoyed the mixapes
  25. May 2, 2016
    Now I enjoyed drake's earlier stuff including his earlier albums from the early 2010's, but this new album has got to be the worst albums drake has ever made, but more painfully it is also one of the worst albums of 2016, drake looks like he so lost in this it's hopeless, none of these songs are interesting except 2, the lyrics look more pathetic than ever, the beats are stupid and drakeNow I enjoyed drake's earlier stuff including his earlier albums from the early 2010's, but this new album has got to be the worst albums drake has ever made, but more painfully it is also one of the worst albums of 2016, drake looks like he so lost in this it's hopeless, none of these songs are interesting except 2, the lyrics look more pathetic than ever, the beats are stupid and drake is just plain tired, this is a haplessly and hopeless piece of material that I think should be the beginning of the end of drake, a real big letdown, I gave it a d. Expand
  26. May 2, 2016
    I myself was disappointed in this album, after how long it took and how disappointing his 2015 projects were, i was pretty damn let down by this album, views from the 6? more like views from the 6/20
  27. May 2, 2016
    what was he thinking? bland, repetitive, lifeless, devoid of energy or creativity. just heavily pop or dancehall influenced tracks with **** forgettable bars and a near-complete lack of impressive moments that used to fill drake albums. its a typical drake album without the typical drake quality. trash.
  28. May 2, 2016
    Views is in fact pretty much all hype and no substance. The production is nice but even that isn't outstanding, just a revisit of earlier modes and styles of sound. Very disappointing and lazy album.
  29. May 2, 2016
    Drake ain't developing. Always the same...Less crying & singing, more rapping please. Album is wack. I'm giving 2 coz "9" and "Hype" were good. The rest is trash.
  30. May 1, 2016
    SectionEighty is host to a Drake fan section where VIEWS has been receiving mixed reviews. Fans of Drake seem happy to enjoy the project by abandoning critical opinion altogether, rarely engaging in substantive discussion. Most neutral users, myself included, feel Drake has back pedaled creatively into the Take Care/So Far Gone era and crafted perhaps his most difficult album to sitSectionEighty is host to a Drake fan section where VIEWS has been receiving mixed reviews. Fans of Drake seem happy to enjoy the project by abandoning critical opinion altogether, rarely engaging in substantive discussion. Most neutral users, myself included, feel Drake has back pedaled creatively into the Take Care/So Far Gone era and crafted perhaps his most difficult album to sit through yet. It would seem that If You're Reading This It's Too Late sapped Champagne Papi of any of his lighter, catchier anthems and VIEWS has been reserved for his limited vocal stylings and faux-emotional pulp. Better luck next time. Expand

Generally favorable reviews - based on 31 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 17 out of 31
  2. Negative: 0 out of 31
  1. Mojo
    Jun 28, 2016
    Drake's genuinely fleet-footed flows and sly humour prevent his pained introspection descending into a cheesy whine fest. [Aug 2016, p.95]
  2. Q Magazine
    May 31, 2016
    The middle section boast a tougher, truculent edge reminiscent of last year's mixtape If You're Reading This It's Too Late. But it's during the final sequence that everything clicks. [#361, p.114]
  3. May 10, 2016
    Eventually, people will get tired of the same old song if it's sung too often. On Views, Drake is starting to sound a little weary of it himself.