• Record Label: Atlantic
  • Release Date: May 7, 2021
User Score

Generally favorable reviews- based on 63 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Positive: 40 out of 63
  2. Negative: 5 out of 63
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  1. May 7, 2021
    OK Human was an amazing surprise from weezer, a fresh new direction. I Thought for a second tha they would forget about Van Weezer... Well, Rivers never give up, right? There are some cool powerful riffs here, but its a weak metal/hard rock album... Well, at least we had OK Human, Thank you Rivers.
  2. May 7, 2021
    Weezer is two for two this year! I found this record really fun and enjoyable. Would be awesome to see this played live.
  3. May 9, 2021
    Worst album I've heard in years. When you have to do a complete copy of several songs than you are out of creativity and need to retire. "Blue Dream" is the biggest embarrassment in the music industry ever with "All Summer Long" by Kid Rock being a close second.

Generally favorable reviews - based on 20 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 8 out of 20
  2. Negative: 1 out of 20
  1. Classic Rock Magazine
    Jun 22, 2021
    Van Weezer is a Lightweight guilty pleasure, but mostly delicious pleasure. [Summer 2021, p.80]
  2. May 18, 2021
    The whole thing mostly works, though, thanks to the generous application of a Blue Album power-pop filter. I Need Some of That channels The Cars (like much of Weezer’s finest work) and is the clear standout here, but there’s plenty more to raise a smile.
  3. May 17, 2021
    Van Weezer is in part saved to some degree by virtue of the fact Cuomo does still have a fine ear for a melody and an ability to craft whopping great choruses. The problem is he’s been ploughing the same musical furrow with increasingly diminishing returns for the best part of the last decade.