
Generally favorable reviews - based on 16 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 14 out of 16
  2. Negative: 1 out of 16
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  1. Oct 2, 2015
    Contagious and sarcastic, in-your-face and self-aware yet ultimately all about cutting loose, Wavves have offered up an album that proves themselves as leaders in the punk pack.
  2. Oct 1, 2015
    The results are unmistakable. Over V's 31 minutes, a listener could theoretically skip to any track and find themselves carelessly dancing into the void with the joyous, raucous tracks that Wavves has meticulously created.
  3. Oct 9, 2015
    Ultimately, there aren’t really any bad songs on this record, just songs that sound like something you may have heard Wavves or another band like them do before.
  4. Oct 2, 2015
    From “Heavy Metal Detox” on down Williams keeps V’s tracks compact and tight (none exceed three-and-a-half minutes in length). His wiggling, breezy guitar effects and vintage-pop woo-hoos coast beneath chugging rhythms from bassist Stevie Pope and drummer Brian Hill with such nonchalance that hooks occasionally scoot right by before you even realize your tapping your foot along with them.
  5. Mojo
    Oct 27, 2015
    This latest doesn't noticeably monkey with their formula, and with good reason. [Dec 2015, p.93]
  6. Magnet
    Oct 14, 2015
    Sure, it's steeped in familiarity, but it's also fun in the sun. [No. 125, p.60]
  7. 80
    Despite a short list of shortcomings, V is Wavves’ best album since King of the Beach, and continues the strong run of stoner punk that Williams has been on the past five years.
  8. Oct 2, 2015
    Not many bands are able to rekindle their fire when the flame goes out as drastically as in Wavves' case. V shows that they're one of the few to pull it off, and they even sound better than ever.
  9. Oct 1, 2015
    V is a self-assured record penned by a songwriter who’s anything but sure of himself, and that dynamic shines right through the curtain of fuzz.
  10. Oct 15, 2015
    The temptation to change hasn’t been enough to find a marked difference between V and the rest of Wavves’ catalog. Instead, like so many of the artists who find and stick to a personal aesthetic, few new fans will be gained, but even fewer will be lost.
  11. Oct 7, 2015
    Somehow Williams is at his most charged-up and urgent when he’s at his bleakest, though you’d be hard-pressed to remember song titles here.
  12. Oct 1, 2015
    Wavves' second major-label LP delivers bored-and-wasted bellyaching with glossy concision.
  13. 70
    The balance of good cheer and dark clouds is partly in the arrangements--V comprises exceedingly bright songs verging on true pop-punk. It’s probably the cleanest-sounding Wavves album to date.
  14. Oct 5, 2015
    V is a perfectly capable record, one that showcases what we’ve come to expect--and in many cases, enjoy--from Williams and his band. Even so, you wonder where else they might have gone.
  15. 60
    Long-time fans--particularly of King of the Beach--will find plenty to like here, but it’s difficult not to feel that Williams, by now, has scraped the bottom of the pop barrel; his future, as No Life for Me suggested, looks brighter when his stylistic eye wanders elsewhere.
  16. Nov 12, 2015
    There isn't anything specifically awful about any of the songs and you can imagine any one being played at a Californian stoners' beach party and no one minding. But if you put the entire album on, no one is coming to your next one.
User Score

Generally favorable reviews- based on 29 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Positive: 22 out of 29
  2. Negative: 3 out of 29
  1. Oct 7, 2015
    Absolutely phenomenal album by Wavves. Nathan and the band really step up in terms of offering an album with maximum enjoyment and minimumAbsolutely phenomenal album by Wavves. Nathan and the band really step up in terms of offering an album with maximum enjoyment and minimum filler. Right from the word go, the album keeps a high energy throughout and will appeal to most people simply because of the contagious hooks placed into each and every song. Definitely Wavves' most pop leaning record to date, however this is certainly not a bad thing at all as each and every song seems written in a way that is not annoyingly pop, and it certainly contrasts brilliantly to 2013's "Afraid Of Heights". The album has personally been on repeat constantly for me and I thoroughly recommend you try it out if you're up for a 30 minute fest of surfy pop-punk goodness. The only negative however, is that is only just over half an hour long, and it really makes you want more. Hopefully the next album shouldn't be too far away. Full Review »
  2. Oct 11, 2015
    Nathan and the boys proves to be comfortable with their sound and seems to have settled down a touch since previous albums, and with freshlyNathan and the boys proves to be comfortable with their sound and seems to have settled down a touch since previous albums, and with freshly released "V" another pinch of melody to their music were added, but not too much.
    Wavves remain Wavves, and it is great to get reminded of why I fell in love with this band in 2013 with their release of "Afraid of Heights"

    A solid album, perhaps a bit bland at points but the band's performance makes up for it, a couple of nice new songs to add to my playlist.
    Full Review »