• Record Label: RCA
  • Release Date: Jan 13, 2015

Generally favorable reviews - based on 31 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 22 out of 31
  2. Negative: 0 out of 31
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  1. Jan 13, 2015
    Without sacrificing authenticity, Ronson has created an accessible, pop-friendly, and undeniably sexy collection of funk and R&B.
  2. Jan 27, 2015
    Ronson’s Uptown Special is his best work yet and one of the best funk albums you’ll come across in recent memory.
  3. 83
    The cumulative effect of Special's contagious cool will keep hands up and bad vibes down--and if all else fails, just put "Feel Right" on repeat.
  4. Jan 26, 2015
    Throughout the album Ronson plays the role of puppet master to an impressive collection of musical talent.
  5. Jan 21, 2015
    Despite the production and star power, no one element outstrips the others, except perhaps for Mystikal, who continues his reinvention as James Brown's heir apparent on the raunchy Feel Right.
  6. Jan 21, 2015
    This album comes with a strong sense of fantasy: authors can be rock stars, “unknowns” can become known and Stevie Wonder is right over there. What is solid, however, is Ronson’s ability to throw a swell party.
  7. Jan 20, 2015
    Rarely entering the realm of pastiche, in all, this makes for a brilliant, ageless album.
  8. Jan 15, 2015
    The one thing noticeable by its absence from Uptown Special is anything that resembles the music that made Mark Ronson famous, which is doubtless the point.... Ronson has attempted to escape it before, but never quite as confidently as he does on Uptown Special.
  9. Jan 13, 2015
    Uptown Special sounds like a true labor of love; it’s also a sinful amount of fun and unabashed in its pursuit of a good time.
  10. Jan 12, 2015
    Uptown Special veers wildly from high to low brow, stupid to sophisticated. Occasionally the mix jars but mostly it’s a compelling collision, falling somewhere between a chin-stroking jazz poetry recital and a riotous teenage disco.
  11. Q Magazine
    Jan 8, 2015
    It's quite a feat to produce music that works for the mind and the hips, but Ronson has pulled it off magnificently, with virtually every track sounding like a single. [Feb 2015, p.104]
  12. Jan 14, 2015
    Uptown Special’s greatest attribute, then, is that it could have been a hit in any decade, a slyly running commentary on the fluidity of modern pop music but one that never fails to forget what the people really want: to dance, dumb and delirious, and forget.
  13. Jan 13, 2015
    [Ronson] crafts solid, instantly catchy pop songs, the kind that strive for an everyman universality while acknowledging a rich past of soul-inspired pop music.
  14. Feb 26, 2015
    For all the technical charm that Ronson is able to pull off on this album, a lyrically nimble one with the employment of Pulitzer Prize winning author Michael Chabon, it never reaches sexy.
  15. Jan 21, 2015
    Neatly tied together by opening and closing cuts that include Stevie Wonder on harmonica, because Ronson could swing it, Uptown Special is another nostalgic fantasy that provides light entertainment and provokes backtracking.
  16. 70
    Uptown Special is Ronson’s moment of absolution: you can try to hate it, but in the end, as with all the best pop music, resistance is futile.
  17. Jan 20, 2015
    There’s plenty to enjoy in Uptown Special, even if there are some tracks that end up sounding insubstantial and a bit unsatisfying. If you’re looking for a party album, there are songs on here that will sound fresh for the rest of the year and beyond.
  18. Jan 16, 2015
    Ronson and company created an album that’s accessible by all, a little bit of everything that everyone wants to hear.
  19. Jan 14, 2015
    Stax-style guitar figures and bass walks undergird most of the songs, yet Chabon's peculiar imagery and Ronson's use of the occasional drum machine and synthesizer keep Uptown Special from sounding either like an earnestly literary concept album or a kitschy imitation of Ronson's favorite records from the not so distant past.
  20. Jan 13, 2015
    Uptown Special is unapologetic in revelling in its musical influences and ultimately represents a light and mainstream-friendly primer to funk and soul.
  21. Jan 13, 2015
    This LP moves on to Seventies and Eighties funk, with more sharp casting.
  22. 67
    Uptown Special exhibits a long-playing cohesion missing from his prior output. The sense of free-wheeling fun, however, is largely absent with the exception of the record’s funky A-side trifecta.
User Score

Generally favorable reviews- based on 85 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Positive: 55 out of 85
  2. Negative: 19 out of 85
  1. Mar 5, 2015
    This is a great album that brings us back a good old R&B mixed with a little bit of Funk and Soul/Jazz. I really didn't understand why manyThis is a great album that brings us back a good old R&B mixed with a little bit of Funk and Soul/Jazz. I really didn't understand why many people hated it ... You know, sometimes we just have to feel the music and not examine whether it's a fad or not. Full Review »
  2. Mar 2, 2015
    it's the worst album ever made, uptown funk is so awful and thinking out loud by ed sheeran is so much better
    i can't believe someone buy a
    it's the worst album ever made, uptown funk is so awful and thinking out loud by ed sheeran is so much better
    i can't believe someone buy a **** like this
    Full Review »
  3. Jan 17, 2015
    Mark Ronson is still a great producer it's just that all these songs lyrically are not that great but the production is strong and that isMark Ronson is still a great producer it's just that all these songs lyrically are not that great but the production is strong and that is what I like about Ronson and it did not have that well known features which I like. Full Review »