• Record Label: Sony
  • Release Date: Jun 11, 2002

Generally favorable reviews - based on 11 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 8 out of 11
  2. Negative: 0 out of 11
  1. Blender
    Their best, most expansive album. [#8, p.112]
  2. Even after one listen it's apparent that 'Untouchables' is a monster of a record.
  3. 90
    It's sort of beautiful in its ugliness, a metal record lovingly buffeted by details and white noise.
  4. 'Untouchables' is a record that grows spikes with each listen and is by turns exhilarating, confusing, inspiring, embarrassing and astonishing.
  5. Alternative Press
    Their darkest, most impenetrable record yet--the aural approximation of staring down a mine shaft at midnight. [Jul 2002, p.75]
  6. Q Magazine
    The riffs are cleaner and catchier than on previous records. [Aug 2002, p.126]
  7. By cutting away some of the fat and finding new ways to deliver their trademark roar, the members of Korn manage to offer a strong and lean album that maintains their place as innovators in a genre with few leaders
  8. The song, sentiment and anger remain the same.
User Score

Universal acclaim- based on 128 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Negative: 6 out of 128
  1. Feb 20, 2012
    I have been a KoRn fan for already three months, and i can´t say their records are very good (except for a few) but this one isI have been a KoRn fan for already three months, and i can´t say their records are very good (except for a few) but this one is different. It may be heavier than their other albums, and it´s very probable that you won´t understand anything until the tenth time you hear it, but it´s worth enough. Untouchables is a Heavy/Industrial/Alternative/Whatever Metal album, long and full of strength. Since the amazing Grammy-awarded Here to stay and the epic Thoughtless too the depressive ballad Alone I Break It´s a modern classic. Full Review »
  2. Jul 25, 2018
    What a classic nu-metal album. This is a time capsule that brings me back to the good old days of 2002. If you don't headbang to Here To Stay,What a classic nu-metal album. This is a time capsule that brings me back to the good old days of 2002. If you don't headbang to Here To Stay, we can't be friends. Pickens approves! Full Review »
  3. Feb 20, 2019
    What a classic nu-metal album. This is a time capsule that brings me back to the good old days of 2002. If you don't headbang to Here To Stay,What a classic nu-metal album. This is a time capsule that brings me back to the good old days of 2002. If you don't headbang to Here To Stay, we can't be friends. Pickens approves! Full Review »