• Record Label: Hyperdub
  • Release Date: Sep 2, 2016

Generally favorable reviews - based on 18 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 9 out of 18
  2. Negative: 0 out of 18
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  1. Sep 9, 2016
    This is the record Zomby’s always promised to make, and it’s everything we could have hoped for.
  2. The Wire
    Oct 21, 2016
    At times the tracks become as texturally rich and contradictory as those of Actress on 2014's Ghettoville. [Sep 2016, p.58]
  3. Mojo
    Sep 6, 2016
    Packed with airhorns, grunts and slashing keys, its tempo shifts at will, a reminder of a singular talent. [Oct 2016, p.99]
  4. 80
    With its hypnotic vocal sample, unnerving silences and ever-changing beat, Burial collaboration Sweetz is one of many standouts.
  5. Uncut
    Sep 2, 2016
    Tough, yet seductive. [Oct 2016, p.40]
  6. Sep 1, 2016
    Ultra is, at first, quite hard to get your head around. There’s a lot to take in over its 50+ minutes, not so much in the With Love sense of sheer musical volume but more in the new ideas and stylistic left turns that find their home on the album. Leave it to sink in, though, and Ultra works fantastically as an album experience, with sequencing that sees the level of intensity wax and wane as emotions freeze and thaw.
  7. Sep 6, 2016
    Ultra is also Zomby’s most experimental record in ages.
  8. 65
    For every time the record’s constituent parts unite into something engaging, one has to sit through extended periods of meandering, directionless twilight, which frequently hints at an interesting diversion but rarely delivers upon such promises.
  9. Sep 6, 2016
    Repeat listens don't reveal any deeper logic to its tracklist, which remains a collection of intriguing ideas and not much more.

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