• Record Label: Island
  • Release Date: Jun 8, 2004

Generally favorable reviews - based on 28 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 23 out of 28
  2. Negative: 0 out of 28
  1. 100
    From the start, she's made an ideal record for people who already like her.
  2. ''Uh Huh Her'' reasserts that Harvey, now the grande dame of this genre, remains unrivaled.
  3. It's a near-perfect piece of art, a level of accomplishment Harvey achieves with amazing consistency.
  4. Polly Harvey’s contradictory sure, but the complexities of her character and where she is right now are expressed with an honesty and intensity few artists can ever even begin to think about mustering.
  5. Once you get acclimatized to the torturous messages and the dynamic, diverse musical accompaniment shifts from song to song, it becomes obvious that Uh Huh Her is one of Harvey's most rewarding albums.
  6. This album sounds in many ways like an amalgamation of her previous work.
  7. Rather than coming across as an unfriendly piece of self-indulgence--which may or may not have been the intention--her latest CD is quietly captivating.
  8. Spin
    The rubbed-rawness of Uh Huh Her might seem like backpedaling. But the best tracks use the pleasure principles of Stories to update her old approach. [Jun 2004, p.101]
  9. But if Uh Huh Her doesn't rise to the level of Harvey's best work, it does possess a grim, unvarnished beauty; a beauty that, while it might repel a few of the fans she gained with Stories, capably rewards devotees of her earlier, unburnished and uncompromising works.
  10. Alternative Press
    Often reaches back to the unfettered rawness and earthy seduction of earlier albums like Dry. [Aug 2004, p.116]
  11. I hate to say it, but she might have finally overextended her ambition, resulting in an uneven, discomfiting album.
  12. Perhaps the most nuanced album in PJ Harvey's body of work, Uh Huh Her balances her bold and vulnerable moments, but remains vital.
  13. PJ Harvey can still pack a resonant, emotional wallop, even when the recording is devoid of frills.
  14. It's truly intriguing in the way PJ albums haven't been since the commanding "To Bring You My Love" back in 1995.
  15. Uh Huh Her is as discrete--and ravishing--as her other works.
  16. Q Magazine
    When Harvey stretches herself things really become interesting. [Jun 2004, p.100]
  17. If you take it as a whole, Uh Huh Her is deeply engrossing: Harvey has never explored the minimal-verging-on-primitive side of her music so thoroughly, or captured so exactly the sound of a mood swing.
  18. It is a short disc (41 minutes), and not an entirely satisfying one: instead of stories and characters, we get a series of gestures, a few false starts, pockets full of poses. This is an album of shards, then. But they're sharp. [7 June 2004]
  19. Uncut
    It's hard to deny the emotional weight and beauty of Polly's personal, if comparatively uncommercial, sixth album. [Jul 2004, p.108]
  20. Harvey doesn't brandish many new moves here.
  21. Under The Radar
    The single-mindedness with which she approaches these songs is ultimately responsible for much of the album's distinctive flavor. [#7]
  22. Mojo
    At times, it's almost too tasteful a refinement of her work.... Yet there are some fabulous moments from both sides of Harvey's brain. [Jun 2004, p.100]
  23. Uh Huh Her is a lesson in contentment, anger, disappointment, independence – seductive psychosis.
User Score

Generally favorable reviews- based on 54 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Positive: 42 out of 54
  2. Negative: 7 out of 54
  1. Setherb
    Oct 31, 2005
    A couple of songs kick ass, but it's not my fave. I like the way it was produced - it kind of reminds me of U2's Discoteque. Most A couple of songs kick ass, but it's not my fave. I like the way it was produced - it kind of reminds me of U2's Discoteque. Most people wouldn't consider that a compliment, I know. But hell, you can't argue taste. PJ is, and always will be, at the top of my "10 Women, Who If I Have The Chance, I Have Prior Permission From My Girlfriend To Have Any Manner Of Sexual Intercourse With And Not Get In Any Trouble At All" list. This album has plenty of good moments to reccommend it. My biggest complaint is how long it took to make. She needs to hurry the hell up with the next one, dammit! Full Review »
  2. vandey
    Jul 6, 2005
    this is amazing, so pure, so untouched, so honest. it is hard to describe.it is like even pj only sings and or play only one instrument, it this is amazing, so pure, so untouched, so honest. it is hard to describe.it is like even pj only sings and or play only one instrument, it can be enough. she again showes that, the number of instruments are not important but whether music is clever, emotional, honest. in desperate kingdom of love she just reach perfection in vocal style. she is so confident and relaxed as a musician and funny also ! it is different from everything you hear, pure original. Full Review »
  3. MattT
    Mar 23, 2005
    This album, on the depressed edge, is poignant, conveys a feeling of hunger and want and, sometimes pain. It's really beautiful and This album, on the depressed edge, is poignant, conveys a feeling of hunger and want and, sometimes pain. It's really beautiful and completely connects with me. I burned my own version and left out "Shame," "Who the..." "No Child of Mine" and "Cat on the Wall" It's still long enough and grabs me completely Full Review »