
Generally favorable reviews - based on 15 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 6 out of 15
  2. Negative: 0 out of 15
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  1. Nov 1, 2016
    On their third LP, Two Vines, the band continues to make glossy retro-futurist pop, creating a world of synthesizers and keyboards that feels both primeval and modern at once.
  2. Oct 31, 2016
    Yes, it’s over-AutoTuned, and the ballads are still rubbish. But this somehow smooshes Cut Copy, ELO and Daft Punk into a honeyed mess that leaves you licking the bowl and twitching for more.
  3. Oct 27, 2016
    Two Vines may not be the group's masterpiece, but it is their most consistent album yet. Their mastery of modern pop sounds, ability to craft melodies that have a timeless quality, and the real connection they provide to people who want their frivolous pop music to have some depth and meaning, is impressive.
  4. Q Magazine
    Oct 26, 2016
    Two Vines is a leap forward for pop's most enchanting odd couple. [Dec 2016, p.102]
  5. Oct 26, 2016
    The content of Two Vines doesn’t need to truly illustrate that concept to succeed. Empire of the Sun have managed to remain steadfast in the sound they’ve carved out for themselves since day one, which can be a challenge for a band that has pushed as big and wide as these two have.
  6. Dec 2, 2016
    There remains something unknowable about them; their presence is always somewhat enigmatic, served only by the gilded sheen of their music which remains ornate but, crucially, as approachable as ever.
  7. Nov 4, 2016
    Beautifully produced it may be, but Two Vines is essentially an over polished collection of songs with less spontaneity in their composition.
  8. Oct 31, 2016
    The dangers of crafting intricate visual and musical landscapes, as is the tradition with Empire of the Sun, are exposed with Two Vines. Getting it right is so rewarding, but it's a daunting task to replicate such a vision on each track. When they fly, they soar. But when their artistic façade fractures, the cracks are just too glaring.
  9. Mojo
    Oct 28, 2016
    Their music palette may be limited but their style knows no bound. [Dec 2016, p.92]
  10. Oct 27, 2016
    The ecological concept behind the album doesn’t really assert itself among the dreamy backdrops. But it also means we get some superbly written pop/indie hybrids, of which the pick are Way to Go and First Crush, both of which evoke coastal drives, each sumptuous chorus sliding into place like the shifting of gears in a luxury car.
  11. Uncut
    Oct 26, 2016
    Two Vines mostly sticks with the tried-and-true. [Dec 2016, p.26]
  12. 60
    Two Vines glows with a relaxed, beachside warmth that brings to mind “Standing On The Shore” from their debut.
  13. 60
    The credentials are there, the ability is clearly there, but for now these emperors are yet to truly shine.
  14. Nov 3, 2016
    The band seem at times to have forgotten who they are. Where Luke Steele’s voice is at its most powerful when endearingly coarse and nasal, there are moments when the band make the bizarre decision to Auto-Tune it, rendering it generic.
  15. 40
    Steele would surf in the morning and retreat to the studio later on. It’s the kind of idyllic setting where days simply just pass by. Unfortunately, too many of the tracks on Two Vines do exactly the same.
User Score

Generally favorable reviews- based on 28 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Positive: 22 out of 28
  2. Negative: 4 out of 28
  1. Nov 1, 2016
    Love every album these guys make, they are always amazing. Not sure why the critics don't agree, somehow all the rap albums get 90 metacriticLove every album these guys make, they are always amazing. Not sure why the critics don't agree, somehow all the rap albums get 90 metacritic scores, but albums that are actually good like this don't. Full Review »
  2. Jun 27, 2017
    Best album by the duo by far. There's no Need is a killer. Well done guys.
    If you looking for positivity, good music and perfect harmonies,
    Best album by the duo by far. There's no Need is a killer. Well done guys.
    If you looking for positivity, good music and perfect harmonies, look no further than this album. It may or not be better than Ice on The Dune, but unlike the latter, Vines will take you on a psychedelic journey of a lifetime.
    Full Review »
  3. Oct 30, 2016
    Hay grupos musicales que saben volver a reinventarse, pero hay algunos grupos que saben como seguir transmitiendo la misma energía. Desde elHay grupos musicales que saben volver a reinventarse, pero hay algunos grupos que saben como seguir transmitiendo la misma energía. Desde el primer track "Before" hasta "Welcome To My Life " se respira una energía diferente, algo como un sentimiento de verano, alegre, y motivador. Sin dudas, es uno de sus mejores trabajos hasta el momento, refrescando sonidos viejos e interactuando con nuevos. Sin duda, en américa del sur, este álbum va a sonar bastante en radios y dispositivos. Full Review »