• Record Label: ATO
  • Release Date: Aug 21, 2020

Generally favorable reviews - based on 8 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 7 out of 8
  2. Negative: 0 out of 8
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  1. Sep 10, 2020
    Twelfth stands out even in their strong discography.
  2. Aug 21, 2020
    There's plenty of great, satisfying twangy rock on Twelfth, which is what we've come to expect from the Old 97's. There's also a level of self-awareness and maturity that's new to them, and that makes Twelfth a brave and valuable release from this great band.
  3. Aug 21, 2020
    The excellence of Twelfth tells us that this is really about the refusal of an ending. Old 97's are still truckin' after 27 years.
  4. Uncut
    Aug 20, 2020
    None of the best tracks here would have sounded out of place on Old 97s' mid-'90s classics "wreck Your Life" and "Too Far To Care." This consistency feels, by now, like confirmation of the purity of Old 97s' original vision. [Oct 2020, p.34]
  5. Aug 20, 2020
    On their twelfth full-length studio album, Twelfth, the Old 97’s dish up another dozen cuts of jagged roots-rock that further cement them as masters of the tunefully twangy.
  6. 70
    There aren’t many that can keep the musical flame burning for this long and maintain the quality found here.
  7. Aug 20, 2020
    Twelfth makes for a fine listen even if it doesn’t turn over any new musical leaves. Staubach always did his best work in the fourth quarter and Old 97’s show no sign of fading down the stretch either. A year on the bench will probably leave them well rested for their next run of dates and the songs from Twelfth will fit right in.
  8. Aug 20, 2020
    “Confessional Boxing” offers mostly surface-level hints at the dark times of the past, as the song growls but doesn’t ever bite. Miller fares better when he’s in pure storytelling mode on the after-hours waltz “Belmont Hotel,” on which the titular hotel becomes a metaphor for romantic renewal.

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