
Generally favorable reviews - based on 13 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 8 out of 13
  2. Negative: 0 out of 13
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  1. Jun 8, 2016
    Ultimately, with Turn to Gold, Diarrhea Planet, a group with arguably one of the best-worst band names in rock history, have crafted their first truly great album.
  2. Jun 13, 2016
    When each of the four guitarists is soloing and head banging and falling on his knees, their collective performance is both entertaining and engaging. In fact, the lines between show and sincerity blur on Turn To Gold, and that’s what makes the record a progressive step in the band’s career.
  3. Jun 8, 2016
    Diarrhea Planet have always aimed for the rafters, but on Turn To Gold they crash through them.
  4. Jun 10, 2016
    Turn To Gold’s shift in songwriting is subtle, adapting the instrumental assault to different ends without losing its visceral thrills.
  5. 70
    What could be a raucous mess is smartly written, well produced and arranged hard rock/power pop with slight prog and punk tendencies.
  6. Jun 8, 2016
    It will still be an acquired taste; not everyone feels in rapid fire triplets and fist pounding choruses, and some of it may play too heavily on nostalgia for those who grew up on records like these. But Diarrhea Planet draw from those familiar sounds and feelings to create something new and self-aware.
  7. Jun 8, 2016
    A solid effort that has pure intentions, but just doesn't quite hold the attention in the way some of Diarrhea Planet's peers do. Turn To Gold will find a solid niche of fans, and likely just get a head nod of meager approval from everyone else.
  8. Jun 15, 2016
    If Diarrhea Planet’s goal is just to be a memorable, messily great live band, they’re well on their way. But if they want their records to live on, they need to decide what they're trying to achieve, and figure out how to deliver it more effectively offstage.
  9. Uncut
    Aug 5, 2016
    Guitar fans will particularly enjoy tracks like "Life Pass" and "Let It Out," where the solos are enjoyably garish. [Sep 2016, p.73]
  10. 60
    There’s never a rush to get to a bridge or breakdown, but the emotion oozes out when they are loud and free, competitive yet supportive. They build on each other, like the Harlem Globetrotters of guitars. And man, when Diarrhea Planet hit, they blow you away. Lyrically, there's not as much to say, clearly less of a priority.
  11. Jun 15, 2016
    Turn to Gold will undoubtedly translate better blasting out of stage speakers, the medium most ideal for unfettered solos and melting six-strings--their riotous late-night debut could barely be contained behind a screen. On record thus far, though, Diarrhea Planet’s instrumental split-personality excess could use a dose of Imodium.
  12. Jun 8, 2016
    Diarrhea Planet's self-indulgence and cheesy grandiosity might be less appealing if it wasn't so tongue-in-cheek--that's a huge advantage of being a band that doesn't take itself all that seriously. It also makes Turn to Gold a boisterous and joyful affair. But reaching these new levels of gaudiness, they risk being written off as a gimmick
  13. Jul 5, 2016
    Unfortunately, for all the polish and gut that Grammy-winning producer Vance Powell brings to help turn diarrhea to gold, the songs lack idiosyncrasy, and Diarrhea Planet’s winking anachronistic irony is lost.
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User score distribution:
  1. Positive: 1 out of 3
  2. Negative: 0 out of 3
  1. Jun 10, 2016
    Last night the most powerful force on the planet appeared on late night television... and also the President of the United States. DiarrheaLast night the most powerful force on the planet appeared on late night television... and also the President of the United States. Diarrhea Planet is the change that we seek! Full Review »