
Generally favorable reviews - based on 9 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 7 out of 9
  2. Negative: 0 out of 9
  1. Under The Radar
    For the uninitiated, curious, or those simply looking for a one-stop overview, there is no better place for a comprehensive distillation of Danielson’s joyful noises. [Winter 2008]
  2. Filter
    Like Animal Collective, though, this is a challeging and often times terrifying music for those who don't yet speak the language. Trying Hartz, which collects tracks from each Danielson-related release up to 2004's "Brother Is To Son," works like a language lab for those who want to walk around in Smith's cities. [Holiday 2008, p.98]
  3. Trying Hartz is a far more inclusive, pure and honest testament to faith than the soulless, over-produced fast food that passes for contemporary gospel in the 21st century.
  4. This collection isn't for fans, but for those who haven't dug deeper than Ships, or for those wrongly convinced Ships was a blip in an otherwise dense and unrewarding discography.
  5. Despite its no-frills approach, Trying Hartz works solidly, presenting a satisfying microcosm of one of the world's most inventive and ridiculous bands.
  6. Trying Hartz works as either an excellent starting point for Danielson or the perfectly paced next step for someone getting acquainted with the work of Daniel Smith and his musical family.
  7. The live tracks, especially those on the second disc, are the songs that will win you over if you are still listening and still on the fence.
  8. Trying Hartz perfectly encapsulates and celebrates Smith's ecstatic musical vision.
  9. Uncut
    Here childrren's voices, crazed yelping, psych-surrealism and Jesus freakouts combine to create a phantasmagoria that is fun, disturbing, inspired and childlike all at the same time. [Jan 2008, p.90]

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