
Generally favorable reviews - based on 4 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 3 out of 4
  2. Negative: 0 out of 4
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  1. Feb 1, 2017
    In the style of Arthur Russell, Tophat uses studio trickery to weave contrasting material into dreamlike narratives. Programmed drums morph fluidly into live ones, while samples and voices circle each other like planets in unpredictable orbit.
  2. Feb 1, 2017
    You half-expect the thing to fall apart under its own weight. But it never does. Mr. Tophat has a gift for this kind of balancing act, and on Trust Me, he manages to share the spotlight with one of his country’s famous pop stars.
  3. Feb 1, 2017
    Once the hi-hats open up for good around the ten-minute mark, it’s pure bliss. It’s hard to see how the three tracks that comprise Trust Me would add up to much more than an afternoon’s work for Robyn, but this is as fine an introduction as any to the electronic stylings of Mr. Tophat.

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