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Generally favorable reviews- based on 71 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Positive: 61 out of 71
  2. Negative: 6 out of 71
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  1. Jan 23, 2014
    Probably the best album of 2014 and the most creative and visceral of the decade. Awesome instrumental parts and a incredible lyrics. A hardcore masterpiece.
  2. Jan 21, 2014
    User score of 5.7??? Really? What the hell... Perhaps this has something to do with this being Laura's first album since she came out. Anyway, I find this album phenomenal. Much better and more emotional than White Crosses, which I also loved, this is Against Me!'s best album since Reinventing Axl Rose. It's more punk than anything in between then and now as well. Not only is this theUser score of 5.7??? Really? What the hell... Perhaps this has something to do with this being Laura's first album since she came out. Anyway, I find this album phenomenal. Much better and more emotional than White Crosses, which I also loved, this is Against Me!'s best album since Reinventing Axl Rose. It's more punk than anything in between then and now as well. Not only is this the rawest expression of angst in years, it's also an incredible exploration into the lives of people with gender dysphoria. Not only is this a musical achievement, but a social one as well. Maybe in ten years when all the transphobic nonsense has died down, this album will be seen as the masterpiece that it is!!! Expand
  3. May 5, 2015
    The blend of distinct fuzzy bass, loud melodic guitar, interesting thumping drums, and extremely emotional lyrics make the the best AM album and best album of 2014. Easily
  4. Jan 29, 2014
    For whatever possible reason I kept thinking Laura was going to try and actually sing like a female. For that reason alone, I was not sure where this record was going to go. If she did, that would radically change the whole sound of the band. Low and behold, the title track opens up with some fantastic drumming, and then screams "Hey!" in classic Tom Gabel fashion. It was until I heard theFor whatever possible reason I kept thinking Laura was going to try and actually sing like a female. For that reason alone, I was not sure where this record was going to go. If she did, that would radically change the whole sound of the band. Low and behold, the title track opens up with some fantastic drumming, and then screams "Hey!" in classic Tom Gabel fashion. It was until I heard the lyrics that I was listening to Laura. Never have they sounded so passionate, as she delves her emotions in some pretty harsh ways, speaking about how no one sees her as a woman, but how they see her as just a **** It's not for the faint of heart, but it's some of the boldest song-writing Laura's ever done.

    All In All, this (short) record packs a punch, ranging from literal Transgender Dysphoria Blues, to political anarchists anthems, to grieving over a dead friend. Against Me! are back and better sounding than anything they've done thus far. A-
  5. Apr 8, 2015
    Just listened to Against Me! and think this CD is one of the best Punk Rock CD's ever recorded. I could not believe I had not checked this CD out and remember that "Teenage Anarchist" song. This CD is well produced, great lyrics, totally rock and roll and says a lot about alienation, loneliness, being an outcast and the spirit of punk was never stronger. This one has a bit. I giveJust listened to Against Me! and think this CD is one of the best Punk Rock CD's ever recorded. I could not believe I had not checked this CD out and remember that "Teenage Anarchist" song. This CD is well produced, great lyrics, totally rock and roll and says a lot about alienation, loneliness, being an outcast and the spirit of punk was never stronger. This one has a bit. I give it a 10. Last time I enjoyed a CD was back in the early 1990's when Ice-T came along. I know this sounds odd but if a transgender singer can hold it together and make beautiful music like this then there is hope for this world. Amazing. Expand
  6. Mar 29, 2014
    As you can see from my reviews, I mostly feel inspired to write reviews of cd's I love, and this is one of them. So far, no much has inspired me in 2014, and I'm surprised since 2013 inspired me greatly. While I agree with the negative reviewer who stated that this cd has a Green Day sound, I love Green Day, so I also love this cd. Yes, I am a gay man, and of course, I gave this cd anAs you can see from my reviews, I mostly feel inspired to write reviews of cd's I love, and this is one of them. So far, no much has inspired me in 2014, and I'm surprised since 2013 inspired me greatly. While I agree with the negative reviewer who stated that this cd has a Green Day sound, I love Green Day, so I also love this cd. Yes, I am a gay man, and of course, I gave this cd an extra listen to be supportive of those who choose to live a life with the courage to be true to themselves. With all of that aside, this cd captured my love for alternative rock. It is one of my favorites so far this year, simply based on the raw, energetic, rock music and lyrics. Expand
  7. Feb 26, 2014
    For my first exposure to this band and an album from the genre, this was a really great effort. Musically, all of the songs are tight and catchy, if not particularly innovative. None of these songs are going to surprise you. With that said, it was a really enjoyable listening experience. I plan on burning this to listen to in my car (yeah, I am old school and don’t have an input for aFor my first exposure to this band and an album from the genre, this was a really great effort. Musically, all of the songs are tight and catchy, if not particularly innovative. None of these songs are going to surprise you. With that said, it was a really enjoyable listening experience. I plan on burning this to listen to in my car (yeah, I am old school and don’t have an input for a phone/ipod), since I generally like upbeat stuff while I’m driving. Even listening to the whole album it does not get too monotonous despite the lack of tempo changes and pretty standard chord progressions. Part of that is the shortness of most of the tracks and the album itself, which is only about 30 minutes.

    What really pushes this album above standard pop punk is the lyrical content. I truly applaud Laura Jane Grace for going to this almost confessional level of depth with the lyrics. After coming out, she could have just decided to stick to what I presume is their standard political repertoire of outward looking scathing punk. Instead she bared her soul and experiences. I’m so glad that she pulled it off and found the support to do so even as several band members departed after she came out.
  8. Oct 10, 2014
    This is the first Against Me! album I've heard, and while I'll admit before TDB came out I'd always gotten too much of a pop-punk kinda vibe from them to really be interested in checking them out. Regardless of what their other stuff's like they're certainly on pretty good form here though - not only are the songs honed and visceral, but lyrics pack a punch too.

Awards & Rankings


Universal acclaim - based on 28 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 27 out of 28
  2. Negative: 0 out of 28
  1. Mar 10, 2014
    Grace is in-your-face with an aggressively told tale of selfhood (to say nothing of the heartbreak of loss) at its most exposed and anthemic.
  2. Feb 27, 2014
    Transgender Dysphoria Blues isn’t a perfect record, but goddamn if it isn’t an important one, and more worthy of your time than ninety-percent of the more fashionable sounds coming out of whatever Bushwick loft party the Times scopes this weekend.
  3. Q Magazine
    Feb 14, 2014
    Throughout Grace is brave and brutally honest. [Mar 2014, p.107]