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Time 'n' Place Image

Generally favorable reviews - based on 4 Critic Reviews What's this?

User Score

Generally favorable reviews- based on 36 Ratings

  • Summary: The second full-length studio release for the London-based indie pop band was produced by Gus Lobban.
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  • Record Label: Polyvinyl
  • Genre(s): Pop, Pop/Rock, Alternative/Indie Rock, Indie Electronic, Left-Field Pop
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Score distribution:
  1. Positive: 3 out of 4
  2. Negative: 0 out of 4
  1. Nov 6, 2018
    Time 'n' Place is challenging, but its rewards are commensurate, and while the band may lose some of their more fickle fans with this release, it's always refreshing to see artistic growth put first, especially when it pays off like this.
  2. Nov 6, 2018
    Time 'n' Place might not be quite as cohesive as Bonito Generation, but it offers a fuller portrait of Kero Kero Bonito's music without losing any of the spark that makes them special.
  3. Nov 6, 2018
    The content is memorable, but the melodies aren’t. Still, stronger and more diverse than their debut.
  4. Nov 6, 2018
    Time 'n' Place is not a long album, and it doesn't have time to get tiresome. It feels like something transitional as if Kero Kero Bonito are working their way into something that is more sustainable than the often wild, sometimes too-cute experiments of their past.
Score distribution:
  1. Positive: 9 out of 9
  2. Mixed: 0 out of 9
  3. Negative: 0 out of 9
  1. Sep 3, 2020
    kkbs experimental mellow vibes in this are an acquired taste but **** sick nevertheless
  2. Nov 30, 2018
    arruma mais critico pra esse album pelo amor de deus não aguento o 69 é pouco demais
  3. Apr 28, 2019
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. This album is great. The grunge-pop elements are clever and the end of "Only Acting" is sure to catch someone off guard if they are listening to this album for the first time. I hope to see more from KKB in the future. Expand
  4. Jan 31, 2019
    Screw the critics this is my favorite KKB album. It's catchy but it feels like it has depth and turns that the other albums lacked. I canScrew the critics this is my favorite KKB album. It's catchy but it feels like it has depth and turns that the other albums lacked. I can listen to this album repeatedly and not get tired of it. Other KKB albums I enjoy and then spit out like chewing gum. Time 'n' Place forever. Expand
  5. Fnn
    Jun 3, 2020
    One of my favourite albums of 2018. they really have grown since bonito generation (which was still great). Sarah Bonitos voice sounds so goodOne of my favourite albums of 2018. they really have grown since bonito generation (which was still great). Sarah Bonitos voice sounds so good and I love the production. Expand
  6. Sep 23, 2019
    KKB successfully challenged themselves to branch into different styles than what gave them traction with previous works leading up to Totep.KKB successfully challenged themselves to branch into different styles than what gave them traction with previous works leading up to Totep. One should not expect fan service from Bonito Generation, but the tracks keep the same youthful energy with more mature content. If Bonito Generation was the children's album of the year, consider Time 'N' Place to be the rebellious adolescent's alternative. Expand
  7. Mar 28, 2022
    Pretty good album. A few low points, but overall really good. I love the vocals, and the instrumentals feel nice and slightly experimental.

See all 9 User Reviews