• Record Label: Ipecac
  • Release Date: Jun 3, 2014

Generally favorable reviews - based on 17 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 10 out of 17
  2. Negative: 0 out of 17
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  1. 80
    The music might be slightly quieter simply because it isn't amplified, but it's not any gentler than his usual stuff. By contrast, Osborne seems to be going out of his way to make these recordings as combustible as possible.
  2. May 30, 2014
    Across 17 tracks with titles like “Dark Brown Teeth,” “The Blithering Idiot,” and “Drunken Baby,” Osborne delivers concise down-tuned ditties full of booming vocal melodies and bizarro humor.
  3. Magnet
    Jun 18, 2014
    This Machine Kills Artists is definitely lengthier than need be, but if this album has an intended accomplishment, it's further illustrating the expanding range of Osborne's songwriting abilities. [No. 110, p.59]
  4. Jun 3, 2014
    Song-wise, it’s as damaging and heavy and dark as anything he’s put out prior, and sneakily supports the idea that Osborne is no one-trick pony.
  5. The Wire
    Jul 14, 2014
    Without a doubt these are good songs, and Osborne's vocal is always ear grabbing. But I'd love to hear the full band versions they deserve. [Jun 2014, p.55]
  6. Jul 8, 2014
    Pithy where Melvins might have sprawled, Osborne’s solo songs still amount to M-80s lobbed at convention with reckless abandon and cockeyed aim.
  7. Jun 13, 2014
    Despite the warts, This Machine Kills Artists is a solid outing. And, perhaps because of the all acoustic setting, it may be the most consistently accessible thing Buzzo has ever done.
  8. Alternative Press
    May 30, 2014
    All Osborne's vocal and instrumental hallmarks--including enigmatic lyrics and track titles--are in place, so it's not really a departure, but it's also too good to be shrugged off as for Melvins fans only. [Jul 2014, p.100]
  9. Jun 2, 2014
    On the whole, Osborne turned a confusing detour into an interesting wrinkle and a worthwhile addition to his massive catalog.
  10. Jun 4, 2014
    This Machine Kills Artists may not amount to more than an odd itch Osborne felt like scratching, but at least he scratches it with glee.
  11. Classic Rock Magazine
    Dec 18, 2014
    At 17 tracks, it becomes a bit of a repetitive slog towards the end, but it's good to see that this old dog has just as much bite as ever when he strays. [Aug 2014, p. 209]
  12. Kerrang!
    Jul 22, 2014
    What we're left with is an overlong, quietly ominous strumming set showcasing his twisted genius. [14 Jun 2014, p.55]
  13. Jun 3, 2014
    Buzz’s riffing and attack give the songs enough personality to sound individual and prevent the album becoming an analogous mess.
  14. Jun 3, 2014
    This Machine Kills Artists is a worthy experiment, and a few tracks work rather well, but ultimately Osborne should aim for a more distinct game plan before he goes acoustic again.
  15. May 30, 2014
    On occasion, the bare bones, stripped-back effects don’t serve the songs quite as well... Still, this should delight the distorted ears of Melvins followers, though they may need to get used to turning the volume up, rather than down.
  16. Jun 24, 2014
    What we’re left with is an 8/10 EP stretched way past the point of interest, five or six songs in you start knocking half a mark off with every fresh coat of same-old. A worthy idea, but one you’ll rarely reach for twice.
  17. 40
    It is an interesting experiment, but realistically most listeners will struggle to get past the first couple of tracks before reaching for their trusty copy of Houdini.
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User score distribution:
  1. Positive: 3 out of 3
  2. Mixed: 0 out of 3
  3. Negative: 0 out of 3
  1. May 17, 2016
    Please forgive my 2 year late review but I never would have believed that this album would have been relegated to such treatment. This onlyPlease forgive my 2 year late review but I never would have believed that this album would have been relegated to such treatment. This only proves how jaded "professional reviewers" have become. Seeing that this album was made by one man nearing his 50's, and that he most likely hates all that "professional reviews" represent...I could possibly understand the scores as if they thought his very existence was a personal slight.

    Sorry guys, this isn't made for radio **** This album is a guy and an acoustic guitar. And this album still has far more personality than the vast majority of the crap force fed to the masses these days.

    Want to hear a true unknown legend (unknown to the masses but widely accepted as a god by those within the industry)? Then sit back and enjoy perfection. Google the man and see what he helped create. After doing so respect the longevity of his career, his abrasive non-commercialism, his influence upon several genre's of music, and the balls it takes to put together this album.

    "This Machine Kills Artists"....part of that machine are these so-called "professional critics". A bunch of bought and sold nut-cuppers with the integrity of a filet-o-fish. They wouldn't recognize music for music's sake if you slapped them in the face with a red herring. They are not musicians, they are not artists, they are hacks.

    This album, and yes I call it an album, is pure acoustic bliss. Yes, it has it's highs and lows but when listened to in its entirety it is truly a complete masterpiece. This was not recorded with an eye to commercial success. It was recorded as a labor of love. It should be appreciated as such.

    It simply is a one man acoustic tour de force.

    The opening song, "Dark Brown Teeth" sets the tone perfectly and says much about professional critics; whether intentionally or not. But each song melts organically from one to the next.

    "Laid Back Walking" is an amazing track albeit far too short. "Vaulting Over a Microphone" is a languishing lament. And then "New River"...listen to that critics...
    "The Ripping Driving" is as rock n' roll as you can ever aspire to be...but it takes only
    King Buzzo and his guitar to pull it off.

    Quite frankly not only the name of the album but the names of the song's prove that this is an indictment upon the music industry as a whole. King Buzzo presents a very powerful case. Appreciate what has been given to you critical twits and realize that music is not a popularity contest...at best it is an expression of honesty laid bare...it is not something to be commercialized.

    It is what it is.

    And given the drivel that is considered music these days it is damned near perfect.
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