• Record Label: RCA
  • Release Date: Sep 18, 2012

Generally favorable reviews - based on 16 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 11 out of 16
  2. Negative: 0 out of 16
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  1. Sep 21, 2012
    Maybe not a wholly successful album then, but at its best, The Truth About Love proves that Pink can still credibly compete with the pop stars she helped to inspire.
  2. Sep 20, 2012
    For major label singer-songwriter stuff, not bad. Moore knows her way around hooks.
  3. Sep 14, 2012
    At her best, she is pop's most galvanizing tough broad, but her sixth LP devolves into self parody.
  4. Sep 14, 2012
    Pink thankfully hasn't gone soft, and there are no real clunkers here, but the truth about The Truth About Love is that it's competently, often frustratingly more of the same from an artist who still seems capable of much more.
  5. Sep 14, 2012
    [The Truth About Love] veers between two modes: workmanlike ballads delivered with beyond-workmanlike shading; and chunky guitar pop stuffed with shouty, bad-girl choruses. Unfortunately the second dominates.
User Score

Universal acclaim- based on 258 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Negative: 24 out of 258
  1. Sep 19, 2012
    'The Truth About Love' must be P!nk's best album to date.
    I even would call it the best Album of the year. You will find every thing you want
    'The Truth About Love' must be P!nk's best album to date.
    I even would call it the best Album of the year. You will find every thing you want on this record. Songs to dance, songs to laugh, songs to think and songs to cry.

    It's a true masterpiece and I will never regret buying it.
    Full Review »
  2. Sep 18, 2012
    Definitely the best pop release of the year. This album has everything. P!nk's most diverse album yet. Musically; it has pop, rock, punk,Definitely the best pop release of the year. This album has everything. P!nk's most diverse album yet. Musically; it has pop, rock, punk, alternative, soul, country, dance, electro. Lyrically, it has party songs, break-up songs to songs about issues like Miscarriage, suicide and female empowerment. Stand-Out Tracks: Are We All We Are, How Come You're Not Here, The Truth About Love, Beam Me Up and Slut Like You. MUST HAVE. Full Review »
  3. Sep 19, 2012
    WOW! P!nk has always delivered amazing albums, but this one is just mind blowing. Definitely one of the best albums of the year, and probablyWOW! P!nk has always delivered amazing albums, but this one is just mind blowing. Definitely one of the best albums of the year, and probably her best one yet! And that says a lot! This album will make you cry, laugh, dance... It has at least one song for absolutely everybody! Her songwriting is just as good as it used to be, if not better, and we all know P!nk has always been the best song writer in the pop music scenario. 10/10 album, hands down. Full Review »