• Record Label: Merge
  • Release Date: Aug 3, 2010
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Universal acclaim- based on 792 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Negative: 32 out of 792
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  1. MusicMaven
    Aug 8, 2010
    This another amazing release from the best indie band of the past decade. They capture the boredom, restlessness, and miniature triumphs and tragedies of growing up in suburbia in songs that alternately soar above, rage against, nostalgically remember, and perhaps even celebrate, suburban life. Maybe the theme is not as universal as on their first two albums, but the music is more This another amazing release from the best indie band of the past decade. They capture the boredom, restlessness, and miniature triumphs and tragedies of growing up in suburbia in songs that alternately soar above, rage against, nostalgically remember, and perhaps even celebrate, suburban life. Maybe the theme is not as universal as on their first two albums, but the music is more confident and inventive. Destined to become a classic. Expand
  2. BrianD.
    Aug 6, 2010
    On par with Funeral and may grow to be better with age. A bitter, but hopeful meditation on "living in sprawl, dead shopping malls". A great modern epic. Get this now.
  3. petera
    Aug 6, 2010
    What an incredibly band! Their music serves as the soundtrack to my life in the 21st C. This new album has been on replay for the past day and is only interrupted by occasional listens to the first two albums-. Most bands are lucky to create one great song. This band has created three masterpiece albums!
  4. PeterP
    Aug 7, 2010
    An incredible album from this Canadian band. Multiple genres are represented in this sweeping epic but it's rock at it's best when combined.
  5. LukassP
    Aug 8, 2010
    Pure Genius! This album blows me away every time! I was brought to tears by the second song my first listen.
  6. Aug 11, 2010
    Neon Bible did a curious thing to Arcade Fire. It made them popular. Sure, it wasnâ
  7. Aug 11, 2010
    A complete work of art, an entire concept album that works. Incredible. Amazing. Sprawl II is the dance hit of the decade (once it's remixed to be harder).
  8. Aug 11, 2010
    There are great albums and there are masterpieces. The only difference between the two is that a masterpiece, while being equally solid from top to bottom, possesses an ethereal quality about it, as if the album is alive and has its own distinct personality. The Suburbs is a masterpiece for that very reason. Every track is solid on its own merit, but it's when the album is taken as a wholeThere are great albums and there are masterpieces. The only difference between the two is that a masterpiece, while being equally solid from top to bottom, possesses an ethereal quality about it, as if the album is alive and has its own distinct personality. The Suburbs is a masterpiece for that very reason. Every track is solid on its own merit, but it's when the album is taken as a whole that it comes to life. There is no standout track; set aside an hour and absorb it in its entirety. Expand
  9. Aug 11, 2010
    Three extraordinary albums in a row. This band does not repeat itself. With each album Arcade Fire breathes new life into contemporary music. I think this album is as every bit good as the previous two . . . and that's saying something.
  10. Aug 12, 2010
    I cannot stop listening to this. I thought after a lot of listening for a week that I was getting tired of it, but I found myself coming back to it and finding new things to appreciate about the songs. For me they all are get better over time. It is different than their other records, but still them. It is serious, but not heavy. The various influences are obvious to hear, but only inI cannot stop listening to this. I thought after a lot of listening for a week that I was getting tired of it, but I found myself coming back to it and finding new things to appreciate about the songs. For me they all are get better over time. It is different than their other records, but still them. It is serious, but not heavy. The various influences are obvious to hear, but only in an additive way that makes the music better. There is a lot of variety, but it is all Arcade Fire. If you are looking for the rhythmic intensity and highs of their past two, you will find it - and a lot more. It's kind of hard to describe what makes it so good. I think in the end that is one of the keys to it being really good. Expand
  11. Aug 16, 2010
    After seeing them on the Daily Show, i was amazed by what i heard. Anyone in their right minds would love this album. In any means, a pure masterpiece.
  12. Aug 12, 2010
    This is honesty the best album i have ever heard, it has some soft songs and some more rock songs that hit the ball out of the park, no one will be disappointed with this album.
  13. Aug 13, 2010
    "The Suburbs" is a masterpiece, possibly the greatest album so far of the 21st century. It's like a Martin Scorsese movie in the sense that there isn't a wasted second. Every detail has been meticulously crafted, from every musical note to every lyric. This album is as close to perfection as it gets. But it's so deep and nuanced and passionate and heartfelt that it takes time to peel"The Suburbs" is a masterpiece, possibly the greatest album so far of the 21st century. It's like a Martin Scorsese movie in the sense that there isn't a wasted second. Every detail has been meticulously crafted, from every musical note to every lyric. This album is as close to perfection as it gets. But it's so deep and nuanced and passionate and heartfelt that it takes time to peel off every layer to realize just how unbelievably substantive this album is. Arcade Fire comes as close to matching Bruce Springsteen during his heyday as we're ever likely to get. Expand
  14. Aug 14, 2010
    Masterpieces. The best album of the year. Third album and third masterpiece. Arcade Fire confirms will be the best band actually. Amazing. Songs like Rococo and Mountains Beyoond Mountains are the best. Classic! Fantastic!
  15. Aug 14, 2010
    Album of the year. Builds on the first two albums to find a slightly more accessible sound than Neon Bible. In that respect it reminds me of how "Dear Science" fits into TVOTR's catalogue, or "In Rainbows".
  16. Oct 12, 2010
    I have debated for a while whether this album should be a 9 or a 10. As it is it's probably a 9, but take 4 or 5 songs out and make it an average length album and it becomes a 10. Do you downgrade an album because it has a few too many songs on it? In the end I decided that regardless it's still a 10, as I would rate this a 9.5, which rounds up to 10. If it's in the best 5% of albums thenI have debated for a while whether this album should be a 9 or a 10. As it is it's probably a 9, but take 4 or 5 songs out and make it an average length album and it becomes a 10. Do you downgrade an album because it has a few too many songs on it? In the end I decided that regardless it's still a 10, as I would rate this a 9.5, which rounds up to 10. If it's in the best 5% of albums then it should be a 10, and despite some misgivings, this album still is in the top 5% of albums in my opinion. It is though for me a lesser album than Neon Bible (9.7) and the inimitable Funeral (9.9), but that's hardly harsh criticsm. I love the more intense songs, such as Suburban War and Rococo, but I could have happily lost the likes of City With No Children & Wasted Hours. Those songs though would still be the highlights of many lesser bands catalogues. Overall, 3 out of 3 classics for Arcade Fire confirm them as one of the greatest bands of our generation (if not THE greatest band). Expand
  17. Aug 18, 2010
    If you listen to the album in its entirety, without skipping over tracks or stopping, you might just understand how great this work of art is. Forget about breaking it down and analyzing each song, just press play and away you'll go.
  18. Aug 19, 2010
    I was not totally convinced when I first heard this album but it has grown on me tremendously and it has been the only music I have listened to for weeks! This album comprehensively confirms Arcade Fire as one of the best bands of the 21st century (if they were not due that accolade already)
  19. Aug 19, 2010
    This album further cements Arcade Fire as the most important and best band of the millenium. There are many standout tracks on the album but listening to it in its entirety is the way to go because the whole exceeds the sum of its parts. Great work!!
  20. Aug 19, 2010
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. I have no words, I'm not even gonna try. Simply an amazing album. Love it. Expand
  21. jp8
    Aug 21, 2010
    MorganK you make me laugh. Your comparisons and analogies are hilariously wannabe amateur critic. You clearly listened to it with a preset agenda, a pencil and paper ready to jot down what band the songs sound most sound like on first impression. Your suggestions as to which direction that they should have taken the album.... please..... hey i would have loved it if they made it sound likeMorganK you make me laugh. Your comparisons and analogies are hilariously wannabe amateur critic. You clearly listened to it with a preset agenda, a pencil and paper ready to jot down what band the songs sound most sound like on first impression. Your suggestions as to which direction that they should have taken the album.... please..... hey i would have loved it if they made it sound like a cross between ok computer, merriweather post pavilion and veckatimest but damn them... they didn't. Instead they sounded like arcade fire. Not funeral. Not neon bible. An arcade fire album. A really good one. Expand
  22. Aug 31, 2010
    Sin duda alguna una obra maestra. Consultado al director de la revista: " Ushi in the park", el Sr. Loben de Pi coincide en que la soledad del Deheso, conlleva a vivir en suburbios.

    Para mi, un ten points!
  23. Aug 26, 2010
    I've listened to all three Arcade Fire albums extensively and I can safely say The Suburbs is my favorite: it nails its theme of the contrast between the suburb's "dead shopping malls" and the deep, nostalgic memories of carefree childhood. In the end, you only have the memories of the places you actually lived, not where you wanted to be. The way in which the album weaves these two ideasI've listened to all three Arcade Fire albums extensively and I can safely say The Suburbs is my favorite: it nails its theme of the contrast between the suburb's "dead shopping malls" and the deep, nostalgic memories of carefree childhood. In the end, you only have the memories of the places you actually lived, not where you wanted to be. The way in which the album weaves these two ideas is very compelling and it presents a powerful picture of living in the suburbs as a child. I haven't been able to listen to anything else the last few days, the whole album is riveting and continues to draw me in. Expand
  24. Nov 14, 2010
    I'm on my 20th listen or so. I never get tired of it. The first couple of listens, I thought this was damn good. But more and more it is revealing itself to be a masterpiece. 'Sprawl II' is perhaps my fav Arcade Fire song, but to pick favourites among these tracks is not important as the album exists as an almost seamless whole. I expect the years will be very kind to this album, muchI'm on my 20th listen or so. I never get tired of it. The first couple of listens, I thought this was damn good. But more and more it is revealing itself to be a masterpiece. 'Sprawl II' is perhaps my fav Arcade Fire song, but to pick favourites among these tracks is not important as the album exists as an almost seamless whole. I expect the years will be very kind to this album, much kinder than Neon Bible which, in my opinion, is over-rated. Well worth the 3 year wait. Expand
  25. Aug 27, 2010
    Giving this album a score of a 10 is a must in my records. The first listen had me driving around town for an hour or so, even though I really had nowhere to go. After a few more listens, there are songs that I do skip, but that does not mean I dislike the skipped songs. With 16 tracks, this album is great for different moods you experience day in and day out. Buy it. Recommend it.Giving this album a score of a 10 is a must in my records. The first listen had me driving around town for an hour or so, even though I really had nowhere to go. After a few more listens, there are songs that I do skip, but that does not mean I dislike the skipped songs. With 16 tracks, this album is great for different moods you experience day in and day out. Buy it. Recommend it. Do whatever it takes to make people discover The Arcade Fire. Expand
  26. Sep 14, 2010
    A true masterpiece from a great band. When I first heard it a was amazed how something could sound so perfect, so pure, so original. For me it is not the best. The best album they made is Neon Bible, but this album is not far from the previous. An album where every song speaks for itself, but then again it doesn't. When such great songs are merged into one album that album can easilyA true masterpiece from a great band. When I first heard it a was amazed how something could sound so perfect, so pure, so original. For me it is not the best. The best album they made is Neon Bible, but this album is not far from the previous. An album where every song speaks for itself, but then again it doesn't. When such great songs are merged into one album that album can easily become one of the best albums of the 21 century. Expand
  27. Sep 3, 2010
    Amazing to see the progression of what may be the the best band on the planet. The Suburbs succeeds in allowing each member of this plus sized band to illustrate their talents in what comes together as a beautiful melodic masterpiece.
  28. Sep 4, 2010
    I was certainly a little apprehensive about "The Suburbs" the first few times I heard leaked songs before the album release. Like many die-hard Arcade Fire fans, I always compare everything to their glorious freshman attempt, "Funeral", and worried that like "Neon Bible", this one might fall a little flat. However, after listening to the album in its entirety a few times, it became clearI was certainly a little apprehensive about "The Suburbs" the first few times I heard leaked songs before the album release. Like many die-hard Arcade Fire fans, I always compare everything to their glorious freshman attempt, "Funeral", and worried that like "Neon Bible", this one might fall a little flat. However, after listening to the album in its entirety a few times, it became clear that this is the band at their best. Melodically, lyrically, and conceptually, "The Suburbs" is absolutely unrivaled. This is a work of art. (My favorite tracks include Suburban War, We Used to Wait, and Sprawl II). Expand
  29. Sep 6, 2010
    A masterpiece, a staggering work of genius. Arcade Fire capture the ennui of the 21st Century more than any other artist, yet uplift the listener, giving more and more with each rotation. An album that gives, and continues giving and a band to devote your life to.
  30. Sep 6, 2010
    I've often wondered what song I'd want to be listening to if I were on an airplane that was going to crash. I now know that song would be "We Used to Wait" from this, Arcade Fire's finest album to date "The Suburbs". But what I'm not afraid of is dying, what I'm afraid of is dying before the crescendo of the song hits.

Universal acclaim - based on 43 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 40 out of 43
  2. Negative: 0 out of 43
  1. With beats this straight and stolid, you'd better keep the anthems coming, and they do, almost.
  2. It's serious without being preachy, cynical without dissolving into apathy, and whimsical enough to keep both sentiments in line, and of all of their records, it may be the one that ages so well.
  3. The Suburbs is a really good record, but it's clear that indie rock is not in Kansas anymore.