• Record Label: Merge
  • Release Date: Aug 3, 2010
User Score

Universal acclaim- based on 792 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Negative: 32 out of 792
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  1. Aug 14, 2014
    Here is my track-by-track:
    The Suburbs 5/5
    A brilliant opening anthem, that gets better each listen. Ready To Start 5/5 Another top notch song, with a touch of darkness. Great vocal performance! Modern Man 4/5 Another great vocal performance, but with a little less of a song backing it, and more of a jam. Rococo 3.5/5 Nice dynamics, that exhibits influences nicely, but repetition
    Here is my track-by-track:
    The Suburbs 5/5
    A brilliant opening anthem, that gets better each listen.
    Ready To Start 5/5
    Another top notch song, with a touch of darkness. Great vocal performance!
    Modern Man 4/5
    Another great vocal performance, but with a little less of a song backing it, and more of a jam.
    Rococo 3.5/5
    Nice dynamics, that exhibits influences nicely, but repetition is not a virtue in this case.
    Empty Room 4.5/5
    A great string section. Shows you that short and sweet is an under-rated concept.
    City Of No Children 3.5/5
    A nice song, but not varied enough from other tracks to be memorable.
    Half Light (Parts 1&2) 5/5
    Arcade Fire in their essence, producing a lush beautiful epic.
    Suburban War 4/5
    A good variation in sound, showing us that Arcade Fire's not a one-trick pony.
    Month Of May 4.5/5
    Yet another brilliant curve-ball, very punk-rock and fun.
    Wasted Hours 3/5
    Not one of my favorites, but I wouldn't cut it if I could because it's an essential interlude.
    Deep Blue 4/5
    Reminiscent of Ready To Start, it's under-rated (though not my #1).
    We Used To Wait 5/5
    An epic brooding piece of genius, that sends the album into a space of brooding and angst.
    The Sprawl (Parts One & Two) 5/5
    Going from another brooding dirge into a sensational techno album, THIS is my #1.

    I'm not counting Suburbs Continued, but it's a great ending to the album (I'm a sucker for that circular closing thing).

    Official Score: 4.7
  2. Sep 30, 2015
    One of the greatest albums of the decade. Arcade Fire showcases once again their capability to create grand lyrical statements with grand musical production. The band proves that they may quite be the best musical group of our time.

    Absolutely a must-buy album if you've any love for the art of music.
  3. Dec 19, 2016
    This is the greatest album of all time. Every song in this album is the greatest song of all time. No one could possibly make a better album. This is Art as it should be.
  4. Jul 2, 2017
    Un clásico moderno y una indiscutible obra de arte de principio a fin. Uno de los mejores discos del siglo XXI el indie-rock jamas sonó tan genial. El sonido es simplemente jubiloso te mueve las emociones y te recuerda el poder inigualable que causa la música.
  5. Jun 22, 2017
    I used to write reviews, i used to sign my name.

    You can't write a proper review for this album. You can just listen to it and judge for yourself.
    Ready to start will get you in love with Arcade Fire if you aren't already.
  6. Jan 29, 2018
    A masterpiece. I cannot talk enough good about this album. An absolute gem.
  7. Apr 15, 2019
    One of the best albums I have ever set my ears on. A well crafted masterpiece, lyrically and structurally, meditating on loss of youth and nostalgia with a deep resonating effect.
  8. Jun 19, 2018
    The Suburbs is the first (and only) Arcade Fire album I've completely listened to. Since I downloaded it on my phone, I've listened to it several times - much more than many albums I have reviewed. I can say with some confidence that it is masterly crafted and complex, and pretty great in many places. "Modern Man" has truly awesome music, and is extremely enjoyable. "Rococo" is creepy,The Suburbs is the first (and only) Arcade Fire album I've completely listened to. Since I downloaded it on my phone, I've listened to it several times - much more than many albums I have reviewed. I can say with some confidence that it is masterly crafted and complex, and pretty great in many places. "Modern Man" has truly awesome music, and is extremely enjoyable. "Rococo" is creepy, interesting, and memorable. "Wasted Hours" and "The Suburbs" have excellent music and give off a great atmosphere. Both parts of "Sprawl" are great, and blend together very well. Most of the album has excellent production that demands repeat listens, and the lyrics are original, interesting, and mature.

    I have just a few problems with this otherwise strong, high-quality album. I don't really care for "City;" the music just doesn't sound great to me. I don't really like both of the Half Lights for the same reason I don't like "City." Pretty much every other song on The Suburbs sounds pretty great.

    The Suburbs is a highly-enjoyable, extremely well-produced, high-quality Alt album that I would recommend to anyone. It's an 8.5.
  9. Apr 6, 2018
    Really great album. A great listening experience all the way through. Very chill and has a nice vibe. Favorite songs are The suburbs and Ready to Start
  10. Oct 25, 2021
    Arcade Fire will never do anything unless it can be made into something grand. Each album is intentional and cinematic. This is still the case on their third LP the suburbs . As suggested in the title and early singles (suburbs/month of may) it would be a journey through the mundane. We are guided through abandoned malls in dying towns, bored kids transitioning from youth to angstArcade Fire will never do anything unless it can be made into something grand. Each album is intentional and cinematic. This is still the case on their third LP the suburbs . As suggested in the title and early singles (suburbs/month of may) it would be a journey through the mundane. We are guided through abandoned malls in dying towns, bored kids transitioning from youth to angst adolescence. All through the unchanged anthemic rock they've mastered in previous LP's. A band not desperate to reinvent but instead to perfect. Which is done successfully here considering the cultural impact it had from being AOTY to setting off #who'sarcadefire trends , capturing both commercial and financial acclaim. Beginning with the sprawling titular track a theme is set: nostalgia, coming of age And good ol' suburban idealism. As the magnificent song ponders "moving past the feeling " a momentum, arcade fires gift,begins offsetting onto the next gem and fan favourite "ready to start ". Holy s.h.¡t is it an amazing display of restraint. The loud then quite contrast create tension even as the lyrics narrative gets dense. "Modern Man ",a personal favourite, tells of growing up as a cautionary tale. A warning of the oppressive mundane standards we aspire to. Time's value us acknowledged yet skillfully appreciated. This being the predecessor to "Roccoco" take on scrambles for lost youth divides the albums optimistic sound from the pessimism of the lyrics futility. Not a single song is wasted throughout the 16 tracks runtime. One of the best releases I've heard in my life so far. Favourites:suburban war,the suburbs, modern man,roccoco,sprawl II(mountains beyond moumtains) Expand
  11. Mar 4, 2019
    The Suburbs is an absolute masterpiece and is probably one of the best albums ever made. Arcade Fire created an excellent concept album with rich meanings. Although I prefer Reflektor in terms of sonic quality, The Suburbs follows very closely behind. The complex emotions and feelings towards childhood and growing up in the suburbs is captured perfectly through this 64 minutes masterpiece.The Suburbs is an absolute masterpiece and is probably one of the best albums ever made. Arcade Fire created an excellent concept album with rich meanings. Although I prefer Reflektor in terms of sonic quality, The Suburbs follows very closely behind. The complex emotions and feelings towards childhood and growing up in the suburbs is captured perfectly through this 64 minutes masterpiece. The Suburbs is an essential album to understanding Arcade Fire, and is truly unique and special. Expand
  12. May 6, 2022
    Um pouco longo demais, e meio pretensioso. Mas que importa, quando se tem uma das melhores sequências de canções que eles escreveram? The Suburbs, Ready to Start, Modern Man, Suburban War, Sprawl II... E a lista segue.
  13. Jan 3, 2023
    This album is so good that even the Grammy’s couldn’t ignore it. It’s seriously my favourite album of all time.

Universal acclaim - based on 43 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 40 out of 43
  2. Negative: 0 out of 43
  1. With beats this straight and stolid, you'd better keep the anthems coming, and they do, almost.
  2. It's serious without being preachy, cynical without dissolving into apathy, and whimsical enough to keep both sentiments in line, and of all of their records, it may be the one that ages so well.
  3. The Suburbs is a really good record, but it's clear that indie rock is not in Kansas anymore.