• Record Label: Merge
  • Release Date: Aug 3, 2010
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Universal acclaim- based on 792 Ratings

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  1. Negative: 32 out of 792
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  1. Jan 3, 2023
    This album is so good that even the Grammy’s couldn’t ignore it. It’s seriously my favourite album of all time.
  2. May 6, 2022
    Um pouco longo demais, e meio pretensioso. Mas que importa, quando se tem uma das melhores sequências de canções que eles escreveram? The Suburbs, Ready to Start, Modern Man, Suburban War, Sprawl II... E a lista segue.
  3. Dec 25, 2021
    The Suburbs not only met but exceeded expectations. It does such a wonderful job at capturing what the nostalgia for youth and how life used to be is like. You can feel the longing to make things as they once were despite knowing they'll never be the same again and I absolutely love it.
  4. Oct 25, 2021
    Arcade Fire will never do anything unless it can be made into something grand. Each album is intentional and cinematic. This is still the case on their third LP the suburbs . As suggested in the title and early singles (suburbs/month of may) it would be a journey through the mundane. We are guided through abandoned malls in dying towns, bored kids transitioning from youth to angstArcade Fire will never do anything unless it can be made into something grand. Each album is intentional and cinematic. This is still the case on their third LP the suburbs . As suggested in the title and early singles (suburbs/month of may) it would be a journey through the mundane. We are guided through abandoned malls in dying towns, bored kids transitioning from youth to angst adolescence. All through the unchanged anthemic rock they've mastered in previous LP's. A band not desperate to reinvent but instead to perfect. Which is done successfully here considering the cultural impact it had from being AOTY to setting off #who'sarcadefire trends , capturing both commercial and financial acclaim. Beginning with the sprawling titular track a theme is set: nostalgia, coming of age And good ol' suburban idealism. As the magnificent song ponders "moving past the feeling " a momentum, arcade fires gift,begins offsetting onto the next gem and fan favourite "ready to start ". Holy s.h.¡t is it an amazing display of restraint. The loud then quite contrast create tension even as the lyrics narrative gets dense. "Modern Man ",a personal favourite, tells of growing up as a cautionary tale. A warning of the oppressive mundane standards we aspire to. Time's value us acknowledged yet skillfully appreciated. This being the predecessor to "Roccoco" take on scrambles for lost youth divides the albums optimistic sound from the pessimism of the lyrics futility. Not a single song is wasted throughout the 16 tracks runtime. One of the best releases I've heard in my life so far. Favourites:suburban war,the suburbs, modern man,roccoco,sprawl II(mountains beyond moumtains) Expand
  5. Apr 15, 2019
    One of the best albums I have ever set my ears on. A well crafted masterpiece, lyrically and structurally, meditating on loss of youth and nostalgia with a deep resonating effect.
  6. Mar 4, 2019
    The Suburbs is an absolute masterpiece and is probably one of the best albums ever made. Arcade Fire created an excellent concept album with rich meanings. Although I prefer Reflektor in terms of sonic quality, The Suburbs follows very closely behind. The complex emotions and feelings towards childhood and growing up in the suburbs is captured perfectly through this 64 minutes masterpiece.The Suburbs is an absolute masterpiece and is probably one of the best albums ever made. Arcade Fire created an excellent concept album with rich meanings. Although I prefer Reflektor in terms of sonic quality, The Suburbs follows very closely behind. The complex emotions and feelings towards childhood and growing up in the suburbs is captured perfectly through this 64 minutes masterpiece. The Suburbs is an essential album to understanding Arcade Fire, and is truly unique and special. Expand
  7. Jun 19, 2018
    The Suburbs is the first (and only) Arcade Fire album I've completely listened to. Since I downloaded it on my phone, I've listened to it several times - much more than many albums I have reviewed. I can say with some confidence that it is masterly crafted and complex, and pretty great in many places. "Modern Man" has truly awesome music, and is extremely enjoyable. "Rococo" is creepy,The Suburbs is the first (and only) Arcade Fire album I've completely listened to. Since I downloaded it on my phone, I've listened to it several times - much more than many albums I have reviewed. I can say with some confidence that it is masterly crafted and complex, and pretty great in many places. "Modern Man" has truly awesome music, and is extremely enjoyable. "Rococo" is creepy, interesting, and memorable. "Wasted Hours" and "The Suburbs" have excellent music and give off a great atmosphere. Both parts of "Sprawl" are great, and blend together very well. Most of the album has excellent production that demands repeat listens, and the lyrics are original, interesting, and mature.

    I have just a few problems with this otherwise strong, high-quality album. I don't really care for "City;" the music just doesn't sound great to me. I don't really like both of the Half Lights for the same reason I don't like "City." Pretty much every other song on The Suburbs sounds pretty great.

    The Suburbs is a highly-enjoyable, extremely well-produced, high-quality Alt album that I would recommend to anyone. It's an 8.5.
  8. Apr 6, 2018
    Really great album. A great listening experience all the way through. Very chill and has a nice vibe. Favorite songs are The suburbs and Ready to Start
  9. Jan 29, 2018
    A masterpiece. I cannot talk enough good about this album. An absolute gem.
  10. Dec 27, 2017
    Album number 3, "The Suburbs" cemented this bands reputation as a colossus on the world stage. While occasional elements of this album top the sublime "Funeral", at 16 tracks it's a bit on the long side and could haev done with more editing and stricter quality control (now a reoccuring issue for the band). "The Suburbs" should have been a 12 track affair and with a curtailed running timeAlbum number 3, "The Suburbs" cemented this bands reputation as a colossus on the world stage. While occasional elements of this album top the sublime "Funeral", at 16 tracks it's a bit on the long side and could haev done with more editing and stricter quality control (now a reoccuring issue for the band). "The Suburbs" should have been a 12 track affair and with a curtailed running time could have been regarded as a classic. Instead it's a wonderful but slightly bloated record. The band have shown plenty signs of progress and have further developed their sound. For any negatives I have listed, this remains one of the best albums of 2010 without a doubt and is highly recommended. Expand
  11. Jul 2, 2017
    Un clásico moderno y una indiscutible obra de arte de principio a fin. Uno de los mejores discos del siglo XXI el indie-rock jamas sonó tan genial. El sonido es simplemente jubiloso te mueve las emociones y te recuerda el poder inigualable que causa la música.
  12. Jun 22, 2017
    I used to write reviews, i used to sign my name.

    You can't write a proper review for this album. You can just listen to it and judge for yourself.
    Ready to start will get you in love with Arcade Fire if you aren't already.
  13. Dec 19, 2016
    This is the greatest album of all time. Every song in this album is the greatest song of all time. No one could possibly make a better album. This is Art as it should be.
  14. Aug 22, 2016
    An album that defines a decade and a generation. They could put this album in a museum a 1000 years from now and it could perfectly explain the feeling we all had during this time in history.
  15. Sep 30, 2015
    One of the greatest albums of the decade. Arcade Fire showcases once again their capability to create grand lyrical statements with grand musical production. The band proves that they may quite be the best musical group of our time.

    Absolutely a must-buy album if you've any love for the art of music.
  16. Aug 14, 2014
    Here is my track-by-track:
    The Suburbs 5/5
    A brilliant opening anthem, that gets better each listen. Ready To Start 5/5 Another top notch song, with a touch of darkness. Great vocal performance! Modern Man 4/5 Another great vocal performance, but with a little less of a song backing it, and more of a jam. Rococo 3.5/5 Nice dynamics, that exhibits influences nicely, but repetition
    Here is my track-by-track:
    The Suburbs 5/5
    A brilliant opening anthem, that gets better each listen.
    Ready To Start 5/5
    Another top notch song, with a touch of darkness. Great vocal performance!
    Modern Man 4/5
    Another great vocal performance, but with a little less of a song backing it, and more of a jam.
    Rococo 3.5/5
    Nice dynamics, that exhibits influences nicely, but repetition is not a virtue in this case.
    Empty Room 4.5/5
    A great string section. Shows you that short and sweet is an under-rated concept.
    City Of No Children 3.5/5
    A nice song, but not varied enough from other tracks to be memorable.
    Half Light (Parts 1&2) 5/5
    Arcade Fire in their essence, producing a lush beautiful epic.
    Suburban War 4/5
    A good variation in sound, showing us that Arcade Fire's not a one-trick pony.
    Month Of May 4.5/5
    Yet another brilliant curve-ball, very punk-rock and fun.
    Wasted Hours 3/5
    Not one of my favorites, but I wouldn't cut it if I could because it's an essential interlude.
    Deep Blue 4/5
    Reminiscent of Ready To Start, it's under-rated (though not my #1).
    We Used To Wait 5/5
    An epic brooding piece of genius, that sends the album into a space of brooding and angst.
    The Sprawl (Parts One & Two) 5/5
    Going from another brooding dirge into a sensational techno album, THIS is my #1.

    I'm not counting Suburbs Continued, but it's a great ending to the album (I'm a sucker for that circular closing thing).

    Official Score: 4.7
  17. Jul 28, 2014
    With its aesthetic and colorful descriptions of past experiences as well as thoughts, ideas and regrets, this albums achieves and succeeds for just its own peculiar and sympathetic way of being. Composed of 16 beautiful songs, with tasteful instrumentation and structure, The Suburbs maintains the band's tradition while becoming in a classic. An old-but-new classic.
  18. Jul 23, 2014
    This album is by far one of the best albums that I have ever listened to, every component of the band fits together perfectly, personal favourites of mine include Half Light II (No Celebration) and Sprawl II (Mountains beyond Mountains) this is due to the authentic melodies and drum beats which are completely unique and very different to what I've ever listened to, the lyrics fit in withThis album is by far one of the best albums that I have ever listened to, every component of the band fits together perfectly, personal favourites of mine include Half Light II (No Celebration) and Sprawl II (Mountains beyond Mountains) this is due to the authentic melodies and drum beats which are completely unique and very different to what I've ever listened to, the lyrics fit in with all the songs which all have their individual meanings. This album is genius it is a credit to it's genre, I would love to see these songs performed live, there isn't really anything bad I can say about this album apart from the fact that it comes to an end. Expand
  19. May 9, 2014
    Sixteen more tracks from the great indie band Arcade Fire and even better entry than before. Arcade Fire uses its storytelling again to use in a great way best tracks are Sprawl II and the self titled track. This album uses its lyrics to be as ambitious and passionate to its songs deeply take effect on its listeners.
  20. May 3, 2014
    With The Suburbs, Arcade Fire have ultimately cemented their place as one of the most multifariously talented, ingeniously experimental, and profoundly touching bands in musical history. The hour-long concept album does, quite surprisingly so, live up to its title and dedicates more or less every one of its songs to the suburbs, the emotions you feel growing up in them, and childhood andWith The Suburbs, Arcade Fire have ultimately cemented their place as one of the most multifariously talented, ingeniously experimental, and profoundly touching bands in musical history. The hour-long concept album does, quite surprisingly so, live up to its title and dedicates more or less every one of its songs to the suburbs, the emotions you feel growing up in them, and childhood and adolescence in general. Thus, such simple and mundane themes as learning to drive, wasting hours with your closest friends, and writing letters are addressed and actually make for phenomenal compositions, brimming with genuine sentiments and relatable stories of youth. But there are even more appealing features to the record, namely the ever gorgeous and quotable phrasing of the band, whether it’s about “the wilderness downtown”, “dead shopping malls [rising] like mountains beyond mountains”, or “[having] the ocean in a shell”. I’ve been in love with The Suburbs ever since I’ve first listened to its musical opulence and lyrical beauty and it’s certainly among my all-time favourite albums. Expand
  21. May 1, 2014
    A spectacular masterpiece, with moving lyrics and songs that will make you click on that replay bottom every time you hear them. Cant get enough of Arcade Fire. It feels like Spike Jonze, The Coen Bros, Wes Anderson and David O Russell were musicians.
  22. Apr 15, 2014
    The best album of Arcade Fire. Obviously. I mean, the only reason I'd listen to Neon Bible is to wait for No Cars Go and Intervention to suddenly pop up into the stereo. But The Suburbs is a masterpiece that lingers around an atmosphere so magnetic it drags you to it like a vacuum. It's a cyclone, a tornado of some sort, where the boredom of wasting your time in the past and the boredom ofThe best album of Arcade Fire. Obviously. I mean, the only reason I'd listen to Neon Bible is to wait for No Cars Go and Intervention to suddenly pop up into the stereo. But The Suburbs is a masterpiece that lingers around an atmosphere so magnetic it drags you to it like a vacuum. It's a cyclone, a tornado of some sort, where the boredom of wasting your time in the past and the boredom of wasting your time thinking about the past is reflected so much through the voices of both Win and Regine so immaculately and so perfectly. Sprawl II is a masterpiece, so is Empty Room (although short) and everything else! Definitely deserves all the awards and Grammys it fished out of the lake. Expand
  23. Mar 26, 2014
    I love this album. My second fave one from Arcade Fire. This is definitely a huge improvement from its predecessor, which I still don't like. :)))))))
  24. Dec 30, 2013
    My family and I love Arcade Fire, so it really no surprise to us when we started listening to some of the music from this album, and immediately fell in love with it. There are so many good songs on The Suburbs that you just can't help but love this album. Arcade Fire is definitely becoming one of the most memorable bands of the 21st century, and they will continue to entertain andMy family and I love Arcade Fire, so it really no surprise to us when we started listening to some of the music from this album, and immediately fell in love with it. There are so many good songs on The Suburbs that you just can't help but love this album. Arcade Fire is definitely becoming one of the most memorable bands of the 21st century, and they will continue to entertain and enthrall us for many years. Expand
  25. Sep 19, 2013
    What can I say For me THIS is example of PERFECT ALBUM. I first heard The Suburbs (single) almost 2 years ago and I still have to listen to it at least few times a day. It's not worse or better LP then previous ones their all just perfect. The Suburbs, Modern Man, ROCOCO, CwNC, Suburban Wars whole album is amazing.

    PS: I am not even close to being nerd or whoever the f*** only
    What can I say For me THIS is example of PERFECT ALBUM. I first heard The Suburbs (single) almost 2 years ago and I still have to listen to it at least few times a day. It's not worse or better LP then previous ones their all just perfect. The Suburbs, Modern Man, ROCOCO, CwNC, Suburban Wars whole album is amazing.

    PS: I am not even close to being nerd or whoever the f*** only listens to Arcade Fire You think. I have heard sh**load of various music till I crossed my path with them.
  26. Aug 24, 2013
    Arcade Fire surpasses itself entirely in a stunning album. The music is so dense, so full of fantastic imagery, and brave new sounds, as well as lovely, quiet tunes it only occasionally feels drawn out. 16 tracks is an impressive amount of music in this day and age but it does unfortunatley lead to their being needless trampling on ground that they covered well enough a few songs earlier.
  27. Jun 19, 2013
    One of my favorite albums of all time! This masterpiece flows beautifully from one excellent song to another, lacking any mediocre songs. Lyrics: AWESOME, Music: AWESOME, Everything: AWESOME
    There is literally nothing I would change about this album. It is as near to perfect as possible.
  28. Jun 8, 2013
    This is a masterpiece on its own. Listening to it is like seeing the transition of the families from the suburbs to the big cities full of "dead shopping malls". It's totally worth the listen.

    I won't say what my favorite tracks because this is supposed to be from beginning to end. It's a story and you shouldn't miss any chapter.
  29. May 10, 2013
    Because this album has been written about quite extensively, I’ll spare you my own internal deliberations on its merits and simply tell you what I think is preventing this album from being a truly great album:

    “Empty Room” “City With No Children” “Half Light I” “Month Of May” “Wasted Hours” “Sprawl (Flatland)” Nixing those six songs would have resulted in a 10-song
    Because this album has been written about quite extensively, I’ll spare you my own internal deliberations on its merits and simply tell you what I think is preventing this album from being a truly great album:

    “Empty Room”

    “City With No Children”

    “Half Light I”

    “Month Of May”

    “Wasted Hours”

    “Sprawl (Flatland)”

    Nixing those six songs would have resulted in a 10-song album that would have landed squarely in the #3 spot on this list, and likely would have wound up beating out Kanye West for the #1 spot on many lists. Why the band insisted on stuffing in this obvious B-side material to bloat the runtime over an hour is beyond me. There are five instant-classics on this record (“Ready To Start”, “Modern Man”, “Rococo”, “We Used To Wait”, and “Sprawl II”), but having to trudge through the unnecessary filler robs Arcade Fire of an opportunity to match the concise brilliance of their previous work.
  30. Apr 17, 2013
    This is one of the best albums of 2010 (with My Beautiful Dark Twisted Fantasy by Kanye West). Each track has something special about it. There's the regular classical pieces on the album and also a few songs reliant on synthesisers. For the old fans this can be seen as lacklustre, but some may embrace it as a masterpiece which it is.
  31. Jan 21, 2013
    The Suburbs is a superb album. One of the great things about this album is the fact that it has 16 songs on it. This makes it so there is at least one song on this album for everybody. No, not every song is perfect but some are near perfection in my opinion. This album is both musically and lyrically rich. Although this album has progressed some from the classic Arcade Fire feel that wasThe Suburbs is a superb album. One of the great things about this album is the fact that it has 16 songs on it. This makes it so there is at least one song on this album for everybody. No, not every song is perfect but some are near perfection in my opinion. This album is both musically and lyrically rich. Although this album has progressed some from the classic Arcade Fire feel that was present in both their Arcade Fire EP and Funeral it still holds some of the elements fans are likely to recognize. This album also hosts songs that even people that are not die-hard Arcade Fire fans should enjoy. Expand
  32. Dec 11, 2012
    This may be my favorite album ever. Easily one of the best of the decade, The Suburbs delivers a powerful punch, not just in sound, but in lyrics. Hidden deep in the corners of each song lays teaming an amount of meaning rarely seen in modern albums. If one relayed this into movie-terms, it would have the greatest actors, the greatest director, and the greatest story. This is truly anThis may be my favorite album ever. Easily one of the best of the decade, The Suburbs delivers a powerful punch, not just in sound, but in lyrics. Hidden deep in the corners of each song lays teaming an amount of meaning rarely seen in modern albums. If one relayed this into movie-terms, it would have the greatest actors, the greatest director, and the greatest story. This is truly an album that won't leave you feeling like you wasted an hour, more like you experienced a time of pure fantasy. This album is almost too good for the time it's in. If you haveb't heard it, you must, because your ears will thank you, and when your grand-kids will ask you if you liked Arcade Fire, you can say at least you've heard them. Arcade Fire has made it 3 for 3, and here's hoping they'll hit 4 for 4 next year. Expand
  33. Oct 30, 2012
    Once again, Arcade Fire did a splendid job of releasing consistently good albums. The album has a great sound filled with lyrics about suburban life and childhood nostalgia. The songs Ready to Start, Rococo, We Used to Wait, and Sprawl II are the best in my opinion. These songs accompanied with the melodic songs just creates a good album. Although, there are some things that I want toOnce again, Arcade Fire did a splendid job of releasing consistently good albums. The album has a great sound filled with lyrics about suburban life and childhood nostalgia. The songs Ready to Start, Rococo, We Used to Wait, and Sprawl II are the best in my opinion. These songs accompanied with the melodic songs just creates a good album. Although, there are some things that I want to criticize. I found some of the songs to have the same tonality, same beat, and the same slow singing of Win. In addition to that, Empty Room was too short, City with no Children was bland, and Month of May felt a bit forced to be a rock song. Despite these criticisms, I still like the album and I give it an 8. Expand
  34. Mar 19, 2012
    My absolute favourite album of all time. I don't even know if I have words to express how much I love it. Every song has such depth and emotion in it, the music glorious and wonderful and heartbreaking and incredible. I will never tire of listening to this album. Ever. This is perfection.
  35. Nov 29, 2011
    To be honest, I didnt like it that much the first time around but then I found myself putting the CD in and listening to it over and over again. I relized soon after that this album is album of the year for a reason, Its simply that good.
  36. Nov 14, 2011
    Its album of the year for a reason. The Suburbs is a masterpiece from start to finish. Easily the best work that Arcade Fire has ever put out and it shows just how much change the band has went through since their debut album. I would highly suggest you listen to this.
  37. j30
    Nov 8, 2011
    The Suburbs feels like a mixture between their first two studio records and the result is....near flawless.
  38. Oct 26, 2011
    'The Suburbs' is the third LP to be released by the indie rockers Arcade Fire. The album is about growing up , living, loving, hating, losing, and remembering the suburban town of Woodlands, Texas just outside of Houston. Most people know Arcade Fire because of their sensational debut album 'Funeral', which is without a doubt one of the best releases in a while. Their second release,'The Suburbs' is the third LP to be released by the indie rockers Arcade Fire. The album is about growing up , living, loving, hating, losing, and remembering the suburban town of Woodlands, Texas just outside of Houston. Most people know Arcade Fire because of their sensational debut album 'Funeral', which is without a doubt one of the best releases in a while. Their second release, 'Neon Bible', while by no means a failure, far from it in fact, was no where near the level of the first. I am glad to report that 'The Suburbs', unlike 'Neon', is near the level of 'Funeral'. This album made it official, Arcade Fire is not just one of those bands that puts out one great record, they have depth. The album opens with a piano driven recollection of younger life, an anthem for anyone who has lived in a suburban area. It is followed by song after song continuing the story, all indirectly connected, as if each song is a letter being sent to someone. The music gives a great feel of always being on the move, being sent from place to place, always having somewhere to be just far enough away to make an ordeal. There is also an element of impending war within the album, I do not think this is meant literally, but as someone who lived a real suburban life, I somehow get the feeling. It is more about the division between those who feel they deserve everything and those who feel they deserve nothing, a cold war of sorts. The album jumps around, flashes of stories here and there. The music drives the words perfectly, it gives the feel that the music was written for the words and not the other way around, which is a great thing. Arcade Fire may be better than anyone else at this, it is the strongest point about any of their albums and unlike other strategies bands use, this one never gets old. The highlights of the album from a musical aspect are great in number, but I will single out 'Ready to Start' and 'Half Light II'. 'Ready to Start' is driven by guitar and 'Half Light II' is driven by consistent beat, these two songs show how well the band was able to maintain strong variety through the album without sacrificing its power. It is hard to come up with a concept album without being repetitive, and 'The Suburbs' is certainly not that. I am from the suburbs of Houston, Texas so I can tell you how true this album is. I have lived through the friendships growing and being destroyed, the laughing and the crying, the wanting to make something of yourself, and it is all told so well in this album. Win Butler may not be poetic in his songs, but living in the suburbs is far from poetic, you live in some neighborhood full of spoiled white kids that don't know how good they have it, and also don't know how bad they may end up having it if they don't realize what they can lose. So the Suburbs is about honesty, because honesty is life and death in there, and this album is honest, as honest as they come. Expand
  39. Oct 12, 2011
    Simplemente uno de los mejores Albums que he escuchado , Arcade fire es un excelente grupo, todos sus albums me han fascinado y este no podia haber sido la excepcion !
  40. Sep 27, 2011
    Arcade Fire ha triunfado con este gran tercer album, sin lugar a duda muestra un sonido mas maduro y un conjunto de sonidos caracteristicos que hacen de "The Suburbs" una experiencia Pop/Indie destacable, temas veloces y de batarias ruidosas (aun asi bien arregladas) como "Empty Room" o temas mas silencioasos y delicados como "Half Light" y sonidos que van hasta una poderosa balada popArcade Fire ha triunfado con este gran tercer album, sin lugar a duda muestra un sonido mas maduro y un conjunto de sonidos caracteristicos que hacen de "The Suburbs" una experiencia Pop/Indie destacable, temas veloces y de batarias ruidosas (aun asi bien arregladas) como "Empty Room" o temas mas silencioasos y delicados como "Half Light" y sonidos que van hasta una poderosa balada pop "Half Light II: No Celebration" o toques de guitarras y mas estilo rock "Month Of May", definitivamente los suburbios no defraudan a nadie, ni a propios ni a extraños Expand
  41. Sep 17, 2011
    The third album from Arcade Fire is a unforgettable masterpiece, the record delivers incredible tracks like the title track, "Ready to Start" and "Rococo". The band created this terrific sound that makes this album shine. It makes it more enjoyable for fans to listen to; In other terms, this album is incredible and is a must listen for any Arcade Fire fan or music lovers alike.
  42. Sep 8, 2011
    It's a good album and I am happy that these guys beat lady gaga and the rest on the awards but it did disappoint me a little after all the hype. It's a good album but not a masterpiece so have a listen and don't think you've bought XXI century's gold record, you will just like some songs like I like the first two or "Wasted Hours" and hate one or two like I hate "month of may". It's trueIt's a good album and I am happy that these guys beat lady gaga and the rest on the awards but it did disappoint me a little after all the hype. It's a good album but not a masterpiece so have a listen and don't think you've bought XXI century's gold record, you will just like some songs like I like the first two or "Wasted Hours" and hate one or two like I hate "month of may". It's true that it is a new mix of alredy known sounds like Pet shop boys or Neil Young so kudos for that. And as I said on the begining, it's also good to have a rock band beating today's electronics. Expand
  43. Jul 12, 2011
    Absolutely fantastic; every track deserves to be listened to, explored and experienced in its own right. Arcade Fire go places few modern artists have ventured, and the end result is a beautiful album. It can be catchy, it can be emotional, and it can be rock'n'roll. Well done.
  44. Jul 9, 2011
    This album is hands-down one of the best albums i've ever heard. Deeply passionate, forceful and moving, it certainly elevates Modern Rock to new heights. From the Upbeat yet dark 1st track, ''The Suburbs'' to the bright and colourful ''Sprawl 2''....this record is a masterpiece. Very few bands in the world can create such beautifully textured music.....having layer over layer ofThis album is hands-down one of the best albums i've ever heard. Deeply passionate, forceful and moving, it certainly elevates Modern Rock to new heights. From the Upbeat yet dark 1st track, ''The Suburbs'' to the bright and colourful ''Sprawl 2''....this record is a masterpiece. Very few bands in the world can create such beautifully textured music.....having layer over layer of instrumentation. Arcade Fire are, without a doubt , the best band in the world right now, as all their three albums are Flawless creations. Can't wait for the next one! Expand
  45. Jul 1, 2011
    Need I go on? It's Arcade Fire. Yes folks Arcade Fire, the 7-piece chamber pop, indie alternative group from Montreal, Quebec have done it again. While their first focused on death and finding light in it, their second on the world around them and the corruption of it all, The Suburbs is about those kids from Funeral, now all grown up, living normal, dull lives in the well...Suburbs. WhatNeed I go on? It's Arcade Fire. Yes folks Arcade Fire, the 7-piece chamber pop, indie alternative group from Montreal, Quebec have done it again. While their first focused on death and finding light in it, their second on the world around them and the corruption of it all, The Suburbs is about those kids from Funeral, now all grown up, living normal, dull lives in the well...Suburbs. What you see is what you get, a smartly written record that while not as deep or as much of a grower as Funeral of Neon Bible, The Suburbs is a down to earth, approach to mainstream sensibilities that comes across as something you've never heard before, and it's marvelous. The kids from Funeral have now grown up, some going through mid-life crisis, some seeing the new kids living around, others hate the suburbs and want to get out but know that it is inevitable and will never happen. With these story elements around the album presents emotions and moods we've all felt before in teenage depression and moods, and mid-life crisis. Love, anger, joy, hate, depression, bridging the gap to dating, divorce, marriage, suicide, death, and more. Alltogether it is just amazing, and simply a breathtaking listen.
    Every single track highlights the suburban life in its pros and cons, and reflects the life they've lived. Another thing the record does so extraordinarly well is that it is over 65 minutes long, and spans 16 tracks, a milestone for an indie record. Arcade Fire's goal was to craft a record that was long and spanning, yet felt like listening to Funeral or any other primitive indie piece, and the result is masterful.
    The highlights include We Used to Wait, Suburban War, and the self-titled The Suburbs. All are perfect songs, blending the bands fantastic instrumental work, binding violin harmony and impeccable piano work with drumfire spitting and guitar and bass looming there in the background, all while Win Butler fires the band away delivering beautiful and inspiritational vocals with smart and crafty lyrcism. Overall The Suburbs is a modern masterpiece. The best record so far of 2010, and most definetely the best independent record to come out this year. Every time I fire it up I smile to the melody and harmonies, and intricate instrument work. I can't help but feel in a different time and space whenever I hear their incredible muscianship at work. The Suburbs may not be as intricatly designed as Funeral or Neon Bible, but for being designed as more chamber pop than alternative, it is the most accessible and easygoing Arcade Fire record yet, simply and utterly perfect, and needing many listens to sum up the emotions neccessary for the most positive feedback, thank you again Arcade Fire, for a journey through my subconscious and world. 10/10

    Notable Tracks: We Used to Wait, Suburban War, The Suburbs, Sprawl II (Mountains Beyond Mountains), Month of May, Ready to Start, Modern Man.
  46. May 21, 2011
    Win Butlers vocal performances may come into question at time (and don't get me wrong, I think his voice is brilliant) but there is no doubting his ability to write relatable and touching lyrics. Not as rawly artist as Funeral but solid song writing still remains. A few songs could probably be axed from this album because personally there are some songs that (whilst I enjoy) aren't at theWin Butlers vocal performances may come into question at time (and don't get me wrong, I think his voice is brilliant) but there is no doubting his ability to write relatable and touching lyrics. Not as rawly artist as Funeral but solid song writing still remains. A few songs could probably be axed from this album because personally there are some songs that (whilst I enjoy) aren't at the level of other tracks around them. Don't feel the need to compare this to Funeral or Neon Bible because what Arcade Fire have done yet again is create a stand alone album that has it's unique sound and concept. An absolute must listen to anyone who enjoys modern indie/alternative music. Expand
  47. May 18, 2011
    Some albums have passion, some albums have such consistency you could smother yourself in for days, other albums have such awe inspiring diversity. The Suburbs manages all of these in to a slick, lengthy and consistently thrilling album. Many people might have thought 'Funeral' was a one off masterpiece, The Suburbs follows the trend set by Neon Bible in disproving this. In short, it's theSome albums have passion, some albums have such consistency you could smother yourself in for days, other albums have such awe inspiring diversity. The Suburbs manages all of these in to a slick, lengthy and consistently thrilling album. Many people might have thought 'Funeral' was a one off masterpiece, The Suburbs follows the trend set by Neon Bible in disproving this. In short, it's the best album you will grace your ears with for quite sometime. Expand
  48. May 16, 2011
    This album just seems to flow perfectly, with each song leading gracefully into the next. Significant favourites from this album are The Suburbs and We Used To Wait.
  49. May 12, 2011
    great. touching. great songwriting. i love it................................................................................ arcadee fire once again give it their best shot. its a great achievement for them.
  50. May 4, 2011
    After this album, Arcade Fire are now one of my top bands that I love listening to. While Neon Bible was a slight step down from the masterpiece that is Funeral, Arcade Fire should take this as their stepping stone of improvement and damn right they took that step with such an amazing sense of accomplishment. The Suburb's sound is polished from Neon Bible but it recaptured the sorrow andAfter this album, Arcade Fire are now one of my top bands that I love listening to. While Neon Bible was a slight step down from the masterpiece that is Funeral, Arcade Fire should take this as their stepping stone of improvement and damn right they took that step with such an amazing sense of accomplishment. The Suburb's sound is polished from Neon Bible but it recaptured the sorrow and sense of danger Funeral had. Across 16 songs, The Suburbs shows no hindrance or signs of weakness with catchy yet haunting melodies, endearing and thoughtful lyrics and a compelling concept about life in suburbia. Arcade Fire, you are the best. Expand
  51. Apr 24, 2011
    This album is amazing and a refreshing experience to anyone who is willing to listen to some good non-mainstream music. Filter yourselves out, and give this one a try. It is very much worth it! Every song, at least for me, left me with a rich feeling I hadn't felt in a long time. Every song is cleverly written and musical keys are pitch perfect, altogether creating and blending anThis album is amazing and a refreshing experience to anyone who is willing to listen to some good non-mainstream music. Filter yourselves out, and give this one a try. It is very much worth it! Every song, at least for me, left me with a rich feeling I hadn't felt in a long time. Every song is cleverly written and musical keys are pitch perfect, altogether creating and blending an experience crying to be heard, and played back all over again. Expand
  52. Apr 21, 2011
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. Following on from the emotion of Funeral and the menace of Neon Bible, The Suburbs sees The Arcade Fire take another turn in a different direction. Their first two albums were confrontational as is The Suburbs although it may not appear so at first. It looks at modern day life but from many different approaches. A parent observes that the expectation and excitement in "waiting" is gone, "there's something that don't feel right" about living in a daily routine, the horror of leaving a place and returning to find it completely changed and that all the "kids are standing with their arms folded tight" are just a few of the issues raised. A large band means many instruments and could often lead to an overcrowded, overdone sound. Not in the the case of The Arcade Fire. They're all placed brilliantly and contain the feel the band is trying to create perfectly. The Suburbs is passionate, deep and meaningful and creates a confronting scene and something to think hard about.
    Best tracks:
    The Suburbs
    Modern Man
    Suburban War
    We Used To Wait
    Sprawl II (Mountains Beyond Mountains)
  53. Mar 12, 2011
    Arcade Fire has come out with their best yet with The Suburbs. From the first track in which Win Butler sings about wantings children to talking about the changes of the city e grew up in the album is an emotionally charged complex work. Each track keeps the album moving forward. The Suburbs will be one of those albums we look back at decades from now with fond memories.
  54. Feb 1, 2011
    This is a great album! Every song paints a picture in my head while listening and there is a well balanced theme to all the songs. I feel like this is their best album to date and a wonderful album!
  55. Jan 24, 2011
    The Suburbs is such a layered, complex piece of music that one can hear it over and over and still be amazed by its incredible depth. It's got a passionate nostalgia running through it that's totally uncommon, and the songs blend brilliantly and makes it into an entire piece. Arguably the best album of the 21st century.
  56. Nov 23, 2010
    This is easily among the best albums my ears have had the privilege to hear. Even months after its initial release I still find myself listening to it again and again. The song Suburban War is my personal favorite. This album convinced me to catch their live show in Vancouver, and it was one of the best concerts I've attended. A great album, with great songs, by a great band who put on aThis is easily among the best albums my ears have had the privilege to hear. Even months after its initial release I still find myself listening to it again and again. The song Suburban War is my personal favorite. This album convinced me to catch their live show in Vancouver, and it was one of the best concerts I've attended. A great album, with great songs, by a great band who put on a great live show. No complaints. Expand
  57. Nov 23, 2010
    The Suburbs accomplishes not only being a modern masterpiece, but also changing it to not sound so much like its predecessor's. It starts out with The Suburbs and that's just a great tune to start off the album with. Then another great song is Ready To Start right after it. Month Of May is hands down the most rock oriented Arcade Fire song they've ever made. It's just brilliant. All InThe Suburbs accomplishes not only being a modern masterpiece, but also changing it to not sound so much like its predecessor's. It starts out with The Suburbs and that's just a great tune to start off the album with. Then another great song is Ready To Start right after it. Month Of May is hands down the most rock oriented Arcade Fire song they've ever made. It's just brilliant. All In All, The Suburbs is Arcade Fire's best album. Expand
  58. Nov 22, 2010
    I've thought Arcade Fire was a mixed bag - sounding great at times, mediocre and overpopulated other times. The Suburbs does have that "every other song is great" (really great) feel to it, but the filler is much better here than in Neon Bible. I also think this album is better than Funeral, which is saying a lot. Songs are well-crafted and well-produced, dare I say a bit dark at times.I've thought Arcade Fire was a mixed bag - sounding great at times, mediocre and overpopulated other times. The Suburbs does have that "every other song is great" (really great) feel to it, but the filler is much better here than in Neon Bible. I also think this album is better than Funeral, which is saying a lot. Songs are well-crafted and well-produced, dare I say a bit dark at times. If you are from the suburbs and grew up on classic rock, I'd say you are in for a modern treat. Makes my top 5 for the year. Rewards repeated listens. Expand
  59. Nov 22, 2010
    An absolutely gorgeus album and deserves your full attention. Sounds like they have been experimenting with their sound and makes me wonder, what's next?
  60. Nov 14, 2010
    I'm on my 20th listen or so. I never get tired of it. The first couple of listens, I thought this was damn good. But more and more it is revealing itself to be a masterpiece. 'Sprawl II' is perhaps my fav Arcade Fire song, but to pick favourites among these tracks is not important as the album exists as an almost seamless whole. I expect the years will be very kind to this album, muchI'm on my 20th listen or so. I never get tired of it. The first couple of listens, I thought this was damn good. But more and more it is revealing itself to be a masterpiece. 'Sprawl II' is perhaps my fav Arcade Fire song, but to pick favourites among these tracks is not important as the album exists as an almost seamless whole. I expect the years will be very kind to this album, much kinder than Neon Bible which, in my opinion, is over-rated. Well worth the 3 year wait. Expand
  61. Oct 24, 2010
    This album starts off great, with what I think is their best song "Ready to Start", but just deteriorates. After "Suburban War" it just feels lazy and a waste of potential, but I gave it this because if i just got an album from 1 to 9 I would be satisfied. Warning, not nearly as good a package as the funeral.
  62. Oct 21, 2010
    great album. 4 stars from me
  63. Oct 12, 2010
    I have debated for a while whether this album should be a 9 or a 10. As it is it's probably a 9, but take 4 or 5 songs out and make it an average length album and it becomes a 10. Do you downgrade an album because it has a few too many songs on it? In the end I decided that regardless it's still a 10, as I would rate this a 9.5, which rounds up to 10. If it's in the best 5% of albums thenI have debated for a while whether this album should be a 9 or a 10. As it is it's probably a 9, but take 4 or 5 songs out and make it an average length album and it becomes a 10. Do you downgrade an album because it has a few too many songs on it? In the end I decided that regardless it's still a 10, as I would rate this a 9.5, which rounds up to 10. If it's in the best 5% of albums then it should be a 10, and despite some misgivings, this album still is in the top 5% of albums in my opinion. It is though for me a lesser album than Neon Bible (9.7) and the inimitable Funeral (9.9), but that's hardly harsh criticsm. I love the more intense songs, such as Suburban War and Rococo, but I could have happily lost the likes of City With No Children & Wasted Hours. Those songs though would still be the highlights of many lesser bands catalogues. Overall, 3 out of 3 classics for Arcade Fire confirm them as one of the greatest bands of our generation (if not THE greatest band). Expand
  64. Oct 9, 2010
    I wasn't into Arcade Fire before listening to this album, i just kept hearing the hype and thought I might as well check it out. I could say whole-heartidly, that I was not dissapointed. Emotionaly, it's there, Songwriting, it's there, hooks, they're there too, just listen to the title track and tell me the chorus "sometimes I can't belive it, I'm moving past the feeling" isn't catchy, butI wasn't into Arcade Fire before listening to this album, i just kept hearing the hype and thought I might as well check it out. I could say whole-heartidly, that I was not dissapointed. Emotionaly, it's there, Songwriting, it's there, hooks, they're there too, just listen to the title track and tell me the chorus "sometimes I can't belive it, I'm moving past the feeling" isn't catchy, but what makes it great is it'll tug at yoor emotional strings, unless your cold-hearted. I Guess what I'm saying, is at least give ti a listen, if you don't become a fan, you'd at least respect the album to som degree. Expand
  65. Oct 5, 2010
    The third arcade fire album is a very good one. It's full of great songs and really enjoyable melodies. Unfortunately the album is 16 songs and an hour long, and the group could have left off around 3-5 songs off and would have made an excellent album.
  66. Sep 22, 2010
    Okay, so the Butlers did grow up in America. Their Canadian heritage is smoke screen, but to be forgiven, as how else would have Win met Rene. The albums chills the soul when Rene is allowed to use her warbling soprano to tell us of our societal woes. "Rococo's" ever higher spiral of power chording ends too soon. The Sprawl I&II makes a tear come from the eye corner. David Bowie is stillOkay, so the Butlers did grow up in America. Their Canadian heritage is smoke screen, but to be forgiven, as how else would have Win met Rene. The albums chills the soul when Rene is allowed to use her warbling soprano to tell us of our societal woes. "Rococo's" ever higher spiral of power chording ends too soon. The Sprawl I&II makes a tear come from the eye corner. David Bowie is still tapping his foot to the beat skip that drives "Modern Man".
    If you are a fan of Tom Petty and Fleetwood Mac.... do not miss "The Suburbs"
    Has any Indie Rock band actually held the #1 in album sales position before? It was only for a week as Disney spoiled it with another "Bieber " release.
  67. Sep 19, 2010
    In response to the guy who made the ridiculous comment about "Funeral having 5 or 6 good songs, Neon Bible having 3, and this one having 0." First of all, if you really think Funeral and Neon Bible only had that many good songs, you are an idiot. Also, you have no right to review Arcade Fire if you are going to do so by judging their songs. They aren't a single band, it's an album band.In response to the guy who made the ridiculous comment about "Funeral having 5 or 6 good songs, Neon Bible having 3, and this one having 0." First of all, if you really think Funeral and Neon Bible only had that many good songs, you are an idiot. Also, you have no right to review Arcade Fire if you are going to do so by judging their songs. They aren't a single band, it's an album band. Good Album, up there with Neon Bible, not quite Funeral. Expand
  68. Ivo
    Sep 16, 2010
    It's a shame I can't give this album an 11 because it deserves it. I loved the majority of Funeral and some of Neon Bible but every second of this new album culminates into their masterpiece. This is definitely the best album of 2010 and since most of this year is in the books I don't see it being challenged. I grew up in a massive, sprawling suburb in So. Cal and understood andIt's a shame I can't give this album an 11 because it deserves it. I loved the majority of Funeral and some of Neon Bible but every second of this new album culminates into their masterpiece. This is definitely the best album of 2010 and since most of this year is in the books I don't see it being challenged. I grew up in a massive, sprawling suburb in So. Cal and understood and experienced most of the themes on this album. It simultaneously reminded me of the way I felt back in the day and how I feel about it all now. Truly amazing. Expand
  69. Sep 14, 2010
    A true masterpiece from a great band. When I first heard it a was amazed how something could sound so perfect, so pure, so original. For me it is not the best. The best album they made is Neon Bible, but this album is not far from the previous. An album where every song speaks for itself, but then again it doesn't. When such great songs are merged into one album that album can easilyA true masterpiece from a great band. When I first heard it a was amazed how something could sound so perfect, so pure, so original. For me it is not the best. The best album they made is Neon Bible, but this album is not far from the previous. An album where every song speaks for itself, but then again it doesn't. When such great songs are merged into one album that album can easily become one of the best albums of the 21 century. Expand
  70. Sep 14, 2010
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. The third record of the Arcade Fire could not be better.
    This pack of songs is superb. Owners of a sound
    unique among his contemporaries, these Montreal group are the
    more interesting that has happened to indie rock on
    recent years. Always lovers of atmospheric strings and good arrangements, get immersed sensations
    on affordable formats. Deep without being
    complex, their stories are always interesting. Rock
    capital letters and that manages to combine popular
    with a well-designed art. Amazing.
  71. Sep 8, 2010
    Beautifully unique album. Arcade Fire is now a solid 3-for-3, with Neon Bible being a (tiny bit of a) letdown. Debut record Funeral was hard to follow, but rather than try to improve on it, the band have managed to put out another album that gives the listener the same feeling and emotion without any repetition.
  72. Sep 7, 2010
    Let's begin with this... its not Funeral, dont expect it to be Funeral, if you havent heard Funeral because of some magic spell that was cast on u for the past 6 or 7 years then go buy that. Now that you are somewhat familiar with The Arcade Fire you will know that its not as good. I am a fan of the Arcade Fire, and there is a lot of good songs on the album, particularly the first 4 and aLet's begin with this... its not Funeral, dont expect it to be Funeral, if you havent heard Funeral because of some magic spell that was cast on u for the past 6 or 7 years then go buy that. Now that you are somewhat familiar with The Arcade Fire you will know that its not as good. I am a fan of the Arcade Fire, and there is a lot of good songs on the album, particularly the first 4 and a few of the last ones. It is well done, but there is something on this album that Funeral and Neon Bible didn't have.... filler songs. The middle is boring and i just skip over it. In fact I might take 5 or 6 songs off my ipod and pretend the album is only 9 or 10 songs (which is a hell of a lot more than most bands could get in a career). If it was only 10 songs, then it would have been amazing, but they went for the big, not gigantic (like Smashing Pumpkins Mellon Collie and the Infinite Sadness which was 28 songs of brilliance) masterpiece, that fell a little short Expand
  73. Sep 6, 2010
    I've often wondered what song I'd want to be listening to if I were on an airplane that was going to crash. I now know that song would be "We Used to Wait" from this, Arcade Fire's finest album to date "The Suburbs". But what I'm not afraid of is dying, what I'm afraid of is dying before the crescendo of the song hits.
  74. Sep 6, 2010
    A masterpiece, a staggering work of genius. Arcade Fire capture the ennui of the 21st Century more than any other artist, yet uplift the listener, giving more and more with each rotation. An album that gives, and continues giving and a band to devote your life to.
  75. Sep 4, 2010
    I was certainly a little apprehensive about "The Suburbs" the first few times I heard leaked songs before the album release. Like many die-hard Arcade Fire fans, I always compare everything to their glorious freshman attempt, "Funeral", and worried that like "Neon Bible", this one might fall a little flat. However, after listening to the album in its entirety a few times, it became clearI was certainly a little apprehensive about "The Suburbs" the first few times I heard leaked songs before the album release. Like many die-hard Arcade Fire fans, I always compare everything to their glorious freshman attempt, "Funeral", and worried that like "Neon Bible", this one might fall a little flat. However, after listening to the album in its entirety a few times, it became clear that this is the band at their best. Melodically, lyrically, and conceptually, "The Suburbs" is absolutely unrivaled. This is a work of art. (My favorite tracks include Suburban War, We Used to Wait, and Sprawl II). Expand
  76. Sep 3, 2010
    Amazing to see the progression of what may be the the best band on the planet. The Suburbs succeeds in allowing each member of this plus sized band to illustrate their talents in what comes together as a beautiful melodic masterpiece.
  77. Sep 1, 2010
    In the age in which music critique expects itself to be art (what a sucky age!), that is, in the age in which NO BAND can be more pretentious than the purply assessments of them that attempt to turn thumbs up/thumbs down into a poem, Arcade Fire seem to be criticized for going for the spiritual jugular too brazenly and with too much feigned earnestness. Fine, those critiques are probablyIn the age in which music critique expects itself to be art (what a sucky age!), that is, in the age in which NO BAND can be more pretentious than the purply assessments of them that attempt to turn thumbs up/thumbs down into a poem, Arcade Fire seem to be criticized for going for the spiritual jugular too brazenly and with too much feigned earnestness. Fine, those critiques are probably right. But the music on The Suburbs is really, really good. And, if you don't like the way it tries to make you feel, then you probably are just emotionally masking the fact that you don't have the spiritual depth to recognize when you are experiencing something "real" (whatever we mean by that word) in the first place. In other words, you're a subject of the times just like the rest of us and a perfect victim for Arcade Fire's music. Funeral was a more perfect album, but The Suburbs might end up being a better one. The fact that we turn our frustration at our own emotional stuntedness into a bitter judgment upon anything that reminds us of that stuntedness should not stop us from listening to fine, soaring-with-chains rock-n-roll. Expand
  78. Aug 31, 2010
    Sin duda alguna una obra maestra. Consultado al director de la revista: " Ushi in the park", el Sr. Loben de Pi coincide en que la soledad del Deheso, conlleva a vivir en suburbios.

    Para mi, un ten points!
  79. Aug 27, 2010
    Giving this album a score of a 10 is a must in my records. The first listen had me driving around town for an hour or so, even though I really had nowhere to go. After a few more listens, there are songs that I do skip, but that does not mean I dislike the skipped songs. With 16 tracks, this album is great for different moods you experience day in and day out. Buy it. Recommend it.Giving this album a score of a 10 is a must in my records. The first listen had me driving around town for an hour or so, even though I really had nowhere to go. After a few more listens, there are songs that I do skip, but that does not mean I dislike the skipped songs. With 16 tracks, this album is great for different moods you experience day in and day out. Buy it. Recommend it. Do whatever it takes to make people discover The Arcade Fire. Expand
  80. Aug 26, 2010
    I've listened to all three Arcade Fire albums extensively and I can safely say The Suburbs is my favorite: it nails its theme of the contrast between the suburb's "dead shopping malls" and the deep, nostalgic memories of carefree childhood. In the end, you only have the memories of the places you actually lived, not where you wanted to be. The way in which the album weaves these two ideasI've listened to all three Arcade Fire albums extensively and I can safely say The Suburbs is my favorite: it nails its theme of the contrast between the suburb's "dead shopping malls" and the deep, nostalgic memories of carefree childhood. In the end, you only have the memories of the places you actually lived, not where you wanted to be. The way in which the album weaves these two ideas is very compelling and it presents a powerful picture of living in the suburbs as a child. I haven't been able to listen to anything else the last few days, the whole album is riveting and continues to draw me in. Expand
  81. jp8
    Aug 21, 2010
    MorganK you make me laugh. Your comparisons and analogies are hilariously wannabe amateur critic. You clearly listened to it with a preset agenda, a pencil and paper ready to jot down what band the songs sound most sound like on first impression. Your suggestions as to which direction that they should have taken the album.... please..... hey i would have loved it if they made it sound likeMorganK you make me laugh. Your comparisons and analogies are hilariously wannabe amateur critic. You clearly listened to it with a preset agenda, a pencil and paper ready to jot down what band the songs sound most sound like on first impression. Your suggestions as to which direction that they should have taken the album.... please..... hey i would have loved it if they made it sound like a cross between ok computer, merriweather post pavilion and veckatimest but damn them... they didn't. Instead they sounded like arcade fire. Not funeral. Not neon bible. An arcade fire album. A really good one. Expand
  82. Aug 19, 2010
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. I have no words, I'm not even gonna try. Simply an amazing album. Love it. Expand
  83. Aug 19, 2010
    This album further cements Arcade Fire as the most important and best band of the millenium. There are many standout tracks on the album but listening to it in its entirety is the way to go because the whole exceeds the sum of its parts. Great work!!
  84. Aug 19, 2010
    I was not totally convinced when I first heard this album but it has grown on me tremendously and it has been the only music I have listened to for weeks! This album comprehensively confirms Arcade Fire as one of the best bands of the 21st century (if they were not due that accolade already)
  85. Aug 18, 2010
    This one rates somewhere in between Funeral and Neon Bible for me. Win's 'crankiness' is what keeps me [from] rating this one a 10. Uh, the album is too long . . . 150 characters for a review, really?
  86. Aug 18, 2010
    If you listen to the album in its entirety, without skipping over tracks or stopping, you might just understand how great this work of art is. Forget about breaking it down and analyzing each song, just press play and away you'll go.
  87. Aug 17, 2010
    Much better than Neon Bible. The Suburbs is an album that already feels like it has lasting value after only 5 full spins. This truly is the bands second masterpiece.
  88. Aug 16, 2010
    I would have made it a ten if they'd skipped Sprawl I (Flatland). I doubt I'll ever get better than tolerating that track. It's actually a bit surprising that they put it on there. The rest makes up a true gem of an album.
  89. Aug 16, 2010
    An explosion of nostalgic feelings since the first track, wonderful, probably in my top ten of the year. I love when the new bands make new music and even if sounds old, it looks original.
  90. Aug 16, 2010
    After seeing them on the Daily Show, i was amazed by what i heard. Anyone in their right minds would love this album. In any means, a pure masterpiece.
  91. Aug 14, 2010
    Album of the year. Builds on the first two albums to find a slightly more accessible sound than Neon Bible. In that respect it reminds me of how "Dear Science" fits into TVOTR's catalogue, or "In Rainbows".
  92. Aug 14, 2010
    Masterpieces. The best album of the year. Third album and third masterpiece. Arcade Fire confirms will be the best band actually. Amazing. Songs like Rococo and Mountains Beyoond Mountains are the best. Classic! Fantastic!
  93. Aug 14, 2010
    One morning a few years ago as a journalist with a part-time gig as a music reviewer, Funeral arrived on my desk. I knew little about Arcade Fire, save some glowing, perhaps over-enthusiastic reviews I'd read on the internet. The release of Funeral coincided with the worst year of my life; my marriage had failed, I hardly ever saw my kids. There was no joy anywhere. I half suspectedOne morning a few years ago as a journalist with a part-time gig as a music reviewer, Funeral arrived on my desk. I knew little about Arcade Fire, save some glowing, perhaps over-enthusiastic reviews I'd read on the internet. The release of Funeral coincided with the worst year of my life; my marriage had failed, I hardly ever saw my kids. There was no joy anywhere. I half suspected one of my peers had given me the cd to review as a joke.
    A cliche perhaps, but Funeral became the soundtrack to my life. I recall saying in a newspaper column that the album was the best album of the new millennium from the most promising band I'd heard in years. It changed my life in ways no record had before, save perhaps The Soft Bulletin.
    I can admire Neon Bible. A masterpiece of restrained power. I'd liken it to Arcade Fire's The Bends. But it didn't move me.
    Being a traditionalist, I'd waited for The Suburbs to arrive in my local store on vinyl rather than picking up the cd on release day. For three days now, I've played nothing else. I've cried. I've felt tingles up my spine. I've searched the internet for airfares to the next live show.
    In short, thank you Arcade Fire. The world is a better place thanks to you.
  94. Aug 13, 2010
    I only had a passing knowledge of Arcade Fire until very recently. I saw them perform 2 songs on The Daily Show and decided to purchase this album. Only been listening for a few days now, but I'm impressed.
  95. Aug 13, 2010
    "The Suburbs" is a masterpiece, possibly the greatest album so far of the 21st century. It's like a Martin Scorsese movie in the sense that there isn't a wasted second. Every detail has been meticulously crafted, from every musical note to every lyric. This album is as close to perfection as it gets. But it's so deep and nuanced and passionate and heartfelt that it takes time to peel"The Suburbs" is a masterpiece, possibly the greatest album so far of the 21st century. It's like a Martin Scorsese movie in the sense that there isn't a wasted second. Every detail has been meticulously crafted, from every musical note to every lyric. This album is as close to perfection as it gets. But it's so deep and nuanced and passionate and heartfelt that it takes time to peel off every layer to realize just how unbelievably substantive this album is. Arcade Fire comes as close to matching Bruce Springsteen during his heyday as we're ever likely to get. Expand
  96. Aug 13, 2010
    Arcade Fire's third album is a little different to their previous two. On first listen, it appears that the crescendos and walls of sound we've come to expect have mostly been faded out to be replaced by more space and an unhurried saunter through the places the Butler's grew up in. None of this is bad; the band as tight and melodies as gorgeous as ever. Two tracks highlight the band'sArcade Fire's third album is a little different to their previous two. On first listen, it appears that the crescendos and walls of sound we've come to expect have mostly been faded out to be replaced by more space and an unhurried saunter through the places the Butler's grew up in. None of this is bad; the band as tight and melodies as gorgeous as ever. Two tracks highlight the band's fondness for new sounds. The first, Sprawl II (Mountains Beyond Mountains) goes into electro territory, Regine's vocals perfectly complimenting the mirrorball soundtrack. The second, Month Of May takes things in the direction of straight ahead punk rock but is no less stirring than when the church organs are ramped up to 11. These are sounds I hope we will be hearing more of in the future. For now though, this is a very modern blend of folk rock and synth pop which should open the door to wider popularity. Best of the homely gems for my money is City With No Children. It quickly achieves lift-off the same way as Rebellion or No Cars Go do on previous albums. And then back down to earth... but never for long. It's this pattern of peaks and troughs that run throughout the album; a collection of stunningly played songs put together with some thought. One reason to press an album on to plastic, and then play it from beginning to end. Expand
  97. Aug 13, 2010
    This might be the best Arcade Fire album yet. That's everything you need to know. 16 songs long, this album is sure to have at least ten songs worth soaking in for a long time to come.
  98. BKM
    Aug 12, 2010
    Great album. One of the year's best. It seems somewhat conventional at first listen, but I was immediately compelled to go back and revisit it in its entirety. It is a deeply felt album about the uneasy passage from youth to adulthood and the fears and anxieties that go along with the transition. It also flat out rocks. What more can you ask for?
  99. Aug 12, 2010
    This is honesty the best album i have ever heard, it has some soft songs and some more rock songs that hit the ball out of the park, no one will be disappointed with this album.
  100. Aug 12, 2010
    I cannot stop listening to this. I thought after a lot of listening for a week that I was getting tired of it, but I found myself coming back to it and finding new things to appreciate about the songs. For me they all are get better over time. It is different than their other records, but still them. It is serious, but not heavy. The various influences are obvious to hear, but only inI cannot stop listening to this. I thought after a lot of listening for a week that I was getting tired of it, but I found myself coming back to it and finding new things to appreciate about the songs. For me they all are get better over time. It is different than their other records, but still them. It is serious, but not heavy. The various influences are obvious to hear, but only in an additive way that makes the music better. There is a lot of variety, but it is all Arcade Fire. If you are looking for the rhythmic intensity and highs of their past two, you will find it - and a lot more. It's kind of hard to describe what makes it so good. I think in the end that is one of the keys to it being really good. Expand

Universal acclaim - based on 43 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 40 out of 43
  2. Negative: 0 out of 43
  1. With beats this straight and stolid, you'd better keep the anthems coming, and they do, almost.
  2. It's serious without being preachy, cynical without dissolving into apathy, and whimsical enough to keep both sentiments in line, and of all of their records, it may be the one that ages so well.
  3. The Suburbs is a really good record, but it's clear that indie rock is not in Kansas anymore.