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Universal acclaim- based on 133 Ratings

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  1. Negative: 9 out of 133
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  1. Aug 17, 2023
    This album ultimately brought me back into the more "blackish" kind of extreme music. After listening and writing metal songs for about 10 years I took a big detour of producing pop-music for other artists until this piece of art found its way into my playlist and I guess just flipped a switch. This album has the best pacing I have ever expirienced in heavy music. The riffing, while notThis album ultimately brought me back into the more "blackish" kind of extreme music. After listening and writing metal songs for about 10 years I took a big detour of producing pop-music for other artists until this piece of art found its way into my playlist and I guess just flipped a switch. This album has the best pacing I have ever expirienced in heavy music. The riffing, while not always surprising, is always a rewarding journey through well sounding harmonies and catchy melodies alike. While beeing heavy the album is still an easy listen due to the fact the songwritting is a perfect balance between structured heaviness and a "go with the flow"-feeling. While I'm still waiting for "The Satanist" to meet its match and I also doubt that even Behemoth themselves will be able to create another album like this, I am just thankfull they rekindled my interest in listening and writting heavy music. Expand
  2. Jan 19, 2023
    I don't like heavy metal but I sure as hell like this album.
    Only problem I got is that this album feels a little long and that's all then again I said I don't like Heavy Metal
  3. Aug 4, 2020
    with its dark atmosphere, the satanist is one of the greatest albums of the whole metal history. must listen.
  4. Oct 30, 2018
    Inside these initially confuse flood of drum's blast-beat, there's the purest weight and care with aesthetic.
  5. Nov 2, 2017
    A black metal classic. There's simply nothing worth skipping over - masterpiece from beginning to finale. True, brutal and quite accessible for those dipping their toes in to the genre.
  6. Sep 23, 2017
    "The Satanist" proves to be one of Behemoth's finest albums: excellent song structure, clear production, fantastic lyrics and a great vocal performance by Nergal make it an obliged listen to any death metal fan. Don't miss it!
  7. Aug 29, 2017
    This is a real masterpiece.
    Drums, vocals, guitars, bass and lyrics all in harmony.
    One of the best albums of the last decades .
    It is going to be tough to get over this amazing album.
  8. Nov 19, 2016
    Not a fan of Behemoth and black or death metal but this album is a masterpiece. Songs are heavy as hell but at the same time they are beautiful or even melodic.
  9. Mar 5, 2016
    In my opinion, this is the best album from Behemoth. It's their most experimental release, featuring occasional blues and jazz elements, with organ, trombone, trumpet and other instruments being used a lot, unusual for a black/death metal release.
    It's fast and furious in parts, slow and beautiful in others, but it is very bleak overall.
    Lyrics are actually very humanist in their nature,
    In my opinion, this is the best album from Behemoth. It's their most experimental release, featuring occasional blues and jazz elements, with organ, trombone, trumpet and other instruments being used a lot, unusual for a black/death metal release.
    It's fast and furious in parts, slow and beautiful in others, but it is very bleak overall.
    Lyrics are actually very humanist in their nature, highlighted by acoustic guitar/jazz piece with spoken word passage in "In The Absence Ov Light".
    Overall, it's really good.
  10. Mar 21, 2015
    Behemoth are back! This album is very heavy. Great production is present here along with insane drumming, great guitar work and of course hatred of religion.
  11. Oct 24, 2014
    He wash over bad moments with cancer but is here.And give us perhaps the most mature album of his career."Nergal" in that album seems undue serious..All songs don't have remorse...The vocals is amazing too..We have one uncontrollable without mercy and complete free man here..It's not shame to say it..Is the best "Behemoth" moment.I don't believe "Nergal" in that time can create such aHe wash over bad moments with cancer but is here.And give us perhaps the most mature album of his career."Nergal" in that album seems undue serious..All songs don't have remorse...The vocals is amazing too..We have one uncontrollable without mercy and complete free man here..It's not shame to say it..Is the best "Behemoth" moment.I don't believe "Nergal" in that time can create such a album..I' proud for him..Objective the best "death metal" band out there right now... Expand
  12. Sep 19, 2014
    i did not like this album when i first listened to it. maybe it was the anticipation, complicated by Nergal's illness. but the more time i have put into it the better i like it. it is definitely different from the last 3 albums, it feels like they've gone back to their roots, but harder, more experienced, and sounding excited to be making music again, something that was lacking ini did not like this album when i first listened to it. maybe it was the anticipation, complicated by Nergal's illness. but the more time i have put into it the better i like it. it is definitely different from the last 3 albums, it feels like they've gone back to their roots, but harder, more experienced, and sounding excited to be making music again, something that was lacking in Evangelion. my favorite Behemoth albums are Satanica and The Apostasy, and there are sections of this cd that feel like a throwback to some of the tunes on Satanica, which is probably what ended up changing my opinion. an obvious plus, Nergal's vocals are the most vicious they've ever been. Expand
  13. Sep 2, 2014
    Probably the best album of 2014, "The Satanist" is just a phenomenal album. The vibe and the feel of the album as a whole is truly amazing. Although it is true that if you were not a fan of Behemoth before and you thought they were a bit too extreme for you then you will certainly like this one, it doesn't change the fact that the it is still one of a kind.
    Very enjoyable album,
    Probably the best album of 2014, "The Satanist" is just a phenomenal album. The vibe and the feel of the album as a whole is truly amazing. Although it is true that if you were not a fan of Behemoth before and you thought they were a bit too extreme for you then you will certainly like this one, it doesn't change the fact that the it is still one of a kind.
    Very enjoyable album, definitely one of the highlights of their carreer
  14. Apr 23, 2014
    Man the critics have really blown this album out of proportion. A 92? Good grief, the same thing happened to Sunbather, which is better than this i think at least. It's still a pretty good album, by far Behemoth's best, and very catchy too surprisingly. Powerful and immense at times, dark and twisted at others. Pretty good overall, but not worth a damn 92.
  15. Feb 20, 2014
    This album will remain as the best album of 2014.The sounds of Guitars are exceptional and vocals are heavy on ears...The music is top class.Behemoth came up with their all time best album and made this year as an year for Metal.
  16. Feb 16, 2014
    This album goes back to their black metal roots, behemoth start making Dead Metal in the early 2000's I was disappointed by those albums I prefer their black metal albums.I do prefer black metal over death metal.I especially like that album art and music videos
  17. Feb 7, 2014
    New year has just began and I already have my Metal Album of the Year favorite. The songs are mind blowing. Music is heavy, yet it is easy to find catchy parts that make you crawl for more.Inferno delivers a brutal drums performance and Orion's bass work is absolutely out of this world - especially on title track. Nergal's voice and guitars are as good as ever. Behemoth once again provesNew year has just began and I already have my Metal Album of the Year favorite. The songs are mind blowing. Music is heavy, yet it is easy to find catchy parts that make you crawl for more.Inferno delivers a brutal drums performance and Orion's bass work is absolutely out of this world - especially on title track. Nergal's voice and guitars are as good as ever. Behemoth once again proves that they belong on top of the heavy metal world Expand
  18. Feb 6, 2014
    Easily my favorite album of 2014. Nergal's vocals and guitar are second to none. With some areas that shine Orion's bass performance and of course, Inferno's masterful drumming. Melodic, heavy and oh so beautiful. I'd even call it perfect.
  19. Feb 5, 2014
    Absolutely mind-blowing. I'm not a fan of Behemoth, didn't like previous 9 albums, but this is the best metal album of last few years. Powerful, containing many beautiful melodies, there is no weak song. Perfect drumming, bass and guitar works, perfect sound of Negral's growl, great mixing, a lot of memorable moments, for example In the Absence ov Light and declamation of Witold GombowiczAbsolutely mind-blowing. I'm not a fan of Behemoth, didn't like previous 9 albums, but this is the best metal album of last few years. Powerful, containing many beautiful melodies, there is no weak song. Perfect drumming, bass and guitar works, perfect sound of Negral's growl, great mixing, a lot of memorable moments, for example In the Absence ov Light and declamation of Witold Gombowicz by Nergal - it's something beautiful. Poland can be proud of this album. Expand
  20. Feb 4, 2014
    To put it lightly, this album is out of this world. The vocals sound brutal, the guitars are tight and the riffs are catchy, the drumming is used incredibly intelligently, and the bass is mixed in perfectly.

Universal acclaim - based on 10 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 10 out of 10
  2. Mixed: 0 out of 10
  3. Negative: 0 out of 10
  1. Mar 5, 2014
    The Satanist is a terrific coil of most everything Behemoth have ever done well, a strangely hopeful vision of hell wrested away from its very grip.
  2. Kerrang!
    Feb 12, 2014
    This is a very reflective record that refuses to exist only on one level, and though it's a cliche to say it, the more you put into it, the more you'll get out of it. [1 Feb 2014, p.52]
  3. Feb 7, 2014
    They're career musicians active since the '90s, but here, they actually sound excited again.