
Universal acclaim - based on 19 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 17 out of 19
  2. Negative: 0 out of 19
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  1. Jan 14, 2014
    It's an album we'll be looking at in December when it's time to single out the most powerful works of 2014.
  2. Uncut
    Jan 9, 2014
    It's Cash, at the top of her game as a singer, who carries the day. [Jan 2014, p.65]
  3. Jan 9, 2014
    It’s a record that her late father would have been enormously proud of, and the first essential country album of 2014.
  4. Jan 14, 2014
    It’s among her finest work in a 35-year career, assured and at ease, and one of 2014’s first great albums.
  5. Feb 20, 2014
    Rosanne Cash caps a trilogy of reflection with poise and insight, a complex cultural legacy moved distinctly forward.
  6. Jan 21, 2014
    As powerful a witness for the region--Memphis, Mississippi, Alabama, Arkansas--as it is a lovely quilt of musicality, braiding blues, folk, Appalachia, rock and old-timey country, this is balm for lost souls, alienated creatures seeking their core truths and intellectuals who love the cool mist of vespers in the hearts of people they may never encounter.
  7. Jan 9, 2014
    The River & The Thread will require multiple listens to truly appreciate, so set aside some time to soak in this one.
  8. Mar 4, 2014
    Sometimes Cash is a little wordy and other times Leventhal’s melodies kind of drift off, but mostly the two mesh together well.
  9. Q Magazine
    Feb 14, 2014
    It's bracing stuff. [Mar 2014, p.110]
  10. Mojo
    Feb 11, 2014
    These evocative originals, inspired by road trips, inevitably reconnect ti her Memphis roots. [Mar 2014, p.96]
  11. Feb 10, 2014
    The somewhat mainstream arrangements are meticulously crafted and played, but it's Cash's emotional, engaged vocals that carry the record.
  12. 80
    This is an elegant, mature work of a songwriter and performer at the height of her powers.
  13. As always, Cash’s vocals aren’t brimming with character, but their tidiness suits her observational lyrics and considered personality. Together, they lead her home by a route laid out clearly enough to show just how far she strayed.
  14. Jan 14, 2014
    As the title suggests, The River & The Thread manages to surge and sway all at the same time. Indeed, it doesn’t get much better than this.
  15. Jan 9, 2014
    This album confirms once again that she's matured into a singular artist with the talent and the vision to make these stories of her travels in the South come to vivid and affecting life.
  16. Jan 22, 2014
    It’s a consummate piece of work, and an evocative way to honor both personal and public history.
  17. Jan 13, 2014
    Frustratingly, the record seems somewhat sleepily produced by her husband John Leventhal. One wishes for more flourish to distinguish these songs from one another.

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User Score

Generally favorable reviews- based on 31 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Positive: 23 out of 31
  2. Negative: 3 out of 31
  1. Jan 6, 2015
    Listened to this album like 10 times, but with every play it becomes more boring. I don't understand all the buzz about it? Rosanne's voiceListened to this album like 10 times, but with every play it becomes more boring. I don't understand all the buzz about it? Rosanne's voice has a very limited range...and sounds numb. I dont feel any emotion...the opening song is the only strong track, and then the album drags on and on in a very uninspired way, like a ship that strands in shallow muddy river. Full Review »
  2. Dec 31, 2014
    How did I let 2014 get by - by just a nick; it's 8:55 p.m. NYE - without finding out about this album and listening to how much Rosanne Cash,How did I let 2014 get by - by just a nick; it's 8:55 p.m. NYE - without finding out about this album and listening to how much Rosanne Cash, like her dad and wine, just grows better with age. This album mesmerizes me. I love the imagery. I love the melodies. The lyrics. How gently it's sung. Great album and recommended! Full Review »
  3. Mar 3, 2014
    Nem sempre filho de peixe é peixinho, mas quando a maçã cai perto da arvore de origem podemos ter uma grata surpresa. A cantora countryNem sempre filho de peixe é peixinho, mas quando a maçã cai perto da arvore de origem podemos ter uma grata surpresa. A cantora country americana Rosanne Cash é filha da lenda Johnny Cash. Com uma carreira com mais de trinta anos é a prova viva que talento pode ser transmitido por DNA. Seu último, e sensacional, álbum The River & the Thread foi lançado no começo do mês comprovando minha teoria.

    The River & the Thread tem como a sua principal qualidade as composições de Rosanne e o produtor do álbum John Leventhal. Falando sobre as viagens no Sul dos Estados Unidos, Rosanne discorre habilmente sobre as idas e vindas, as saudades, as jornadas físicas, mentais e espirituais que todos fazem em algum momento da vida. Usando de suas próprias experiências pessoais a cantora consegue tocar diretamente no coração de qualquer um em qualquer lugar já que todos os sentimentos mostrados são reais e universais. Além disso, a excelência que as letras são construidas mostra o cuidado em criar momentos de verdadeira poesia como nas belíssimas Etta’s Tune ou em The Long Way Home. A produção faz de The River & the Thread um excepcional álbum de country com uma direção mais tradicional e com influências de folk, blues e um pouco de rock. Mesmo seguindo certa linearidade sonora com a maioria das canções em uma mesma toada o trabalho de produção é primoroso na adição de nuances perfeitas dando a personalidade necessária para cada música. Porém, The River & the Thread não são para todos os gostos já que o country não é tão apreciado abaixo da linha do Equador. Vocalmente, Rosanne não lembra nada a voz cavernosa e poderosa de seu pai sendo bem contida, doce e delicada. Mesmo assim consegue transmitir toda a imensidão de sentimentos em performances emocionantes como em Night School ou Tell Heaven. Um álbum para quem realmente gosta de música boa. E uma ótima plataforma para conhecer mais do trabalho de Rosanne e de seu pai (esse sendo simplesmente obrigatório para fãs de música).
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