
Generally favorable reviews - based on 31 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 26 out of 31
  2. Negative: 0 out of 31
  1. The Reminder sounds best on headphones, since its rich room tone and casual instrumental interplay is essential to the experience.
  2. “The Reminder” is a modestly scaled but quietly profound pop gem: sometimes intimate, sometimes exuberant, filled with love songs and hints of mystery. [15 Apr 2007]
  3. Unassuming, unpretentious and totally listenable too, this is thirteen songs and fifty minutes that might just make her famous.
  4. Enough variety is here, and it all fits together as beautifully as Let It Die did.
  5. The Reminder is an exceptional album that should be experienced solely on the merits its stunning musicality.
  6. Listening to this thing is like watching a pitcher throw a no-hitter.
  7. Whereas her last album's smoothed-out eclecticism could be both daunting and empty, The Reminder is equally diverse yet more full-blooded.
  8. She continues to extend a thoughtful arm, whittling intricacy into something poignant and manageable.
  9. This is a fine album and certainly Feist's best yet.
  10. Feist is now that rare artist in complete control of her talent.
  11. An elemental tour-de-force, "The Reminder" could be her Eureka record - an album where almost everything turns to gold.
  12. Billboard
    A fantastically colorful and original effort. [5 May 2007]
  13. Spin
    Quieter and more uniform in sound than the wilfully eclectic Let It Die, the new album emphasizes her sumptuous vocals and ear for a handsome melody. [May 2007, p.85]
  14. It's a deliberate album that never sounds over-thought, and it's moving without even a hint of cliché.
  15. Blender
    [The] sense of playful adventure ensures that smooth needn't mean snoozy. [Jun 2007, p.108]
  16. Uncut
    It's a darker, deeper affair. [Jun 2007, p.94]
  17. Feist offers diversity and charm.
  18. The Reminder may not surprise, but it does force one to ignore the cloying marketed image and just love Feist for the talented individual that she is.
  19. Under The Radar
    Although it stumbles here and there... it's also littered with the proof that few artists are as adept at crafting such smart, intimate pop and from such a bevy of sources. [#17, p.84]
  20. While nothing here is wholly original, it is a pleasure for as long as it plays.
  21. Though jangly uptempo ditties are nothing new for the Canadian singer-songwriter, it's these kinds of songs, seemingly constructed for radio play, that mar the otherwise radiant Reminder.
  22. Urb
    An atmospheric and sophisticated album from a promising songwriter. [May 2007, p.93]
  23. In the end, The Reminder is by no means a bad album, but it certainly could have used a bit more trimming and a little less of a focus on the soft pop side of things.
  24. "The Reminder" features Feist free from the polished confines of her previous effort. Instead, she opts for a more organic approach punctuated by subtle electronic elements, soulful vocal harmonies, and glam-rock guitar riffs.
  25. Even the most melancholy moments... have airy jazz arrangements that let them breathe.
User Score

Universal acclaim- based on 99 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Positive: 89 out of 99
  2. Negative: 6 out of 99
  1. seand
    Jul 29, 2007
    absolute crap, i cant believe this kind of garbage is embraced by music critics and critical fans alike. if you like this than you should go absolute crap, i cant believe this kind of garbage is embraced by music critics and critical fans alike. if you like this than you should go out and get some norah jones albums because they sound exactly the same...lavender diamond is 10 times better if you have to listen to a similar thing Full Review »
  2. AnthonyP
    May 23, 2007
    Surprised to read such passionate reviews, as I find it kind of forgettable. Maybe it's a sleeper (but I guess I'll never know). To Surprised to read such passionate reviews, as I find it kind of forgettable. Maybe it's a sleeper (but I guess I'll never know). To me the production's annoying - makes her sound tinny. I miss the groovy stuff. Full Review »
  3. RudyardF
    May 18, 2007
    Far from being the best album of the year, but a solid album after softening some of my initial reactions with repeat listens. If you're Far from being the best album of the year, but a solid album after softening some of my initial reactions with repeat listens. If you're a fan of Let It Die, be warned: there's a reason every critic used the word "intimate" to describe this outing. It's hushed and quiet save for the songs she's already set to video. For the most part the melodies save the quieter works (especially in Limit To Your Love and How My Heart Behaves--let the latter one sink in and you'll see why she closes the set with this gem), but on songs like The Park, The Water, and Intuition, she takes things down by more than just a notch--she almost drives you away by these sleepy, droopy-lidded songs that really should've been b-sides. It's bad enough that some of her vocals were recorded in cheap-equipment-indie fashion, but the last 4 minutes of The River reminded me of obnoxious female singers who can't craft melody--which Feist isn't, adding more confusion to the mix. I'm not trying to bash this album--it definitely has its merits--but it's not a no-brainer classic. Full Review »