
Generally favorable reviews - based on 28 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 20 out of 28
  2. Negative: 0 out of 28
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  1. Jul 5, 2018
    How much Gorillaz fans enjoy The Now Now will depend on why they became fans in the first place. Anyone captivated by Hewlett’s world-building will probably feel a little let down, as will those who fell for their eclectic, big-tent approach to pop. That leaves the Damon Albarn diehards.
  2. 60
    When there’s too much Albarn, there are too many songs shooting for the insidious sadness of On Melancholy Hill, and hitting the pleasant, inconsequential mark instead. Yes, Idaho, Lake Zurich and Souk Eye aren’t bad songs, but you’ll miss the bass and big choruses.
  3. Jun 29, 2018
    The Now Now ultimately sounds exactly what it is: music made on the road as an escape from homesickness.
  4. 60
    Unfortunately, outside of those songs [Humility, Hollywood, Tranz, Sorcererz, and Lake Zurich] (which would have made for an excellent EP) The Now Now falls short, the grit and grandiosity of other Gorillaz records is absent.
  5. Jun 26, 2018
    While these songs are often good, they also lack the colour and experimental zeal of Gorillaz’ best work.
  6. Mojo
    Jun 25, 2018
    This is a record that manages to feel both trapped and rootless. [Aug 2018, p.90]
  7. Jul 2, 2018
    For now, Gorillaz seem content to oscillate between extremes, a futuristic pop powerhouse that cannot decide what the future looks like.
  8. Jul 2, 2018
    Gleams and glances of Albarn’s potential are almost omnipresent, yet never really come into fruition.
User Score

Generally favorable reviews- based on 228 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Negative: 13 out of 228
  1. Jun 29, 2018
    The feeling when you listen to a new album gorillaz can not be expressed in simple words. The best songs on the album in my opinion areThe feeling when you listen to a new album gorillaz can not be expressed in simple words. The best songs on the album in my opinion are Humility and Fire Flies Full Review »
  2. Jun 29, 2018
    It sounds like a somewhat uninspired, dreamy synth-pop mishmash with Damons lifeless vocals ontop.
    Half of the album is great but inbetween
    It sounds like a somewhat uninspired, dreamy synth-pop mishmash with Damons lifeless vocals ontop.
    Half of the album is great but inbetween you have these, in my opinion, absolutely forgettable tracks like Kansas, Magic City, Tranz, Idaho, and One Percent that I just end up skipping.
    Nontheless, tracks like Sorcererz, Humility, Hollywood, Fire Flies, Lake Zurich and to some extend Souk Eye are certainly worth giving a listen to.
    Overall however this is the weakest Gorillaz album in my collection.
    Full Review »
  3. Jul 11, 2018
    I’m just gonna put out my bold statement right away; this is my favourite Gorillaz album.

    I like all the tracks whether it’s from the
    I’m just gonna put out my bold statement right away; this is my favourite Gorillaz album.

    I like all the tracks whether it’s from the groovy upbeat track of Sorcererz to the emotional ballad of Fire Flies. They’re all great.

    I thoroughly enjoy the focused perspective and mood of 2-D making all the tracks sound succinct with a great vibe. You can thank producer James Ford for making it sound more normal, in a sense.

    While Demon Days and Plastic Beach are stand out albums for the band from most people’s point of view, in my opinion, they are still flawed. Tracks from these albums can feel repetitive (Dirty Harry, All Alone, White Light) or annoying (Glitter Freeze, Sweepstakes). I’ve listened to these albums religiously for an entire month, and those got stale making me have to skip them.

    The Now Now isn’t like that for me. All the songs are the right length without getting repetitive and annoying with the nice synths mixed with other instrumentation and a bridge or a change up to keep the listener engaged. I know this album isn’t as ambitious and experimental as other albums, but that’s what makes me love it.

    It’s basically a conventional album; all from one artist’s vision who brings it to life with their fellow band members having a consistent vibe and flow to it without having to reinvent music or change the music landscape. All they try to do is make you feel good.
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