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Universal acclaim- based on 59 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Positive: 52 out of 59
  2. Negative: 5 out of 59

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  1. DavidK
    Mar 28, 2007
    Not so good, not so good
  2. CF
    Apr 10, 2007
  3. mikeyf
    May 2, 2007
    soulful as soulful can be. transcsends labeling. highly evolved aesthetic is an understatement. bowie's successor. wait'll he learns to rock - oy gevelt - watch out!
  4. Anderswwww
    Jul 2, 2007
    Simpli the best album ever in history!
  5. seand
    Jul 29, 2007
    starts off with some of the best songs of the year and energy to match then just kind of peters off around the middle and picks up slightly at the end
  6. tacim
    Mar 4, 2007
    Definitely one of the best albums of the year. Patrick is new model Bowie. Record is so good!
  7. andresl
    Mar 4, 2007
    no other artist have made at 23 years old three essencial records in this decade, each one full of new ideas . so this is another chapter in the patrick wolf saga, a brighter and happier one. that doesn't mean that he has dumb down his music to appeal to more people, instead i think that he has pull off the difficult trick of making a more accesible record and keep pushing his music no other artist have made at 23 years old three essencial records in this decade, each one full of new ideas . so this is another chapter in the patrick wolf saga, a brighter and happier one. that doesn't mean that he has dumb down his music to appeal to more people, instead i think that he has pull off the difficult trick of making a more accesible record and keep pushing his music foward. the stars, overture, the magic position, bluebells and accident and emergency are all classics. this guy should be a star Expand
  8. matta
    Mar 5, 2007
    His most complete album to date. Very gorgeous and coherent. "The Magic Position" "Accident & Emergency" "Get Lost" and "The Stars" are just amazing. There are a few duds, but overall, this is great stuff. Only The Arcade Fire and Of Montreal are better so far this year.
  9. EvanH
    Mar 6, 2007
    Stellar album. It's rare to find a pop sound in a coherent and full album. Strings and voice compliment each other well.
  10. CaseyR.Dubya
    Apr 18, 2007
    That whole no other person making three great records before turning 23 is a bit bold. Kate Bush, Dylan, Van Morrison, Stevie Wonder even Robert Plant, the Stones, the Sex Pistols, the Beatles and the Cure were rather young when they released their early material. Younger than 23 at least. Age is just recently coming up as a factor in music thanks to AMG's rather mediocre reviews of That whole no other person making three great records before turning 23 is a bit bold. Kate Bush, Dylan, Van Morrison, Stevie Wonder even Robert Plant, the Stones, the Sex Pistols, the Beatles and the Cure were rather young when they released their early material. Younger than 23 at least. Age is just recently coming up as a factor in music thanks to AMG's rather mediocre reviews of Artic Monkeys and Lily Allen saying they were too young and inexperienced. That's never been the case until people like Fiona Apple came out. Good music was excepted for what it was. Joan Baiz released her best work in her teens and it was accepted. Now age tends to be a downfall for new bands. They can't be taken seriously anymore. This is a great record not because of his youth but just because he's plain talented. Expand
  11. RobertD
    Apr 23, 2007
    after you remove the silly 1 minute songs.. the rest of the album is pure joy. only Of Montreals release is better this year.
  12. CollinF
    Apr 3, 2007
    beautiful, just beautiful. from top to bottom, the best CD of the year.
  13. WestonT.
    Jun 4, 2007
    If an album could describe the joy of not giving a damn, but the pain of knowing why caring isn't worth it, The Magic Position might be it. All I know is that Wolf hasn't had to had to apologize for any of his music to date (like Bowie did about his pop days...) but he will eventually. He shouldn't worry about this one.
  14. AlexE
    Jun 5, 2007
    Pure Genius. He rocked Berlin. Shame he won't do concerts anymore by the end of the year.
  15. NikkiG
    Jul 11, 2007
    Fun when it wants to be... yet convincingly serious when it wants to be as well. Very enjoyable to listen to!
  16. tim
    Mar 28, 2007
    I love him. When is he coming to the US.

Awards & Rankings


Universal acclaim - based on 27 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 22 out of 27
  2. Negative: 0 out of 27
  1. Q Magazine
    Worth investigating. [Mar 2007, p.115]
  2. Even at his laziest, Wolf sounds vastly more intelligent, committed and interesting than his supposed rivals, and "The Magic Position" is full of heart, warmth and beauty.
  3. It’s easy to overlook a few fizzles in an album stuffed with fireworks.