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The Lonely, The Lonesome & The Gone Image

Generally favorable reviews - based on 7 Critic Reviews What's this?

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  • Summary: The ninth full-length studio release for the country singer-songwriter was produced by her husband, Frank Liddell.
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The Lonely, The Lonesome & the Gone
Nobody writes goodbye notes And takes off to God-only-knows On trains anymore And to tell you the truth I don’t really see much use In walking... See the rest of the song lyrics
Score distribution:
  1. Positive: 5 out of 7
  2. Negative: 0 out of 7
  1. 90
    Womack is in terrific voice throughout, the songs--including her co-writes--are top notch and with Lidell’s sympathetic backing and production, it’s hard to imagine how anything could be improved. It’s a late-breaking short list nominee for 2017’s album of the year.
  2. Oct 26, 2017
    Her new album redeems her from the curse of being overly popular by being so damn good.
  3. Oct 26, 2017
    The Lonely, The Lonesome & The Gone provides listeners an exceptionally well-rounded portrait of both the mature writer and the iconic singer.
  4. Uncut
    Oct 27, 2017
    14 beautifully broken-hearted tunes about just what the album title says. [Dec 2017, p.33]
  5. Magnet
    Nov 21, 2017
    [A] more muted follow-up [to 2014's The Way I'm Livin']. [No. 148, p.61]
  6. Q Magazine
    Nov 22, 2017
    There are a few missteps along the way--the attitudinal stomp of Wicked being one--but it is otherwise executed with authority. [Jan 2018, p.114]
  7. Oct 26, 2017
    Her move away from pop music on The Lonely, The Lonesome & The Gone signals a deeper understanding of the country, blues and soul genres, but there aren't enough ideas here to make it succeed.
Score distribution:
  1. Positive: 0 out of
  2. Mixed: 0 out of
  3. Negative: 0 out of