
Generally favorable reviews - based on 28 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 24 out of 28
  2. Negative: 0 out of 28
  1. Uncut
    The Libertines is a record of such raw autobiographical honesty that it carries a weight few others in 2004 can match. [Album of the Month, Sep 2004, p.94]
  2. Often seems fragile, offhand, tentative, even enervated. But this isn't a weakness--it only makes their sound more their own.
  3. Spin
    A dark, tense record, but one still crackling with life. [Sep 2004, p.114]
  4. Q Magazine
    This record... is brimming with character, easily surpassing their debut, its energy level like a battery charge. [Sep 2004, p.108]
  5. Mojo
    An extraordinary record... It's not, nor is it intended to be, easy listening. [Sep 2004, p.94]
  6. One of the most exciting discs in recent memory.
  7. New Musical Express (NME)
    What you have here is the most agonisingly voyeuristic listening experience in rock, ever. It's also some of the most exhilarating and brilliant rock'n'roll of the past 20 years. [7 Aug 2004, p.46]
  8. Filter
    Goddamn if the entire mess doesn't sound great. [#12, p.93]
  9. The Libertines is an accurate, sometimes uncomfortable reflection of the band at this point: more scattered and unstable than they were on Up the Bracket, but also more ambitious and more interesting.
  10. Some songs are sloppily stretched out and others simply half-finished, but the ample charms of Doherty and Barat are just enough to rescue any of these lows.
  11. This is a fragile, beautiful music, it all nearly falls apart and then flops back together.
  12. The Libertines seems less of an exercise in salesmanship and more a set of lightly buzzed, brightly conversational studies of modern urban nightlife.
  13. It's basically more of the same sort of wistful, sometimes hard-charging melodic rock of the group's first and better release, Up the Bracket.
  14. A step on from Up the Bracket, this album is a winningly idiosyncratic explosion of dizzy pop and punk fury that could yet be honed to perfection.
  15. A deeply moving record that is greater than the sum of its individual songs, The Libertines achieves near-tragic grandeur.
  16. It's brilliant at points, exhibiting the casual, grimy grace that laced Up the Bracket through English countryside benders, sing-alongs, and pub anthems, but evidently, The Libertines are creatures of excess, and even a good thing can be overdone.
  17. Rolling Stone
    No band in recent history has better captured the vertiginous experience of falling apart and loving it. [16 Sep 2004, p.79]
  18. Everywhere you look on this record there is a sense of magic escaped, accompanied by the ever-tantalising presence of a great band just beneath the surface.
  19. The Libertines don’t even try for a good album; they sound like four blokes lucky to be jamming in the same room again, and their joy in each other’s company redeems the enterprise.
  20. The results are as ebullient as they are confessional.
  21. Some of these songs are excellent, in an unfinished but inspired way. But many of the album's tracks evidence a band that's bursting at the seams with talent, only to stumble on unfocused, scattershot song-writing.
  22. The album quickly unravels into a mess of mumbled vocals, pointless guitar solos and songs that sound suspiciously unfinished.
User Score

Universal acclaim- based on 108 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Positive: 96 out of 108
  2. Negative: 7 out of 108
  1. Dec 27, 2010
    It is a shame that Pete and Carl never did continue to write beautiful songs together. Their chemistry is unmatched in this day and age.It is a shame that Pete and Carl never did continue to write beautiful songs together. Their chemistry is unmatched in this day and age. This album really shows their talents and please stop calling them the British Strokes. The are The Libertines people! Full Review »
  2. Mar 23, 2012
    Truly sad to see this be the last of the Libertines albums (at least for now). But that just makes the effect of this final effort that muchTruly sad to see this be the last of the Libertines albums (at least for now). But that just makes the effect of this final effort that much better. An incredible album by two amazing songwriters. Full Review »
  3. Mar 23, 2012
    Not just one of the greatest albums of the decade, but quite possibly one of the greatest of all time. The lyrics tell a sad narrative andNot just one of the greatest albums of the decade, but quite possibly one of the greatest of all time. The lyrics tell a sad narrative and with this final effort, the Libertines left their legacy. Full Review »