
Generally favorable reviews - based on 8 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 6 out of 8
  2. Negative: 0 out of 8
  1. The Incident is an incident in music that must be acknowledged.
  2. Stellar 12-minute opus 'Time Flies' teems with Pink Floydesque arrangements and moving lyrics, while 'Octane Twisted' offers up massive guitar riffage that you can bang your head to.
  3. The title suite on this two-CD set is the Tree's finest hour: a mounting drama of memoir and real-news trauma, animated with slicing guitars, ghost-song electronics, mile-high harmonies and smart pop bait.
  4. Filter
    It's a bit like Lance Armstrong placing second in the Tour de France--not the finish one is accustomed to, but still a remarkable achievement. [Fall 2009, p.98]
  5. That said, unlike early proggers who favored meandering instrumental doodling over succinct songwriting, Porcupine Tree always favor the importance of memorable songs over flashy solos, which certainly makes the group one of the top modern-day prog rock bands.
  6. He is a very, very good songwriter, which keeps Porcupine Tree afloat even when they aren’t really pushing the envelope.
User Score

Universal acclaim- based on 56 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Positive: 53 out of 56
  2. Negative: 2 out of 56
  1. Dec 22, 2011
    Sorry Porcupine Tree, I didn't really get it. Sure, for the most part it's great, but it can get boring. The biggest disappointment however isSorry Porcupine Tree, I didn't really get it. Sure, for the most part it's great, but it can get boring. The biggest disappointment however is the sound quality, something of which Porcupine Tree has always been excellent at, I don't know, it just sounded a little muffled. Full Review »
  2. Aug 5, 2011
    The follow-up to "fear of a blank planet" by Steven Wilson's prog. rock/metal band porcupine tree is a very good album although it isn't asThe follow-up to "fear of a blank planet" by Steven Wilson's prog. rock/metal band porcupine tree is a very good album although it isn't as brilliant as the aforementioned album. For me, the best song is "time flies". Full Review »
  3. JustinT
    Oct 2, 2009
    Every Porcupine Tree album gets better and better than the last and 'The Incident' is no exception. I'm guessing this will end Every Porcupine Tree album gets better and better than the last and 'The Incident' is no exception. I'm guessing this will end up being the best record of '09. Full Review »