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Generally favorable reviews- based on 59 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Positive: 42 out of 59
  2. Negative: 8 out of 59
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  1. Oct 1, 2022
    I've been a Slipknot fan for a long time, and I've listened to all of their albums. All albums had a song or two that wasn't really that great, but overall, they were pretty good. The End, So Far is, by far, my least favorite album. I wouldn't say it was horrible, but it was definitely underwhelming. I was excited from the moment I heard a new album was on the way, so when it finallyI've been a Slipknot fan for a long time, and I've listened to all of their albums. All albums had a song or two that wasn't really that great, but overall, they were pretty good. The End, So Far is, by far, my least favorite album. I wouldn't say it was horrible, but it was definitely underwhelming. I was excited from the moment I heard a new album was on the way, so when it finally released, I listened to it. My first thoughts were 'wait... is this Slipknot?' The album in my opinion seemed to be lacking a lot of the element that made Slipknot Slipknot. Where are the riffs? The screaming vocals? It wasn't until I got to Warranty that I recognized Slipknot's sound. But besides Warranty, it feels like the best songs were the ones released as singles (The Dying Song, Yen).

    Again, not horrible, but very underwhelming.
  2. Oct 2, 2022
    It's worth starting with the intro of the album. In previous works, the intros have always been frightening or mysterious, but in the case of The End, So Far the intro seems to be recorded on a warm autumn evening in the courtyard of the Corrie. The next three songs are good, but Hive Mind and Warranty are like a copy of each other. The drums are hammering the same thing, and Taylor isIt's worth starting with the intro of the album. In previous works, the intros have always been frightening or mysterious, but in the case of The End, So Far the intro seems to be recorded on a warm autumn evening in the courtyard of the Corrie. The next three songs are good, but Hive Mind and Warranty are like a copy of each other. The drums are hammering the same thing, and Taylor is just yelling. The only difference between the two songs is that Hive Mind has a singsong chorus that repeats itself in most songs and is completely inappropriate. None of the songs from the record are remembered, with the exception of Yen. Otherwise, everything turned out to be average. If we consider the work separately from the past, the score is 5, if we compare it with previous works, the score is 3. Expand
  3. Oct 10, 2022
    I'm a Slipknot fan, mostly of their later stuff but The End So Far sounds like they were trying to make something happen with a new sound. I feel that it focuses more toward turntable effects and mixing sounds than what I'm accustomed to with heavy leading percussion and guitar. I love Corey and he has a great singing voice as I'm also a fan of his work with Stone Sour but I can't help butI'm a Slipknot fan, mostly of their later stuff but The End So Far sounds like they were trying to make something happen with a new sound. I feel that it focuses more toward turntable effects and mixing sounds than what I'm accustomed to with heavy leading percussion and guitar. I love Corey and he has a great singing voice as I'm also a fan of his work with Stone Sour but I can't help but feel like this album is a bit too singy for me. Like I said I like my metal to have some melodic value to it and not be all complete screams all the time but I definitely think this is their most sing songy album to date. I personally listened to the entire album and only added three of the songs to my spotify playlist, which isn't terrible by any means but I do expect more from one of my favorite bands for sure. All in all it's a decent album if you like the direction that it's taken. I don't find myself worried about the future of the bands musical direction either since from all I can gather this was a very different album making process for the band. That combined with the fact that Corey has been on record saying that the band has a lot of material for future albums is something that has me ready to put The End So Far in the rearview mirror Expand
  4. Nov 5, 2022
    The scary man with the clown mask really scares me :(


Generally favorable reviews - based on 10 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 9 out of 10
  2. Negative: 0 out of 10
  1. Oct 6, 2022
    The End, So Far may not be a home run, but it proves that the band are still in it to win it, even if they're playing the long game.
  2. 80
    With The End, So Far, Slipknot haven’t reinvented themselves, but returned to their roots with an older, wiser and more concise outlook, resulting in a record that chews its listeners up almost instantly, and spits them out an hour later feeling beaten, battered and ultimately, cleansed.
  3. Oct 3, 2022
    The End, So Far is lack-lustre at almost every turn.