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Universal acclaim- based on 203 Ratings

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  1. Negative: 17 out of 203

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  1. Dec 29, 2010
    sprawling, emotional, more rings than a redwood. deep brilliant opus from a band that are not scared to evolve. sheer perfection in tracks like sowing season, not the sun, luca and deguasser.
  2. May 24, 2015
    This is THE greatest album ever written in my opinion. Forgot Abbey Road, OK Computer, or Pet Sounds, this is THE best album ever written. Sure it may not be here without those influences, but the musicianship and true meaning behind this album is unforgettable. It is a true underrated classic. Critics may rethink their scores in the coming years. Many classics weren't well-received to begin with.
  3. JohnL
    Feb 16, 2008
    I'm just voting to counter G A's vote. G A obviously either likes MCR or didn't listen to the album.
  4. May 20, 2014
    this is one of my favourite albums of all time and easily my favourite brand new album words can not describe how much i love it and 10/10............
  5. Sep 16, 2014
    This record is my favorite album of all time. When I listen to it, I feel as though Jesse Lacey has sliced open my mind and spilled into it a pitcher filled with raw emotions of his own that I've never experienced before and that no one could fully comprehend unless they had heard it for themselves. When I heard this album live, the feelings of simultaneous depression and euphoria wereThis record is my favorite album of all time. When I listen to it, I feel as though Jesse Lacey has sliced open my mind and spilled into it a pitcher filled with raw emotions of his own that I've never experienced before and that no one could fully comprehend unless they had heard it for themselves. When I heard this album live, the feelings of simultaneous depression and euphoria were unmatched and nearly indescribable. It may not be a happy record but it is genuine perfection. 10/10 recommend to all. Expand
  6. BrandonJ
    Jan 8, 2007
    The band is great and matured as they release more albums.
  7. DerekD
    Jan 5, 2007
    This is the best cd Brand New has put out without a doubt. It's very mature and dark, with references on Lacey's beliefs. This is what every songwriter tries to create.
  8. LawrenceK
    Feb 17, 2007
    Very progressive album, excellent and unique sound.
  9. BigTomCasual
    Nov 28, 2006
    This album impressed me quite a bit. Brand New had always been one of the only groups from the whole emo/screamo/pop-punk genre that I was slightly impressed with, but this new album really has them starting to do something worth talking about. These guys are on to something, stretching into territories you wouldn't expect from this type of group. If even a small number of groups This album impressed me quite a bit. Brand New had always been one of the only groups from the whole emo/screamo/pop-punk genre that I was slightly impressed with, but this new album really has them starting to do something worth talking about. These guys are on to something, stretching into territories you wouldn't expect from this type of group. If even a small number of groups like Brand New start to grown in this type of direction - then all those boring albums may have been worth it. Expand
  10. ShaneS
    Nov 30, 2006
    Half of this album is better than Deja, but the other half really fails to stack up in my opinion. What i have always loved about the band is how complex and diverse their lyrics are. They now seem to be getting somewhat repetitive on the choruses. I feel that the two instrumentals should have been replaced by actual songs (perhaps by something on the leaked demos) and that Handcuffs is Half of this album is better than Deja, but the other half really fails to stack up in my opinion. What i have always loved about the band is how complex and diverse their lyrics are. They now seem to be getting somewhat repetitive on the choruses. I feel that the two instrumentals should have been replaced by actual songs (perhaps by something on the leaked demos) and that Handcuffs is very unimaginative. Despite those blemishes, I cannot stop listening to it. Expand
  11. lou
    Nov 30, 2006
    Awesome. hard to find music different and original these days but these guys do it
  12. GlennM
    Dec 9, 2006
    I think it rocks...archers is awsome
  13. bretts
    Jan 2, 2007
    great album, everytime this band puts out something new it sounds completely different (ironic name anyone?) its engaging and very well done with intelligent lyrics and thoughtful insight throughout
  14. beryl
    Jan 28, 2007
    one of the best albums out there, brand new has always something splendid to bring to his decadent music scene. kudos my friends, for creating such a master piece
  15. tonym
    Jan 2, 2007
    this album is amazing nothin wrong with it
  16. GavinC
    Jan 5, 2007
    one of the best albums in years
  17. DorianR
    Feb 10, 2007
    in my opinion it was the very best album of 2006 of every rock and rock sub category including punk and emotional punk. I loved how this band just keeps getting better and better since their deput.
  18. MattP
    Feb 13, 2007
    In my opinion their best album, there are no songs on it i don't like
  19. TonyS
    May 3, 2007
    Your Favorite Weapon: 10 Deja Entendu: 9 Cheer-up Christian Kid!
  20. MariluW.
    Sep 18, 2007
    Absolutely amazing lyrics and hooks.
  21. DustyS.
    Jan 10, 2008
    A definite ten, i went to see them in manchester last year and they were astonishing! "the devil and god..." is by far there best album. they have matured musically and lyrically. it is not sophisticated and complex. gotta love em! :)
  22. LS
    Nov 27, 2006
    This is no Deja Entendu, I must warn you, but nonetheless a wonderful album. Brand New has matured significantly and have released some of their finest music to date.
  23. Jamesm
    Nov 27, 2006
    Amazing. Sounds darker and more tortured than previous work. Just as good if not better than Deja Entendu, in my opinion. As always, Brand New's lyrics are awesome and almost everyone can relate to them. Highly recommened.
  24. caitig
    Dec 28, 2006
    Brand New, again, has completely redone itself. The darkness on this album, compared to their prior works, is completely unexpected. I love how Jesse Lacey let's go of all sanity and let out pure emotion. he brings a new dimesnion to his music and has taken a turn to be more expiermental, and in my opinion, resembles Pink Floyd. To really understand the meaning of the songs, I had to Brand New, again, has completely redone itself. The darkness on this album, compared to their prior works, is completely unexpected. I love how Jesse Lacey let's go of all sanity and let out pure emotion. he brings a new dimesnion to his music and has taken a turn to be more expiermental, and in my opinion, resembles Pink Floyd. To really understand the meaning of the songs, I had to listen a lot. The Devil and God is about so much more than any other album, its insane. I love the new direction Brand New is taking, and i wish you guys the best of luck. -caiti Expand
  25. JonH
    Dec 5, 2006
    this is far and away the best album i have heard all year.
  26. RandyL
    Jan 17, 2007
    one of the best albums of 2006 hands down
  27. KeithK
    Dec 16, 2007
    This album transcends emotions better than anything I have ever heard. Though it takes some time to discover, every song is about something meaningful, and the religious undertones add to its effectiveness. I recommend this album to everyone, and it was been overwhelmingly accepted. The story behind "Limousine" is probably the saddest thing I have ever heard, and the song does it complete This album transcends emotions better than anything I have ever heard. Though it takes some time to discover, every song is about something meaningful, and the religious undertones add to its effectiveness. I recommend this album to everyone, and it was been overwhelmingly accepted. The story behind "Limousine" is probably the saddest thing I have ever heard, and the song does it complete justice. I agree with everyone below me....amazing. Expand
  28. AdamR
    Feb 13, 2007
    This album is so well put together and the lyrics are top notch.
  29. [Anonymous]
    Feb 18, 2007
    If they are progressing this quickly, just think of the possibilities. I hope their next album will live up to the expectations as this one did after the stunning Deja Entendu. I am surprised at how many people have not heard of this album yet, and I am maybe a little glad because this album does not need to be on heavy rotation on radio stations. They have eschewed the "emo/pop-punk" If they are progressing this quickly, just think of the possibilities. I hope their next album will live up to the expectations as this one did after the stunning Deja Entendu. I am surprised at how many people have not heard of this album yet, and I am maybe a little glad because this album does not need to be on heavy rotation on radio stations. They have eschewed the "emo/pop-punk" that Your Favorite Weapon had that consequently bred all of the bands that give the now lost genre a bad name. All Music Guide's review is exactly how I feel. Read it. Expand
  30. KayH
    Mar 1, 2007
    love the lyrics! This band is great!
  31. CinjunT
    Mar 4, 2007
    This is the best album since OK Computer. Brand New's lyrics have improved tremendously with Jesse revealing his own personal battles while tying in current events. The music is inspiring. It makes me want to get up and do something to change my life and the world if I could. This album is awesome.
  32. LukeL
    May 11, 2007
    About five years ago, I was obsessed with YFW. When Deja Entendu was released, I was initially disappointed because it was so different from YFW, but once I gave it a fair chance, it soon became one of my favorite albums. Following the first listen of The Devil And God Are Raging Inside Me, I was once again a little let down from Deja. However, after having the latest release from Brand About five years ago, I was obsessed with YFW. When Deja Entendu was released, I was initially disappointed because it was so different from YFW, but once I gave it a fair chance, it soon became one of my favorite albums. Following the first listen of The Devil And God Are Raging Inside Me, I was once again a little let down from Deja. However, after having the latest release from Brand New for a few months now, and listening to it countless times through, it has become my absolute favorite album. My musical tastes have matured and changed throughout my life, and Brand New is the only band that has matured with me. For now, I cannot imagine a better album, but if the past shows any indication, Brand New will probably show me one with their next release. Expand
  33. DanielY
    Nov 29, 2006
    I have had this cd for a week and a day now and i havent yet taken it out of my cd player. Screw the people who dont like the cd they dont kow what good music is.
  34. DougalassW
    Dec 29, 2006
    Best so far. These guys just keep getting better and better. Jesus Christ great song and I'm Jewish!!
  35. BrandonH
    Dec 5, 2006
    Another haunting, murky record from a band that transcends the annoying genre tag that Brand New is unfortunately saddled with. Very strong, very thoughtful, and smarter than the average emo band.
  36. EmilyJ
    Dec 5, 2006
    This album is alot like Deja to me if I had rated it the day i got it prolly would have been a 6 but after a week of listening I love every song. Standout tracks are Jesus Christ and Archers in my opinion but they are all great songs
  37. DanielB
    Dec 8, 2006
    This is totally unlike Deja (and is not as good, in my opinion), though it is a great album, nonetheless. I got tired of the CD fairly quickly, but maybe i just listened to it too much; this album is not repetitive, though, and if anything: it is far from tedious and the new, different sounds are awesome. Drummer Brian Lane really stepped it up this go-around.
  38. Malcolm
    Jan 23, 2007
    Outstanding. Another quantum leap musically from Brand New. Musically this album is so far ahead of Deja Entendu it isn't funny. Sure, some of the acoutic-y intimacy of DE has been lost, and the lyrics may not be quite a strong perhaps but this without doubt some of the finest music they have produced. And on this album Brand New bring the TUNES. Not The Sun, Sowing Season and You Outstanding. Another quantum leap musically from Brand New. Musically this album is so far ahead of Deja Entendu it isn't funny. Sure, some of the acoutic-y intimacy of DE has been lost, and the lyrics may not be quite a strong perhaps but this without doubt some of the finest music they have produced. And on this album Brand New bring the TUNES. Not The Sun, Sowing Season and You Won't Know are raging masterpieces, Handcuffs is incredibly powerful and Jesus is simply the best thing they've ever written. I can't praise this album highly enough. Pay not attention to musically ignorant emo kids who say YFW or DE are better than this, they don't even come close, step-by-step are getting closer and closer to becoming one of the most criminally overlooked/under-rated bands of our generation. Fantastic. Expand
  39. KristinH
    Feb 23, 2007
    i LOVE this album, but they need better accoustic stuff.
  40. JakeS
    Apr 15, 2007
    This is hands-down the best album I have heard in my entire life. Nothing else even touches The Devil and God Are Raging Inside Me.
  41. Mitch
    Jul 21, 2007
    TDAGARIM boasts a level of tenacity that can only be envied by its peers. Lacey has evolved.
  42. ChrisR.
    Aug 16, 2007
  43. PeterA.
    Aug 18, 2007
    Absolute amazing Album.
  44. GrungeMuffin
    Nov 27, 2006
    Deja Entendu had the swagger down - but here they go a different route. It's an enthralling listen, and I've listened through this album over and over for the past few days to make sure it's the first 'emo' follow-up released this year where the band has evolved their music as my tastes in music have matured. Thursday, Taking Back Sunday, and Saves the Day all Deja Entendu had the swagger down - but here they go a different route. It's an enthralling listen, and I've listened through this album over and over for the past few days to make sure it's the first 'emo' follow-up released this year where the band has evolved their music as my tastes in music have matured. Thursday, Taking Back Sunday, and Saves the Day all blew because they were the same old same old immature crap, but Brand New were always better than they were, and they prove it here. Different, but here, that means better. Expand
  45. MatthewW
    Nov 27, 2006
    If Brand New's seminal work was Deja Entendu, then this latest album is their magnum opus. I've tried to fathom the greatness of this album, but I always return back to the Lay's slogan, "Betcha Can't Eat Just One!" Except in this case, it's listen, and once. One listen to this album and you WILL be hooked. From the magnificently melancholy "Jesus Christ" to the If Brand New's seminal work was Deja Entendu, then this latest album is their magnum opus. I've tried to fathom the greatness of this album, but I always return back to the Lay's slogan, "Betcha Can't Eat Just One!" Except in this case, it's listen, and once. One listen to this album and you WILL be hooked. From the magnificently melancholy "Jesus Christ" to the soaring "Degausser", the driving "The Archer's Bows are Broken," and everywhere in between, Jesse Lacey & Co. remind the listener why they fell in love with this band in the first place. Easily one of the best albums of 2006. Expand
  46. KenM
    Dec 11, 2006
    This CD starts out in typical fashion, then kicks it up a notch. It has the usual Brand New vibe. I would say its one of the 10 best releases in 2006.
  47. BradO
    Dec 12, 2006
    After the first three listens or so, I was really underwhelmed. I thought it was good, but a little off the mark. I should divulge that I was listening in my car, though. After more attentive listening, I got sucked in. Another reviewer got it pretty right; very haunting, very melodic, and more than a little obsessed with God. Have some patience and you'll be rewarded with a very After the first three listens or so, I was really underwhelmed. I thought it was good, but a little off the mark. I should divulge that I was listening in my car, though. After more attentive listening, I got sucked in. Another reviewer got it pretty right; very haunting, very melodic, and more than a little obsessed with God. Have some patience and you'll be rewarded with a very deep album with a lot of catchy hooks. The lead guitar part from Degausser has been stuck in my head for a couple days. Expand
  48. May 14, 2013
    Brand New brought something entirely different with this record. Topics range from love to even religion. Huge maturation from their predecessors. The lyrics are some of their best, and each track holds it's own. Jesus Christ is the standout track.

    All In All, Brand New pump some great tunes with this record. B+
  49. Jun 12, 2012
    Brand New's third album demonstrates their continuing growth as musicians and as humans. Instead of the outward expression of anger, jealousy, love, etc. found in their previous albums, The Devil and God directs its energies inwards. Jesse Lacey's introspective lyrics causes some audience members to feel unsettled because it encourages them to do something they're uncomfortable with,Brand New's third album demonstrates their continuing growth as musicians and as humans. Instead of the outward expression of anger, jealousy, love, etc. found in their previous albums, The Devil and God directs its energies inwards. Jesse Lacey's introspective lyrics causes some audience members to feel unsettled because it encourages them to do something they're uncomfortable with, reflect on themselves. Expand
  50. Aug 6, 2012
    Still the best alternative album ever released that shows emo roots dating back to American Football, mixed with Radiohead. Well done, Brand New, well done.
  51. Dec 15, 2012
    Most beautiful, emotional album I have ever heard. favourite album. period.

    Sowing Season 9/10 Millstone 9/10

    Jesus 10/10

    Desgausser 8.5/10

    Limousine 10/10

    You Won't Know 9.5/10

    Welcome to Bangkok 8/10

    Not The Sun 9/10

    Luca 10/10

    Untitled 8.5/10

    The Archers Bows Have Broken 10/10

    Handcuffs 9.5/10
  52. Jun 11, 2013
    Great album, it's definitely their best. its not a 10 though as i do find myself skipping one or two songs. But this is certainly the best that emo has to offer the world, you won't know is a particular highlight and welcome to Bangkok is probably the most brilliantly creepy thing you will ever hear. Brand new have mastered the art of making catchy songs genuinely good with; Millstone andGreat album, it's definitely their best. its not a 10 though as i do find myself skipping one or two songs. But this is certainly the best that emo has to offer the world, you won't know is a particular highlight and welcome to Bangkok is probably the most brilliantly creepy thing you will ever hear. Brand new have mastered the art of making catchy songs genuinely good with; Millstone and archers. great effort. Expand
  53. Sep 17, 2013
    Brand New has defined a genre with each of their albums, and this is no exception. Emotionally charged and dauntingly honest, this is an album that must be listened to from start to finish at least once by anyone who considers themselves a fan of both indie and alternative rock.
  54. May 13, 2016
    One of my all time favorites. The nummer of times i listened to this album should reach the hundreds by now and it still grows on me and nicely welcomes me, everytime i put it on. The buildups, the lyrics, the guitar riffs, this album has sooo much to enjoy and to discover. Everything is put together so well, its amazing. Limousine is by far my favorite. The way it wins you at first andOne of my all time favorites. The nummer of times i listened to this album should reach the hundreds by now and it still grows on me and nicely welcomes me, everytime i put it on. The buildups, the lyrics, the guitar riffs, this album has sooo much to enjoy and to discover. Everything is put together so well, its amazing. Limousine is by far my favorite. The way it wins you at first and that insane buildup plus breakdown....its like a very unique thing that i dont get from any other song i know. Not quite a ten, because i am not a person who gives 10/10. For a ten, nearly every song has to blow me away and i don't quite get that (didnt get that from any album yet :D)

    Still: Total masterpiece.
  55. Aug 29, 2019
    A record that is brimming to the top, and maybe even overflowing, with pure emotion, this is one of the few albums I know I’ll love forever. I didn’t like this album that much at first and even ranked it as my third favourite album by the band. Oh, how much did it end up growing on me.
    Jesse’s vocals are pretty solid, and while they have some immense highs, such as on “Millstone”, I
    A record that is brimming to the top, and maybe even overflowing, with pure emotion, this is one of the few albums I know I’ll love forever. I didn’t like this album that much at first and even ranked it as my third favourite album by the band. Oh, how much did it end up growing on me.
    Jesse’s vocals are pretty solid, and while they have some immense highs, such as on “Millstone”, I wouldn’t call his performance something that sells this album as a masterpiece. The guitarwork is underappreciated as hell and adds so much to the album that isn’t noticed straight away. The rest of the instrumentation is solid, but this album isn’t the most technically complex.
    But Jesus (no pun intended) the lyrics. They are so wonderfully created, and so many dark, disturbing stories are told in the album in vivid ways, the most infamous being Limousine, of course. I won’t tell you the story, you can read it up, or hell, listen to the song, but the lyrics are soul-crushing. The album deals with the topics of death, religion and morality in a perfect way.
    Now, I get why people dislike the latter half of the album. I too feel as though it is a lot weaker than the first, but that’s just because the first half is, for me, a literal 11/10. Archers and Not the Sun, while amazing songs, do hurt the flow a bit, as others have pointed out, but they’re not too big of outliers to hurt the listening experience all that much.
    The album utilises the soft to loud dynamic quite a bit, and while this may be a turn-off for some people, and it is a bit overused, some of the best songs on the entire album (“Sowing Season” and “Luca”) use this technique well. The album also has not one but two interludes that I enjoy, despite my usual hatred for them.
    All in all, this is an emotionally-charged journey that not much can top, especially in the lyrical department. It could be improved on a bit sonically, but this album is extraordinarily close to perfection.  
    Favourites: Limousine, Millstone, Sowing Season (Yeah), Degausser
    Least Favourites: Untitled
  56. Nov 25, 2022
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. An amazing album telling a tragic story of a drunk driving accident from the split perspectives of both the victims family and the driver. The album is a tough listen full of gut-wrenching guilt, Agonizing remorse, and a fathomless depression. For the time the album is quite honestly a masterpiece. Expand

Generally favorable reviews - based on 17 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 14 out of 17
  2. Negative: 0 out of 17
  1. The Devil and God Are Raging Inside Me is the completion of their pop-punk molting process and one of the best surprises -- that isn't really a surprise at all -- to come out of 2006.
  2. Billboard
    "The Devil and God" plays its hurt with polish and panache, however, as Brand New's textured dynamics marry mood and an aggressive ebb-and-flow on nearly every track. [25 Nov 2006]
  3. 80
    Brand New took a huge step forward in 2003 with Deja Entendu, tossing away everything predictable about emo. But the leap on their third studio album is even bigger, and gutsier too: using rock’s earthly forces to amplify the heart’s greatest loves and fears, and in the process summoning the kind of grandeur that blows minds in bedrooms and raises fists in stadiums.