
Generally favorable reviews - based on 24 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 14 out of 24
  2. Negative: 1 out of 24
  1. Trail of Dead succeeds here by putting together a collection of songs that accurately reflects the kind of band they have always been. This is still a brash, sweeping, “ring the alarm bell!” brand of music. It’s just not that fun to listen to anymore.
  2. Uncut
    A familiar sound predominates: an impressive fanfare for a royal procession that never quite arrives. [Apr 2009, p.78]
  3. Q Magazine
    Trail Of dead have kept faith with their traditional mix of prog pomp and grunge power for their sixth album. [Apr 2009, p.97]
  4. No other band could legitimately produce this record without being accused of extreme plagiarism, and perhaps that goes some way to explaining why, despite its shortcomings, it is still likeable.
  5. As promising as its initial concentration of songs foretells, The Century Of Self suffers from careless sequencing, its tempos haphazardly spooned together and flung like high school portions of mashed potatoes and gravy, slopped into sections of the tray with no real purpose or benefit.
  6. Self's intense sound feels like much ado about not so much.
  7. The good news is that this is, in fact, a throwback to their earlier work. The bad news is that it’s not throwback enough.
  8. Century of Self is at times a stirring, effective rock album, familiar but stable, but the band's general creativity is less vital than they think, and rather than settle down they continue a fussy streak of projects loaded with hollow, stilted ambition.
  9. 40
    Their sixth album enlists Michael Bay levels of volume and grandeur in the service of alarmingly generic, hookless power ballads and plodding prog etudes.
User Score

Universal acclaim- based on 37 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Positive: 32 out of 37
  2. Negative: 3 out of 37
  1. Oct 10, 2010
    They show glimpses of the kind of band they were ST&C era but it is the regained confidence that shines through. No-one writes music likeThey show glimpses of the kind of band they were ST&C era but it is the regained confidence that shines through. No-one writes music like these guys now. Biggest criticism is the track layout, 'Insatiable 1' and 'Insatiable 2' are lost instrumentals that make the second half of the album unbalanced and slightly weaker than the first. 'Luna Park' and 'Halcyon Days' are personal favourites. Overall, it's a very strong 'comeback' album. Whatever they do now will surely be amazing. Full Review »
  2. DavidG
    Mar 22, 2009
    In an age of sleepy pianos, predictable hooks, & industry regulators like click track recordings; Trail of Dead have delivered an amazing In an age of sleepy pianos, predictable hooks, & industry regulators like click track recordings; Trail of Dead have delivered an amazing tour de force that casts off the arms of the record industry, and the hack record reviewers who aren't happy with a record that stands apart from the same ol' same ol'. At SXSW 09' I saw tons of Arcade Fire-esque bands w/10 members on stage doing very little. I long for the days when more bands sound like TOD. Full Review »
  3. KarenH
    Mar 19, 2009
    Terrible album, so boring.