
Generally favorable reviews - based on 16 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 11 out of 16
  2. Negative: 0 out of 16
  1. The Beatific Visions is one of the most enthralling, deceiving and delightful albums of recent times.
  2. One of the finest albums of the year.
  3. Blender
    The Bush-Blair era has damaged these guys, and the results rule. [Jun 2007, p.105]
  4. As exciting as it is original-sounding.
  5. Gone are the gimmicky fragments and Mcluskyesque scene-jabs. The Beatific Visions is dominated by direly catchy and fully fleshed-out songs that pop like punk, lilt like country, mutter politics, and reek of the garage.
  6. Uncut
    Witty like Loudon Wainwright, doleful like Jonathan Richman, Hamilton emerges as a distinct presence throughout, and it's this you warm to. [Dec 2006, p.102]
  7. Alternative Press
    These Brighton lads are smart and clever, as evidenced by the creative leaps they exhibit on Visions. [Jun 2007, p.148]
  8. With The Beatific Visisons, brakesbrakesbrakes’ music has stripped off its experimental beginning and evolved into a fuller embrace of its alt-country leanings.
  9. Spin
    The pub stompers are as rowdy as ever, but they're balanced here by laid-back ruminations on romance. [Jun 2007, p.91]
  10. The Beatific Visions is not flawless, but even with a few glaring misses, this album is above average and often brilliant.
  11. Under The Radar
    For an album, Beutific Vision fits uneasily together as these unchecked indulgences lead songs to genre hop with complete disregard. [Summer 2007, p.79]
  12. We're all for experimentation, but please: Nashville?
  13. Q Magazine
    A positively unhinged record. [Dec 2006, p.133]
  14. For every hit, there exists a miss.
  15. The downside of the Brakes development is the loss of the raw power that accompanied some of their more demented moments.
  16. Filter
    What was once enjoyable as a one-off now seems forced. [#25, p.89]
User Score

Universal acclaim- based on 6 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Positive: 5 out of 6
  2. Negative: 0 out of 6
  1. [Anonymous]
    Feb 5, 2007
    The Beach Boys meets Flogging Molly? I wasn't really feelin' it. The title song and some others were good, but for every good song The Beach Boys meets Flogging Molly? I wasn't really feelin' it. The title song and some others were good, but for every good song there's Porcupine or Pineapple, a really pitiful attempt at an War protest song. Even The Flaming Lips, with all their in-your-face ridiculousness, managed a more serious protest than the Brakes. I'd recommend avoiding this CD. Full Review »