
Mixed or average reviews - based on 29 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 13 out of 29
  2. Negative: 2 out of 29
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  1. Sep 6, 2011
    Each featured artist at the top of their games, masterfully dominating their segments, leagues above Tha Carter IV's comparatively tired host.
  2. Aug 31, 2011
    Overall, by the end of the album it feels like Wayne maybe pushed Tha Carter series one installment too far.
  3. Aug 30, 2011
    These are the blunders we have come to expect from Wayne, but we expect to be compensated for our time with some classic tracks, and on Carter IV, there are none.
  4. Aug 30, 2011
    Maybe he's burnt out, maybe he just doesn't care as much anymore, but whatever the reason, Tha Carter IV just doesn't feel like one of the biggest albums of the year – at all.
  5. Aug 29, 2011
    For the last four years there's been no greater force in hip-hop, but this isn't the way President Carter should be launching his campaign for a second term.
  6. Aug 29, 2011
    On what is Lil Wayne's ninth studio album, there's very little of the spontaneity you would expect from someone whose calling card is non-written, unrehearsed, free-associative rhymes.
  7. Aug 29, 2011
    Like all of Lil Wayne's albums, it's a mess; unlike some of its predecessors, it's not a terribly ambitious mess, nor is it much fun, which for Wayne is a sin.
  8. Aug 30, 2011
    There's plenty of great rapping on Tha Carter IV, but for the first time, most of it isn't coming from Lil Wayne.
  9. Sep 11, 2011
    We know he's capable of better. Whether it ever comes together on a Carter release is anybody's guess, but the prognosis isn't good.
  10. Aug 29, 2011
    At his best, Wayne was positively psychedelic in his wordplay, capable of creating entire alternative worlds out of a few surrealist metaphors. But he sounds slower, more methodical, less unhinged on Tha Carter IV.
  11. Aug 29, 2011
    Because of the jail time, Tha Carter IV feels like a comeback album when it shouldn't. Regardless, it comes off monotonous and redundant but, more than that, uninspired.
  12. 40
    In short Tha Carter IV flops not because it's straight-up bad, but because it's boring.
  13. Sep 2, 2011
    If this album is a concrete example of Wayne's policies as a rap artist going forward, however, I don't see how he'll keep pulling in accolades. As a possible swan song for Lil' Wayne, Best Rapper Alive, Tha Carter IV ranks among hip-hop's most disappointing.
  14. Aug 30, 2011
    He's still getting more women than a taping of Ellen, but on Tha Carter IV – his most emo album to date – it sounds like what he really needs is a hug.
User Score

Mixed or average reviews- based on 280 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Aug 29, 2011
    It's a shame that Lil' Wayne has to ruin perfectly good albums by rapping on them. He's clearly got the popularity and influence to pull aIt's a shame that Lil' Wayne has to ruin perfectly good albums by rapping on them. He's clearly got the popularity and influence to pull a pretty inspiring array of collaborators. About half of these beats sound phenomenal until Wayne drops his vocals and the whole thing goes to hell; there are even terrific verses by Tech N9ne, Andre 3000, Nas, and Busta strewn around. Maybe they came hard with it to mask Lil' Wayne's lack of ability on the mic, but they failed-- they just make him sound even worse by comparison, since it's difficult for a Lil' Wayne verse to stack up against a real emcee. And Weezy sounds worse than usual here, just pooling a ridiculous array of nonsequiters and punchlines rasped out in a processed-sounding croak. Weezy has the singing voice of Emperor Palpatine, but "How To Love" is better than most things on this album-- at least it's the one song here where he doesn't try to convince people that he's rapping. Apparently, when it comes to hip-hop, there's only one Carter worth talking about - and I can only hope he jacks that heavenly "Nightmares From the Bottom" beat and puts a real song over it.

    When the best thing one can say about your album is "hey, at least it's not Rebirth," it's probably time to hang it up.
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  2. Aug 29, 2011
    From time to time I would listen to the latest Hip Hop albums and Dwayne Carter (Little Wayne) has satisfied my needs in terms of his earlierFrom time to time I would listen to the latest Hip Hop albums and Dwayne Carter (Little Wayne) has satisfied my needs in terms of his earlier work with gritty and plain ole' egoistic melodies and lyrics; I'm referring to Tha Carter I, II, and III. Tha Carter IV is a complete mess with vocals that isn't fitted for Hip Hop by any means and the content is beyond degrading and completely moronic. I've given this album a chance, I really did but Little Wayne is going downhill after this, don't buy this album if you're looking for anything remotely like Tha Carter II or III or something innovative and creative. The vulgarity and profanity within in the content alone is just plain ole' unnecessary which will turn mature audiences off. Full Review »
  3. Aug 29, 2011
    I give this album a 4, but then switch it to a 0 because he calls himself the best rapper alive but dropped one of the weakest rap albums ofI give this album a 4, but then switch it to a 0 because he calls himself the best rapper alive but dropped one of the weakest rap albums of this year. Every song sounds like a filler, and the punchlines sound like a grade 2 made them. Full Review »