
Universal acclaim - based on 12 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 10 out of 12
  2. Negative: 0 out of 12
  1. 100
    It's quite arguable that this lean, muscular remix is a marked improvement on the original mix, as it's easier to focus on both the songs and group's interplay.
  2. 100
    His new take scythes through the original, revealing growls and guitars long obscured—sometimes it’s distracting, but often it lends the songs a newfound jolt.
  3. 100
    There is much, meanwhile, to recommend the O’Brien remix, or “deconstruction” as he puts it. What O’Brien has mostly done is strip away the more ornate layers of the Palmer mix and cutting back on the album’s moments of more florid melodrama.
  4. Mojo
    Ten is a classic of the grunge era, its super-sized anthems and introspective pieces powered by Eddie Vedder, a Jim Morrision for the plaid shirt brigade. [Apr 2009, p.116]
  5. Q Magazine
    It's no surprise they've held up so well after all these years. But it's the extra features, spread over four different editions that truly impress. [Apr 2009, p.114]
  6. Producer Brendan O'Brien kicks up classics like 'Even Flow' and 'Black' by putting Vedder more upfront and toning down the reverb so listeners can better hear the interplay of guitarists Mike McCready and Stone Gossard. Disc two tacks on six more tracks that represent the real gold for diehards who have traded sludgy bootlegs of the band's early jams for years.
  7. All that said, this is an exercise for die-hards and audiophiles: To PJ's credit, the original didn't leave much room for improvement.
  8. Ten is just Ten, and I guess for all their reservations, the band have come to accept that: there’s no mystery to the new cover, just Pearl Jam in plain view, big shorts and all.
  9. Ten deserved better than Ten Redux and the paltry bonus tracks. Fortunately, the reissue also includes a DVD of Pearl Jam's 1992 performance on "MTV Unplugged".
  10. While megaproducer Brendan O'Brien sharpens the overall sound, especially the guitar interplay between Stone Gossard and Mike McCready, he does so by removing the grit that helped define Pearl Jam.
User Score

Universal acclaim- based on 115 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Negative: 8 out of 115
  1. DavidS
    Jun 6, 2009
  2. pauld
    Mar 31, 2009
    Quite simply one of the finest records ever made - and not just in the 90's. Theres a reason it outsold nevermind, its a truely genre Quite simply one of the finest records ever made - and not just in the 90's. Theres a reason it outsold nevermind, its a truely genre defining piece of work, and hasnt dated one day since it came out, timeless is the word. very highly recommended to all. Full Review »
  3. Jan 28, 2020
    Excellent debut album. Great songs, in particular “Black” and “Alive” are 90s classics.