
Universal acclaim - based on 32 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 27 out of 32
  2. Negative: 0 out of 32
  1. Spin
    Tanglewood roars back to life with a massive band, a detailed sound, and a voice that sounds ravaged but right. [Oct 2005, p.142]
  2. A uniquely powerful and moving set of songs.
  3. A record that is wholly satisfying: not too overwrought and never self-assuredly slick.
  4. Uncut
    A surreal, tender, revealing record. [Nov 2005, p.104]
  5. Berman's most accomplished album.
  6. [It] turns out to be a proper Silver Jews rock album, which is to say it has the feel of a drunk snapping into his second wind long enough to belt out a few.
  7. What may be the most confident and cohesive Silver Jews album yet is shot through with urgency and gravitas, but tempered, of course, with liberal doses of dark humor.
  8. One of his strongest and most focused albums to date.
  9. Filter
    Tanglewood Numbers probably won't win many new fans, but it will make the cult of David grow fonder. [#17, p.104]
  10. Entertainment Weekly
    10 charming ditties about depression. [28 Oct 2005, p.84]
  11. David Berman joins a pickup band that includes his close personal friend Stephen Malkmus to explore realms of vocal inexpressiveness undreamt by Stephin Merritt or the Handsome Family.
  12. If there are any complaints, it’s that the arrangements are so elaborate they distract from Berman’s droll verse, but for anyone who’s wondered what Berman might sound like working with a full sonic palette, Tanglewood Numbers provides a definitive, satisfying answer.
  13. Tanglewood Numbers, musically at least, is Berman's most fully realized album.
  14. Even if it's not their finest work, it certainly feels like it is. There is a visceral vitality to Tanglewood Numbers that has never inhabited any album prior.
  15. Alternative Press
    The fullest sounding Silver Jews album to date. [Nov 2005, p.210]
  16. Tanglewood Numbers' hummable songs and often-arresting lyrics are impressive, but Berman would be nowhere without a little help from his many friends.
  17. Mojo
    A timely reminder of how speculative and exciting American alternative rock was before it discovered Duran Duran and money. [Nov 2005, p.100]
  18. Magnet
    What's missing most will probably not be missed at all: Berman's tendency to sound slack, sluggish and a bit lackluster. [#69, p.109]
  19. The more I listened to Tanglewood Numbers, the more I liked it.
  20. Where 2001's Bright Flight leaned into full-bore country, emphasizing Berman's voice and lyrical content, Tanglewood Numbers is a band-oriented rock record-- crashing, amped-up, aggressively ramshackle.
  21. A languid yet invigorating shrine to indie-pop, Americana, and nudie shirt psychedelia that electrifies the blood and squeegees the mind.
  22. Musically, he’s ditched the clean, plainly instrumented indie-country schlep of his previous efforts for something brassy, something downright soulful.
  23. Billboard
    Weird, and often wonderful. [22 Oct 2005]
  24. Soulful, synth-colored Americana.
  25. The New York Times
    A series of relatively straightforward tunes, the better to show off the relatively crooked lyrics for which he's known. [17 Oct 2005]
  26. Tanglewood Numbers isn't the front-to-back triumph it might've been... but it's a welcome return nonetheless for a straight face that looks unlike any other.
  27. New Musical Express (NME)
    A rhinestone-tipped treat. [22 Oct 2005, p.41]

Awards & Rankings

User Score

Universal acclaim- based on 27 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Positive: 24 out of 27
  2. Negative: 2 out of 27
  1. romanmc
    Feb 27, 2006
    You will not be dissapointed. Berman flat-out embarrasses anyone else out there trying to compete with him in lyrical craft. The music is You will not be dissapointed. Berman flat-out embarrasses anyone else out there trying to compete with him in lyrical craft. The music is varied on this outing as well. A much fuller pallete than other albums. Full Review »
  2. KrisB
    Feb 9, 2006
    It's no American Water, but it'll do. Something is missing this time around, and i think it's probably because of the absence It's no American Water, but it'll do. Something is missing this time around, and i think it's probably because of the absence of Steven Malkmus. Full Review »
  3. timothym
    Jan 29, 2006
    dc is my hero