• Record Label: MSFTS
  • Release Date: Nov 17, 2017
User Score

Generally favorable reviews- based on 106 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Positive: 79 out of 106
  2. Negative: 8 out of 106
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  1. Nov 21, 2017
    A very decent debut album, from actor/rapper, Jaden Smith. Syre has some highlights and some songs that should've been cut from the album.

    The album actually started off very strong with the tracks, B L U E. Those songs are followed by the track, Breakfast. The track had the potential to be great but ended up mediocre. The next good track is Lost Boy. It's a long track but it's
    A very decent debut album, from actor/rapper, Jaden Smith. Syre has some highlights and some songs that should've been cut from the album.

    The album actually started off very strong with the tracks, B L U E. Those songs are followed by the track, Breakfast.

    The track had the potential to be great but ended up mediocre. The next good track is Lost Boy. It's a long track but it's very chill and the beat is very easy to listen to. His singing isn't bad in the song.

    Batman sounds like a rip-off track from Kanye West. I don't even know why this song is on the album. IT doesn't even fit. Along with the track Watch Me. Watch Me and Batman literally sounds like Facts and Black Skinheads from Kanye West.

    Fallen and The Passion are very good tracks. The last good song on the album is Syre. This album had a lot of good moments but also had a lot of boring and ridiculous tracks on the album also.

  2. Nov 24, 2017
    I'm tired of seeing reviews saying he's weak lyrically. Yes his lyrics is not his strength but the fact that a 19 year old can even make due with this production and have great lyrical MOMENTS in a debut project like this, is insane. His charisma, thoughts, and flow keeps you engaged alone, but trust me as he gets older his lyrics will upgrade as well.
    A strong debut, i'll give it a 7.5
    I'm tired of seeing reviews saying he's weak lyrically. Yes his lyrics is not his strength but the fact that a 19 year old can even make due with this production and have great lyrical MOMENTS in a debut project like this, is insane. His charisma, thoughts, and flow keeps you engaged alone, but trust me as he gets older his lyrics will upgrade as well.
    A strong debut, i'll give it a 7.5 on a good day 8/10 i've always been a casual fan but this made me into an official one.
    Highlights: B,L,U,E, Falcon, Ninety, Lost Boy, Icon, Fallen
  3. Nov 22, 2017
    For a debut album from a 19 year old, this is insanely well done.
    People complain about the corny lyrics, however there are moments here where Jaden shines lyrically. Overall, there is room for growth but remember that this is his debut album. With time, we can definitely expect to see improvements in lyricism.
    As far as production goes, this album probably has some of the best for the
    For a debut album from a 19 year old, this is insanely well done.
    People complain about the corny lyrics, however there are moments here where Jaden shines lyrically. Overall, there is room for growth but remember that this is his debut album. With time, we can definitely expect to see improvements in lyricism.
    As far as production goes, this album probably has some of the best for the year. Lido did his thing, alongside the other producers involved.
  4. Nov 24, 2017
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. Jaden Smith has really surprised me on the project. The production on this album is the best I've seen come out of a 2017 album, he's only 19 AND it's his first album!

    'Syre' begins with beautiful vocals from Willow Smith that are a wonder to listen to. 'Syre' begins with 4 tracks named 'B', 'L', 'U', and 'E' respectfully and they all blend into each other into an essentially 13 minute intro that is surprisingly decent. These four tracks is followed by 'Breakfast' which features A$AP Rocky (a personal favourite of mine). Breakfast has quite a nice repeating beat with some damn nice bars from Jaden (e.g. When I talk to Kendrick, man, I sit on the ground (yuh) Just to get a little reference So we have no confusion **** ) The A$AP Rocky feature is HARDLY a feature when all he does is speak to Jaden (and I mean like normal conversation, it literally sounds like you're at a party and they're in the next room talking and thats the A$AP Rocky feature) dissapointing and a waste of Rocky but meh, I was iffy on this track. Hope follows Breakfast and once again Jaden spits some nice as bars with a VERY nice flow with an amazing beat, the production is the star of this album. Falcon is next and the best part of Falcon is the beautiful singing voice of Raury in the bridge that flows very nicely into the second verse with Jaden. Only thing I really disliked about this song was the 'Where are you now' at the beginning from Jaden that just sounded 'off'. The next two songs is Ninety and Lost Boy and they are probably my personal favourites on Syre. Both are very passionate and both are quite long - 7:48 and 9:30. Lost Boy isn't liked by quite a lot of reviews, primarily it's unnecessarily length which I agree with, a solid 3 minutes could've been cut but it's the 'You're all alone
    Does she love you? You'll never know
    I’ll love her ‘till forever on
    'Till she kills my soul'
    is absolutely beautiful with an awe inspiring beat that makes this track a personal favorite but I can see why people dislike Lost Boy. Batman, Icon, and Watch Me were released prior to Syre and they can be a hit or miss for a lot of people, I like Icon way more than the others simply because it has better lyricism, the beat on all 3 tracks are extremely nice though. Fallen was also released earlier, late 2016 actually and it features Jaden's beautiful singing voice that I adore but this song didn't interest me a lot if I'm being honest. Now, The Passion is next and ooooo boy this song is screaming amazing production with some satisfying flows and bars from Jaden and an amazing Hook. This is probably one of my favorites from the album. George Jeff follows The Passion and is essentially a 'freestyle' type rap, like we saw Kendrick do with Backseat Freestyle. This track is just kinda fun to be honest. Rapper has a sick beat but the lyrics are just OK, they don't really fulfill the beat. SYRE is the last track and is essentially a poem about Jadens life, quite beautiful but not a song per say.

    Overall, Syre really surprised me and I cannot wait to see what Jaden has in store for the future and I hope this production keeps with him because it is insane.
  5. Dec 16, 2017
    Nem sempre o ditado "filho de peixe, peixinho é" é válido para algumas famílias, mas para aqueles que têm o sobrenome Smith parece ser uma verdade absoluta. Além dos pais e a irmã que lançou um álbum esse ano, Jaden Smith também é uma força que deve ser reconhecida. Recentemente, o jovem de apenas dezenove anos lançou o seu primeiro álbum intitulado SYRE, mostrando que existe um rapperNem sempre o ditado "filho de peixe, peixinho é" é válido para algumas famílias, mas para aqueles que têm o sobrenome Smith parece ser uma verdade absoluta. Além dos pais e a irmã que lançou um álbum esse ano, Jaden Smith também é uma força que deve ser reconhecida. Recentemente, o jovem de apenas dezenove anos lançou o seu primeiro álbum intitulado SYRE, mostrando que existe um rapper talentoso nascendo mesmo ainda inexperiente e cometendo alguns erros.

    Primeiro álbum da sua carreira, SYRE mostra que Jaden Smith é um dos primeiros nomes a alcançar o grande mainstream a ser diretamente influenciado pelos dois maiores nomes do rap da atualidade: Drake e, principalmente, Kendrick Lamar. Assim sendo, a produção do álbum dá para a sonoridade do rapper uma característica de querer ser mais que apenas rap/hip hop e, sim, um trabalho que possa se expandir em vários gêneros, criando uma atmosfera rica e trabalhada que consegue criar arte daquilo que era considerado um gênero de segunda classe. Ao não seguir o caminho mais fácil do atual rap/hip hop e entregar batidas perfeitas para as paradas fica fácil notar que Jaden tem mais maturidade que a maioria dos artistas da sua faixa etária. Essa influência vinda diretamente de Lamar é muito bem vida, mas Jaden ainda precisar aparar todas as arestas soltas que atrapalham o resultado final. Preso nessa vontade de soar grandioso, significativo e com uma sensação de urgência, SYRE soa pretensioso quando deveria soar orgânico e fluido. Parece que Jaden quer soar mais importante e profundo do que é de verdade, resultando no rapper dando uma mordida maior que consegue engolir. Entretanto, quando essa grandiosidade pensada funciona da maneira que deveria temo alguns momentos realmente interessantes como a canção que introduz o trabalho: dividida em quatro faixas cada uma intitulada com uma das letras da palavra BLUE, a canção funciona em todos os sentidos, principalmente em soar natural e parece estar no local certo. Quando quer ser mais do que aparece ser encontramos a longuíssima Lost Boy que poderia ter sido cortado em uns sete minutos para funcionar. Esse problema também parece acometer a parte temática do álbum.

    Balanceado a influência do Drake e do Lamar, Jaden transita bem entre as narrações sobre as angústias humanas e as reflexões sobre a vida, especificamente sobre racismo. Todavia, apesar de bem escritas, ainda falta para o rapper saber como explorar esses temas da melhor forma para conseguir aliar a beleza estética pop com a profundidade necessária para refletir verdadeiramente sobre esses temas, pois, por enquanto, várias vezes o trabalho soa como um lamento de uma pobre garoto rico. É interessante o que Jaden poderá fazer no futuro depois de amadurecer já que, apesar dos erros, as composições guardam relances de um artista muito interessante. Assim também é em relação ao Jaden como rapper: apesar de soar sem muita personalidade definida, o jovem possui muito espaço para desenvolver o seu instrumento e isso é uma característica que, por enquanto, está a favor dele. Mesmo com erros aqui e ali, SYRE é um sólido debut para Jaden Smith, ajudando a criar uma promessa que pode ir além das suas origens.
  6. Jan 13, 2018
    Surprise surprise! Jaden is making an impact in the music scene. Strong production, smooth melodies and savage transitions makes this an album I consistently come back to. Keep it up. You've gotten my attention.
  7. Sep 5, 2019
    U and Ninety are just two masterpieces, that two songs might be the best ones in the project
  8. Jun 15, 2018
    I never had high hopes for this album, and it really impressed me. It has great production value and it feels so good to listen to... Never mind the lyrics seeming a little off here and there, I really liked this debut. He's only 19 and I bet he'll make himself a pretty damn good rapper in the future.

    Highlights: "U", "E", "Falcon", "Ninety", "Icon", "Fallen"
  9. Mar 4, 2018
    Maybe it could've been the fact that I had low expectations, but Jaden Smith actually has a pretty good album here and knowing that this is his Debut project, this was really impressive. The lyrics are less than stellar and very mediocre, but the flow and production really saves that. I would have to say that I'm excited to see what Jaden can do if he improves his rhyme scheme and keepsMaybe it could've been the fact that I had low expectations, but Jaden Smith actually has a pretty good album here and knowing that this is his Debut project, this was really impressive. The lyrics are less than stellar and very mediocre, but the flow and production really saves that. I would have to say that I'm excited to see what Jaden can do if he improves his rhyme scheme and keeps improving on his flow. The next album he creates will definitely ensure him a spot out of his fathers shadow if he can. Overall Jaden did a good job with it. If you don't mind his "fake deep" lyrics this can be a good listen for you. Expand
  10. Mar 22, 2018
    You can tell this has been a project Jaden Smith has been very passionate about and it has paid off. Showing off his style and knowledge of music through his diverse lyrical flow.
    Highlights: Hope, Falcon, Icon, George Jeff
  11. Jun 22, 2019
    This album is one of the most over hated albums I’ve even heard. Despite all the backlash over the “corny” lyrics, which I can admit, is a pretty major con to this album, the rest of the elements in the album make up for it. This is one of the albums I always come back to and never get sick of. A great body of work.
    Fav tracks:
    B, L, U, E, Breakfast, Falcon, Ninety, Lost Boy, Batman, Icon,
    This album is one of the most over hated albums I’ve even heard. Despite all the backlash over the “corny” lyrics, which I can admit, is a pretty major con to this album, the rest of the elements in the album make up for it. This is one of the albums I always come back to and never get sick of. A great body of work.
    Fav tracks:
    B, L, U, E, Breakfast, Falcon, Ninety, Lost Boy, Batman, Icon, Fallen, The Passion, George Jeff, Rapper
    Worse Tracks:
    Hope, Watch Me, Syre
  12. Apr 27, 2021
    There is actually a lot of people hating on and making fun of Jaden. Yes some of his lyrics can be truly laughable. Yes some of his artistic choices are questionnable. Yes he can show some money-driven behaviors. Anyway it is necessary to recognize that 'SYRE' begins with one of the four most powerful tracks I've ever heard as an introduction. If in any case you don't want to listen to anyThere is actually a lot of people hating on and making fun of Jaden. Yes some of his lyrics can be truly laughable. Yes some of his artistic choices are questionnable. Yes he can show some money-driven behaviors. Anyway it is necessary to recognize that 'SYRE' begins with one of the four most powerful tracks I've ever heard as an introduction. If in any case you don't want to listen to any of his music I warmly encourage you to only listen to these 'B'-'L'-'U'-'E' songs. A lot of experimented and aged artists don't manage to get to Jaden's ankle when we get to speak about this marvelous musical an emotional fresco. The overall production is gorgeous. Plus Jaden didn't recieve a lot of physical help to produce 'SYRE' (even if he certainly gathered a lot of financial help yeah).

    There are a lot of interesting choices all along 'SYRE' like the numerous beat switches (in 'Breakfast', 'The Passion' and in 'Ninety' to only cite them), the long instrumental second part of 'Hope', the variety of used instruments, the rare but meaningful featured artists (A$AP Rocky & Raury), the preference to alternate between singing and rapping as often as possible, betting more on the freestyle approach rather than on a regular approach,... So many points leading me to believe that Jaden has talent, even if it needs to be deepened and worked on.

    However as I wrote it before this doesn't mean that Jaden and his artistic work are perfect: far from it. Because he can make terrible choices too, like the lenght of this album, the 'Icon' track, the overall repetitiveness, the egocentric aura oozing from this project,... Unfortunately its length makes this album punctuated with useless and meaningless tracks.

    In conclusion 'SYRE' is paved with awesome tracks, surprisingly deep thoughts but also a lot of convention and redundance. I chose to give it an eight out of ten because of Jaden's performance, variety and abilities. Coming from a major star's son and former child actor this could have been way worst.
  13. Aug 28, 2020
    é um ótimo álbum, ótimas música, melodias perfeitas, letras muito boas também.
  14. Sep 21, 2021
    Syre is one of my favorite albums of all time, and I genuinely think Jaden really came into his own here. Beautifully spiritual production at parts, intimately personal tracks, and lyrics that really hype you up and get you in the mood to get up and do things. I will be honest, my own personal views on the album when I first heard about it was me expecting to laugh and be ready to dismissSyre is one of my favorite albums of all time, and I genuinely think Jaden really came into his own here. Beautifully spiritual production at parts, intimately personal tracks, and lyrics that really hype you up and get you in the mood to get up and do things. I will be honest, my own personal views on the album when I first heard about it was me expecting to laugh and be ready to dismiss the album. But I was so pleasantly surprised with how much this album ended up meaning to be in the months and years to follow. Syre is a beautiful effort and Jaden's talent shines throughout it, and for his first studio made album, he absolutely delivered and opened the door for a bigger and brighter future ahead. My personal favorite tracks include the melancholy dream sounding 'Lost Boy', the absolute legendary 'Icon' and it's hyped up beat, and the beautiful closer that feels like a summer afternoon 'SYRE'. Overall, Syre did what it set out to do, planting Jaden on the map as a genuine creator with a voice and a vision and it still holds up years later. Expand
  15. Aug 12, 2023
    This album hit me with breaking vibes and I loved it……zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz

Generally favorable reviews - based on 6 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 4 out of 6
  2. Negative: 0 out of 6
  1. The Wire
    Dec 19, 2017
    He might be a slightly better rapper [than his father Will], he’s certainly a more adventurous artist and the fact that he’s a product of his generation shouldn’t detract from that. [Jan 2018, p.78]
  2. Dec 6, 2017
    As a debut, it has enough standout moments to pique interest in a future when Smith could stand toe to toe with his many inspirations.
  3. Nov 21, 2017
    While there are some musical highlights--like the 8-bit ambience of the Ricky Eat Acid-produced title-track--the album is constantly in pursuit of a voice it never finds. Which highlight Smith’s writing, some of the worst in rap this year. His lyrics are crass and half-baked and insulting to one’s intelligence.