• Record Label: Republic
  • Release Date: Aug 17, 2018
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  1. Aug 17, 2018
    Álbum do anooooooooooooooooooooooóooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo
  2. Aug 17, 2018
  3. Aug 17, 2018
    Her best album yet. This is an album that shows and celebrates the difficult process of healing, the ups and the downs. While her work with Pharrell may be controversial as it is different from anything that she has done before, it is not bad but instead extremely refreshing and well executed. She is experimenting with new sounds and showing her range. Sweetener is personal and can be rawHer best album yet. This is an album that shows and celebrates the difficult process of healing, the ups and the downs. While her work with Pharrell may be controversial as it is different from anything that she has done before, it is not bad but instead extremely refreshing and well executed. She is experimenting with new sounds and showing her range. Sweetener is personal and can be raw at times as she tells what she has gone through. Each song while different flows perfectly into the next telling a story. This is not the bubblegum pop album that some people want, it is mature yet fun as she mixes fresh and weird beats with sultry vocals and powerful emotional ballads. Ariana once again shows her dynamic vocal range with lots of high notes and some songs sung with rarely used yet beautiful lower low tones. Forever on repeat. Expand
  4. Aug 17, 2018
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. Her best album so far. I love texts, sounds and ariana is way more mature. Love this Expand
  5. Aug 17, 2018
    O álbum está coeso e o gênero R&B combinou perfeitamente com a voz da Ariana neste álbum.
  6. Aug 17, 2018
    sweetener is an excellent ariana's album. shy tries to make something different and the result is perfect.
  7. Aug 17, 2018
    Melhor álbum dela, sweetener veio para mostra que realmente é Ariana. QUEEN
  8. Aug 17, 2018
    Totalmente diferente e ESTRANHO de tudo que já fez. O estranhamento e o jeito diferenciado poderia ser pra melhor, mas nesse álbum foi pra pior. Som equivocado, que o que parece a cantora aceitou a sonoridade dos produtores(que não tem nada a ver com ela) e não fez nada do que queria!ÁLBUM PÉSSIMO! Pior da carreira!
  9. Aug 17, 2018
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. sem dúvidas é o trabalho mais diferente da Ariana, ao contrário de seus álbuns anteriores, Sweetener explora outro lado da voz dela, literalmente algo mais "sweet". Grande com este álbum assume riscos em sua carreira ao unir-se com Pharrell Williams que vem de um vasto histórico de canções "fora de sincronia" do que está fazendo sucesso hoje em dia, explorando outras formas, como por exemplo em the light is coming que é totalmente diferente do que está no topo dos charts hoje em dia Expand
  10. Aug 17, 2018
    claramente o melhor álbum da ariana até agora, uma mistura de batidas, high-notes e letras perfeitas!
  11. Aug 17, 2018
    Ariana perdió ese toque que nunca tuvo para hacer música, este álbum suena como un reciclaje de toda la música pop ya muerta y la actual, que está siendo envenenada por el trap. Como sea, no la culpo, de todos modos no se involucró en su trabajo, como siempre.
  12. Aug 17, 2018
    Honestly this is just not good. Zero artists growth from Dangerous Woman - if anything its regressed back to Yours Truly. Her work with Pharrell is very hit and miss and most of them are a miss from me. The highlights are Everytime, Breathing and R.E.M. The worst are TLIC, Sweetener, Blazed and Borderline (which is the very definition of a dull, filler track). Pharrell’s adlibsHonestly this is just not good. Zero artists growth from Dangerous Woman - if anything its regressed back to Yours Truly. Her work with Pharrell is very hit and miss and most of them are a miss from me. The highlights are Everytime, Breathing and R.E.M. The worst are TLIC, Sweetener, Blazed and Borderline (which is the very definition of a dull, filler track). Pharrell’s adlibs throughout many of the tracks are unnecessary and ruin many of the songs (such as the sheesh in Sweetener). The lyrics on most tracks are cringy and hyper-sexual and there’s zero variation in topic. You could literally swap the verses of one song to any other song on the album and you wouldn’t be able to tell the difference. I’ve been a fan of Ari for a long time but this album is just so disappointing. By far her worst album to date. Expand
  13. Aug 17, 2018
    MELHOR ALBUM DA ARIANAA, se Dangerous Woman nao existisse é claro! E nada mais importa do que nao for minha opniao. ARIANA PRINCESA DO POP!!!! SWEETENER AOTY!!!!
  14. Aug 17, 2018
  15. Aug 17, 2018
    um dos seus trabalhos mais maduros como artista feminina, empoderada e realmente uma artista DE VERDADE!
  16. Aug 17, 2018
    GREAT ALBUM!! It’s something so different from her previous albums. I can see a different vibe with this album. Something I thought I would of never heard from her.
  17. Aug 17, 2018
    Cohesive, tells a story, and seems like Ariana has finally found her sound.
  18. Aug 17, 2018
    Um album completamente diferente que tudo o que estávamos acostumados. Ariana deu um passo a mais em sua carreira com um album coeso, animado e maduro.
  19. Aug 17, 2018
    Ariana fez um trabalho incrível e diferente, seus vocais estão impecáveis e as melodias das músicas estão extremamente lindas, merece pelo menos 90
  20. Aug 17, 2018
    sweetener é um lançamento arriscado devido ao pop atual porém ariana se mostra confiante e forte em cada faixa. ela realmente acertou. grande retorna com um concorrente forte a album of the year. desafiador, conceitual e poderoso. uma verdadeira terapia para o pop.
  21. Aug 17, 2018
    Nesse álbum ela saiu da zona de conforto e tentou fazer algo diferente. Ela disse que seria um trabalho pessoal e todas as músicas expressam verdade. Escutei cada palavra. Incrível.
  22. Aug 17, 2018
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. One of her best records so far! Sweetener has good taste, it's so experimental, good lyrics a different vibe and it contains many bops (as breathin, everytime, god is a woman and everytime) Ilya and Max Martin did an amazing job with the production. that's the tea Expand
  23. Aug 17, 2018
    Truly wonderful. Ariana Grande is showing a whole new level of versatility. She is incorporating r&b with a hint of pop and a touch of 90s diva. She is portraying what artist growth is. I'm incredibly proud of her, her work, and this new album. This piece is wonderfully produced and vocally executed well. This is a masterpiece. I love you Ariana!
  24. Aug 17, 2018
    I fell in love with this album with all my heart and quickly learned the lyrics of all the songs. In my opinion this is Ariana's best album. The music is pleasant, the songs are great, the voice is amazing! I love Ariana! I love what she does. I think I'll never stop listening to this album. It's just perfect.
  25. Aug 17, 2018
    This album is very different from the other albums of Ariana and I love it so much every song has a meaning and Ariana never disappoint when in comes to her vocals my fave song are everytime and breathin btw this probably her best work ever
  26. Aug 17, 2018
    Grande com certeza está revendo seu estilo musical e mudando pouco a pouco a cada álbum, trazendo novos ritmos. Sweetener é a prova de que Ariana consegue se dar bem com outros estilos.
  27. Aug 17, 2018
    Different from anything she recorded before. She is pushing the boundaries and experiencing new sounds which is quite different from what are people expecting from her. Talent won.
  28. Aug 17, 2018
    Her worst album, is the same beat in all the songs, she could do it better the next time
  29. Aug 17, 2018
    This record vibes are so aesthetic. This is Yours Truly son. This is Iconic. This is Ariana Grande.
  30. Aug 17, 2018
    Álbum da carreira, mesmo sem hits o álbum é o melhor álbum dela, com um ritmo totalmente diferente do seus outro álbuns
  31. Aug 17, 2018
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. Very good album, the songs have great meaning some, a different rhythm in each song, I love it completely, congratulations Ariana !!! Expand
  32. Aug 17, 2018
    This is definitely Ariana's most experimental album. She took a major risk as she's usually known for her pop songs, and this is definitely straight up R&B. I absolutely love it! Very well produced. Great work Ariana & Pharell.
  33. Aug 17, 2018
    Sweetener é como um sopro de esperança, um recomeço maravilhoso e tem mensagens inspiradoras
  34. Aug 17, 2018

  35. Aug 17, 2018
    Her best album for sure. A new sound that definitely shows her growth as an artist.
  36. Aug 17, 2018
    Потому что Арианочка выложила на стол не хитовые частушки а песни с вложенным в них ее личным смыслом.
  37. Aug 17, 2018
    The message of the album is very special, but 'No tears left to cry', 'God is a woman' and 'Breathin' are the only commendable tracks. Since I've heard 'No tears left to cry' for the first time, I was expecting something better than this. She's able to deliver something more powerful with her stunning voice
  38. Aug 17, 2018
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. Sem dúvidas é o trabalho mais audacioso de Ariana Grande, com 15 faixas o sweetener é o álbum mais coeso da artista merecendo aclamação por revolucionar a sua geração, deixando o pop padrão para explorar novas alternativas, pois como sabemos a voz de Ariana Grande consegue deixar qualquer coisa em suas mãos agradável. Fez um ótimo trabalho! Expand
  39. Aug 17, 2018
    Yass girl we heard something and it slaps so hard our expensive full lace front real hair wig went on a space trip and never returned
  40. Aug 17, 2018
    esse álbum é uma verdadeira obra prima que merece todo o reconhecimento do mundo por ser uns dos trabalhos mais diversificados que a Ariana já fez, com participações de artistas incríveis e ainda explora a linda voz dessa rainha, me sinto grata por ser presenteada com essa obra prima
  41. Aug 17, 2018
    her best album.deserve the world. Its a powerful statement, a gorgeous, pastel album about love, happiness, strenght, and womanhood.
  42. Aug 17, 2018
    Vocais impecáveis, músicas doces e diferentes.
    Uma cantora inovadora que se recria a cada álbum.
  43. Aug 17, 2018
    The album is groundbreaking, no one currently does something as good and full of quality as Ariana Grande. It's that album that we can listen to every day, it has a comforting and soft vibe. The music itself is the priority. This is a work of art.
  44. Aug 17, 2018
    The album is trash. Dangerous Woman, My Everything and Yours Truly remain unbothered.
  45. Aug 17, 2018
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. It's really hard for me to describe this album. Songs at start aren't anything super-impressive, but the rest is quite descent. Still I think Dangerous Woman is her best album.
    Best Songs - no tears left to cry, everytime, breathin', successful
    Worst Songs - first 4
  46. Aug 17, 2018
    such a terrible album. how’d she go from making one of the best albums of 2016 to the worst of 2018? whatever stream #revival by selena gomez it’s better
  47. Aug 17, 2018
    bad melodies, bad compositions, the album in general is tiring seems never to end, one of the worst albums of the year without a doubt! Ariana disappointment!
  48. Aug 17, 2018
    The album was very experimental and a completely different sound than what we usually hear from Ariana. I like the fact that she chose to take a risk and get out of her comfort zone to try something out of the ordinary. It shows that her and her music is continuing to grow and develop. Some people like change, some don’t. I definitely enjoyed the album and I’m now looking forward for otherThe album was very experimental and a completely different sound than what we usually hear from Ariana. I like the fact that she chose to take a risk and get out of her comfort zone to try something out of the ordinary. It shows that her and her music is continuing to grow and develop. Some people like change, some don’t. I definitely enjoyed the album and I’m now looking forward for other genres and sounds Ariana will surprise us with! Expand
  49. Aug 17, 2018
    Pure trash. The songs produced by Pharrell are all worst songs. She should have a better producer.
  50. Aug 17, 2018
    I’m very disappointed by this album , the only good song is raindrop who is a **** opener
  51. Aug 17, 2018
    This album is okay, but compared to her other albums, it is really underwhelming. The album has some alright songs like "everytime", "breathin'" and "goodnight ' n' go" and some of the singles are cool too, but otherwise the album is very boring and forgettable.
  52. Aug 17, 2018
    Um dos melhores álbuns de Ariana Grande. Para os fans, eles vão "estranhar" pela ousadia em que ela se propôs a fazer, explorando outras sonoridades. Sweetener se considera com um dos trabalho mais coeso de sua carreira.
  53. Aug 17, 2018
    Ariana really delivered with this record. She and Pharrell make a surprisingly delightful pairing, his innovative beats nicely complementing her powerhouse vocals without overshadowing them (if that's even possible with a voice as formidable as hers), and I take particular pleasure in how strongly Sweetener is influenced by hip hop. Granted, there are moments of adherence to top-40Ariana really delivered with this record. She and Pharrell make a surprisingly delightful pairing, his innovative beats nicely complementing her powerhouse vocals without overshadowing them (if that's even possible with a voice as formidable as hers), and I take particular pleasure in how strongly Sweetener is influenced by hip hop. Granted, there are moments of adherence to top-40 conventions, but such moments are few and far between; when the album hits, it sticks, and this fourth release proves that Grande is an artist only interested in moving forward - personally and musically.

    Highlights include 'God is a woman,' 'sweetener,' 'no tears left to cry,' and 'better off'.
  54. Aug 17, 2018
    Is so amazing the way Ariana put your heart in all songs, she did a really good job!
  55. Aug 17, 2018
    Ariana Grande provando mais uma vez que, para comandar, é preciso se entregar verdadeiramente ao que vais fazer. Seja algo inovador como o Sweetener, seja algo revolucionário (musicalmente falando). Ela prova mais uma vez que continua tocando os ritmos. Marcando e fazendo história.
  56. Aug 17, 2018
    A M A Z I N G, sem dúvidas um dos melhores trabalhos dela, ela simplismente saiu da zona de conforto e tentou algo totalmente novo, Ariana princesinha do pop e dona do mundo!
  57. Aug 17, 2018
    This truly is Ariana's most diverse and different albums. The RnB feels & Pop tracks make this album beautiful. SO. MANY. BOPS. Ariana came thru once again.
  58. Aug 17, 2018
    Ariana se arrisca em um novo estilo e isso foi incrível, Sweetener mostra que essa busca por novos ares deu certo, além disso seus vocais incriveis deixam o álbum mais adocicado.
  59. Aug 17, 2018
    Melhor trabalho dela; como o próprio nome diz, as músicas são doces, adoráveis e agradáveis, sendo bastante coesas. Algumas ficaram presas na mesmice, mas a maioria conseguiu trazer algo diferente (o que acarretou críticas mal-fundamentadas). De todo jeito, um ótimo álbum.
  60. Aug 17, 2018
    Eu estou até agora arrependido pelo tempo que eu perdi baixando essa bomba em formato de álbum. Depois de ter lançado um álbum tão maravilhoso ela me vem com isso? Tem que ser muito fã para gostar de uma bomba dessa, quem deve ter amado são os terroristas que vão poder usar esse álbum como bomba.
    A minha expectativa para esse álbum estava enorme, mesmo tendo uma the light is coming no
    Eu estou até agora arrependido pelo tempo que eu perdi baixando essa bomba em formato de álbum. Depois de ter lançado um álbum tão maravilhoso ela me vem com isso? Tem que ser muito fã para gostar de uma bomba dessa, quem deve ter amado são os terroristas que vão poder usar esse álbum como bomba.
    A minha expectativa para esse álbum estava enorme, mesmo tendo uma the light is coming no álbum que é outra porcaria eu tinha fé que o álbum seria maravilhoso pois tinha uma god is a woman nele, mas quando eu comecei a ouvir o álbum foi uma sensação horrível.
    Eu não gostava de uma faixa, pulava pro meio dela pra ver se melhorava e continuava ruim, dai ia pra próxima e era pior. Pelo menos agora não vou perder meu tempo dando stream para esse álbum e a única música que ouvirei dele é god is a woman, por isso que vou dar nota 1 para esse álbum, por conta dessa música.
  61. Aug 17, 2018
    Worst ariana grande album ... such a messy album all songs sound the ame ... i only like raindrops giaw ntltc and breathinn all else are trash
  62. Aug 17, 2018
    Perfect i have no words, she is always doing her best i love her so much, she is the best person in the world
  63. Aug 17, 2018
    The album is amazing Ariana finally played with different sounds and you can really see and hear her artistic growth. I recommend listening to God Is A Woman, Breathin, R.E.M, Everytime, Better Off, and Get Well Soon. Ignore the bad reviews posted by biased twitter stans and give the album a listen
  64. Aug 17, 2018
    I loved !!! Another great work from Ariana Grande !!! We can hear your impeccable vocals in a new musical proposal !!!
  65. Aug 17, 2018
    wonderful album, with more catchy rhythms and wonderful songs that reflect the beautiful voice of Grande, one of the best album this year, so sweet and it's like a dream, my favorites are breathin, goodnight n go, sweetener and the whole album tbh
  66. Aug 17, 2018
    o melhor album dela! explorou muito bem o potencial vocal dela! Grande com este álbum assume riscos em sua carreira, onde, se saiu muito bem!!!
  67. Aug 17, 2018
    This album is wow i love it pharrell did something new to this album i love it cause is not like her 3 last albums and max snapped with breathin giaw ntltc ♡
  68. Aug 17, 2018
    A mature new album for a badass, beautiful, talented Woman ! This is Sweetener.
  69. Aug 17, 2018
    it's like a candy, very tasty candy. i feel ease n freedom. good work, ariana!! sm love
  70. Aug 17, 2018
    Cohesive, intelligent, emotional, personal and punctuated by thrilling tributes to Manchester attack, Ariana Grande's new work is one of her bests. Grande delivers a psychological journey through her philosophy of life, with creative and addictive beats and well-chosen optimistic songs. The album would be perfect for listening while watching the stars or a meteor rain, due to itsCohesive, intelligent, emotional, personal and punctuated by thrilling tributes to Manchester attack, Ariana Grande's new work is one of her bests. Grande delivers a psychological journey through her philosophy of life, with creative and addictive beats and well-chosen optimistic songs. The album would be perfect for listening while watching the stars or a meteor rain, due to its brushstrokes of critical thinking, deep tracks and its cosmic, weird and sensual aura. The fact that Ariana swims against the tide of mainstream music and puts more politeness in her voice are also insights to consider.
    Despite the good aspects, Ariana stumbles on making a great album - just like her previous ones, but not a thunderous pop-anthems filled album, which she needs to secure her place in mainstream and establish her as the best one in the new generation of female pop artists.
  71. Aug 17, 2018
    This album is simply overflowing with of love, happiness, strength, and hope. While Ariana is known for pop albums and dance tracks, Sweetener has a RnB flare. Ariana's growth as an artist is very commendable and Sweetener is her best album. Raindrops is a beautiful introduction to the album. Highlights in this album (excluding her singles no tears left to cry and God is a woman) includeThis album is simply overflowing with of love, happiness, strength, and hope. While Ariana is known for pop albums and dance tracks, Sweetener has a RnB flare. Ariana's growth as an artist is very commendable and Sweetener is her best album. Raindrops is a beautiful introduction to the album. Highlights in this album (excluding her singles no tears left to cry and God is a woman) include R.E.M, sweetener, everytime, breathin, and get well soon. Expand
  72. Aug 17, 2018
    Love this album, of course yes Ariana is experimenting with yourself. Okay. I love the singles NTLTC, TLIC, GIAW, raindrops (an angel cried)
  73. Aug 17, 2018
    Ariana gives us a new experience in her music with totally new sounds, good lyrics, some people saw bad lyrics and repetitive to The Light Is Coming but she has a great teaching and meaning and it is one of her best recordings
  74. Aug 17, 2018
    o álbum mais diferente da ari porém a qualidade continua maravilhosa e não choca por ser a maior artista da atualidade
  75. Aug 17, 2018
    Melhor album da Ariana em todos os aspectos, é um album calmo e diferente de tudo que a Ariana já trabalhou.
  76. Aug 17, 2018
    I thougt this new album by Ariana incredible, it's a work that says "it's going to be alright", without doubt with songs of overcoming, as the name says "sweetener" comes to bring a little more light and sweetness for our lives, as well like the Ariana who managed to recover after that tragic event in Manchester I thought she wanted to bring this comfort that the pain passed to us too.I thougt this new album by Ariana incredible, it's a work that says "it's going to be alright", without doubt with songs of overcoming, as the name says "sweetener" comes to bring a little more light and sweetness for our lives, as well like the Ariana who managed to recover after that tragic event in Manchester I thought she wanted to bring this comfort that the pain passed to us too. It's not a work of songs like Side To Side, Bang Bang or Break Free that make us dance and everything, but rather works more with the voice of our diva. People have to understand that the old Ariana is gone, she is in a new phase, a more working, conservative phase. I particularly loved this "new" Ariana, Sweetener some of the best or even the best work of Ariana Grande so far, congratulations and new and new inspirations coming soon. Expand
  77. Aug 17, 2018
    Amazing album, she really experimented with different sounds and breathin' sounds amazing!
  78. Aug 17, 2018
    Hi from Russia! Sweetener made me fall into an outer space, i felt it, and it was amazing. Thanks Ariana for the incredible work and just being yourself. We feel you.
  79. Aug 17, 2018
    I truly believe this is one of the best pop albums of 2018 (we have not had many options to choose from, tbh). Sweetener is really cohesive, uplifting and well produced. Favorite songs are: REM, sweetener, successful and God is a Woman.
  80. Aug 17, 2018
    I loved the album, the sweet Ari really knows how to make good songs like breathin and everytime, i just feel that the features songs don't belong the album. but is the most personal ariana's album so far
  81. Aug 17, 2018
    Her best album yet. My favorite songs are R.E.M, God is a Woman, brethin, no tears left to cry
  82. Aug 17, 2018
    iconic fairy, pop princess, tasting by a + b who is the pop commander of her generation. dá vontade né @?
  83. Aug 17, 2018
    Ariana NUNCA decepciona! Esse álbum é um hinário! Amei, felizmente um álbum de verdade e diferente de tudo que ela já fez
  84. Aug 17, 2018
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. masterpiece AAAAAAAAAAAAAAaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa Expand
  85. Aug 17, 2018
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. amazing. just beautiful. it’s a perfect blend of pop and r&b. Very different from her last projects and most definitely her best one Expand
  86. Aug 17, 2018
    Ela com certeza perdeu o medo de sair da caixa e entregar para o público algo que deve ser digerido e não um simples album pop genérico. Um dos melhores trabalhos dela.
  87. Aug 17, 2018
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. Sin duda el peor trabajo de Ariana, sin nada nuevo que ofrecer, hubiera sido mejor que siguiera con su silencio musical. Expand
  88. Aug 17, 2018
    This is something so fresh. It definitely is a grower and will age like a fine wine. The beats and the vibe is so uplifting refreshing peculiar it is everything
  89. Aug 17, 2018
    Ariana’s messiest album to date. The production didn’t do her angelic voice any justice.
  90. Aug 17, 2018
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. Sem a menor sombra de duvidas, "Sweetener" é o álbum mais pessoal e mais real desde que Ariana entrou na indústria.
    Eu não consigo enxergar outra coisa além de grandeza vindo desse álbum. Em poucos álbuns sentimos ela tão conectada com sí mesmo e tão bem realizada na nova fase.
    Obrigado pela bíblia.
  91. Aug 17, 2018
    I'm not an Ariana fan to begin with, but I was low key looking forward to this album because of how much she promoted it saying how great it is. Plus, I really liked 'no tears left to cry' so I had some hope. but.........

    this album is a flop... I was not impressed to say the least...

    Better luck next time
  92. Aug 17, 2018
    With this album we see another space where Ariana gives us a warm, soft, quiet place to take refuge. It's what pop music has needed in recent years and Ari gives it to us in the form of a sweetener.
  93. Aug 17, 2018
    it’s just rlly is such a beautiful album, her best work. u can really hear the difference in the maturity in her voice. it’s crazy, she told us a story and showed us a story with each individual song and it’s just soooo beautifulil
  94. Aug 17, 2018
    Álbum mais coeso de toda a sua carreira,onde explora diferentes gêneros,e felizmente fez isso com maestria,provando mais uma vez estar um passo a frente de sua geração.
  95. Aug 17, 2018
    Álbum do ano parabéns a Ariana Grande, mostrando ser a rainha do Pop e a voz da geração!!! Sweetener trouxe maturidade para lançar um álbum totalmente diferente dos anteriores parabéns a Grande, essa menina é Grande
  96. Aug 17, 2018
    Esse álbum da Ariana com certeza veio pra salvar o pop! Um trabalho totalmente diferente dos que ela já fez antes. Inovador e esplendido.
  97. Aug 17, 2018
    her best album. A completly new sound. Loved it! Her vocals are beautiful as always and lyrics até amazing. Breathin is a BOP!
  98. Aug 17, 2018
    o melhor album dela! explorou muito bem o potencial vocal dela! o album eh bem gostosinho e eu to muito orgulhoso da ariana :)
  99. Aug 17, 2018
    Mais uma vez um trabalho incrível dessa mulher, nunca decepcionou desde 2013
  100. Aug 17, 2018
    The only good thing about this album is the Imogen Heap cover, therefore congrats Imogen Heap!

Universal acclaim - based on 20 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 16 out of 20
  2. Negative: 0 out of 20
  1. Aug 31, 2018
    Grande’s new sound, the Williams-produced Not-Bangers, only make up half of the album. These standout tracks are interspersed between standard pop tracks. ... That’s not to say that the Bangers on Sweetener are bad--it’s more that they belong in previous era of Grande and they spoil the flow between songs. Sweetener may not be the dawning of a new age for Ariana but it could be a step towards somewhere weird and wonderful.
  2. Aug 29, 2018
    Ms. Grande backs up her statements with song-and-dance mastery. ... She’s her own choir, support group and posse. While a few guest vocalists (Mr. Williams, Nicki Minaj, Missy Elliott) provide a little grit for contrast, Ms. Grande sails above any fray, past or present. Her aplomb is her triumph.
  3. Aug 28, 2018
    An album that coheres in a way other Ariana Grande albums don't, which means Sweetener is something of a double triumph: she's come through a tough time stronger and better than before.