• Record Label: Republic
  • Release Date: Aug 17, 2018
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  1. Aug 21, 2018
    This album has a unique sound that I've never heard from Ariana before. Ariana has definitely made a right decision working with Pharrell and her previous producers as her album gives a mix of new and old sounds that the fans will surely love and enjoy.

    In terms of lyrics and meaning of each song, Ariana has become more personal compared to her previous albums. Songs from sweetener
    This album has a unique sound that I've never heard from Ariana before. Ariana has definitely made a right decision working with Pharrell and her previous producers as her album gives a mix of new and old sounds that the fans will surely love and enjoy.

    In terms of lyrics and meaning of each song, Ariana has become more personal compared to her previous albums. Songs from sweetener talked about anxiety, toxic relationships, female empowerment, happiness, and love. She also paid tribute to Manchester in her songs "No Tears Left to Cry" and "Get Well Soon".

    Ariana has definitely done a great job with this album despite experiencing a tragedy that happened in Manchester. She's definitely back and she's better than ever.
  2. Aug 21, 2018
    this album is by far one of her best era’s in my opinion. she’s more open in this album than her previous work. you can have your opinions, but this album’s a bop.
  3. Aug 20, 2018
    Brave move from Ariana to work with Pharrell. Her vocal still on point in several tracks, and Pharrell gave many spectrum track by track, giving different taste, even though he already boasted those tunes not long ago (in Pharrell's previous project). For the impact, Ariana redeemed her vocal for the sake of production, and in return, we reminded how good her vocal is, compared to theBrave move from Ariana to work with Pharrell. Her vocal still on point in several tracks, and Pharrell gave many spectrum track by track, giving different taste, even though he already boasted those tunes not long ago (in Pharrell's previous project). For the impact, Ariana redeemed her vocal for the sake of production, and in return, we reminded how good her vocal is, compared to the low-key sound she gave in some tracks like Sweetener and The Light is Coming. Expand
  4. Aug 20, 2018
    Não só o melhor álbum do ano mas também o melhor álbum de ariana grande, extremamente maduro e revelando um lado pessoal da cantora que nos encanta.
  5. Aug 20, 2018
    Not her best effort...There are overall 5/6 good track, but the rest is pretty bland, boring and repetitive.
  6. Aug 20, 2018
    The surnames of his best career, the album completely escaped the usual and surprised. incredible!
    bj brasil
  7. Aug 20, 2018
    much more mature than ever. she shared her story with us by this album, so it is definitely her best one. people are mad cause it isn't just pop, but it is amazing to see her doing some different styles especially when she feels the most comfortable with them. good job. she also showed her low range, not only high which is new! this is really fresh !
  8. Aug 20, 2018
    Dizer que superou 'Dangerous Woman' seria um crime, por se tratar de um álbum pessoal muitos esperavam o pop chiclete e dançante, Sweetener soa como diferente/bizarro, estranho mas convidativo, Ariana Grande nos mostrou um trabalho com tamanhas peculiaridades e diferenciações, não diria que é um álbum ruim, mas também não é o melhor, os destaques que colocam este recente trabalho à cimaDizer que superou 'Dangerous Woman' seria um crime, por se tratar de um álbum pessoal muitos esperavam o pop chiclete e dançante, Sweetener soa como diferente/bizarro, estranho mas convidativo, Ariana Grande nos mostrou um trabalho com tamanhas peculiaridades e diferenciações, não diria que é um álbum ruim, mas também não é o melhor, os destaques que colocam este recente trabalho à cima são vocais bem explorados, batidas, inovação artística, Ariana se permitiu, ela arriscou e o tiro foi certeiro. Sweetener é como um bom aperitivo. Expand
  9. Aug 20, 2018
    RAINHA DO POP #selenafracassada #demifracassada #mileyfracassada ...................
  10. Aug 20, 2018
    This is an album that grows on you, the vocals, the sounds, the lyrics, it's just an amazing one, our babe deserves all the appreciation.
  11. Aug 20, 2018
    maravilhoso,embora dificil de engolir ele cresce com o tempo,além da ariana modificar as coisas
  12. Aug 20, 2018
    Her best album of all time. The songs are extraordinary, but my favorite song is "everytime"'. It think that it should be the next single.
  13. Aug 20, 2018
    Um álbum bom porém nem todas as músicas se conversam. God is a woman e breathin são as melhores faixas do álbum e sweetener e pete davidson as piores
  14. Aug 20, 2018
    This is one of the worst pop albums released this year. It is very generic and lacks maturity
  15. Aug 20, 2018
    This is definitely her most meaningful album and her best so far. She wanted to do something different and show her most personal self, and yes at first this album sounds weird but thats exactly what she wanted to do, music that not everyone is used to hear. She didnt make this project for people to like it as commercial music, she did this because thats what she felt she had to do as anThis is definitely her most meaningful album and her best so far. She wanted to do something different and show her most personal self, and yes at first this album sounds weird but thats exactly what she wanted to do, music that not everyone is used to hear. She didnt make this project for people to like it as commercial music, she did this because thats what she felt she had to do as an artist. Shout out to get well soon and breathin for speaking up about her mental health. Such a delightful and beautiful album. Expand
  16. Aug 20, 2018
    Even if the song The Light is coming wasn't one of the best the other songs shows a different version of Ariana showing that she can make very commercial music to the most personal sounds in her discography, one song that really disappointed me was the featuring whit Missy Elliot
  17. Aug 20, 2018
    flawless! UGH her mind... work of art PERFECT AMAZING UGH LOVE U ARIANAAAAA
  18. Aug 20, 2018
    Listened to the album. Thought NTLTC was a bop. anything else is mediocre. Thanks
  19. Aug 20, 2018
    I love u Ari and this is really good..................I don't care about what others say. in my opinion it's completely perfect Well done
  20. Aug 20, 2018
    Album of the year!! all track is a bop, this album is amazing definitely worth a grammy ariana deserver
  21. Aug 20, 2018
    amazing work! ms. grande really did that! my favorite tracks: breathin, everytime, god is a woman
  22. Aug 20, 2018
    This album i so incredible and different (unique). My favourite song is goodnight n go this is so amazing like angels in the sky! I love Ariana so much but i can't give her 10/10 because of Blazed ft. Pharrell....This is **** OMG!
  23. Aug 20, 2018
    This project may be sound strange to her following but the fact that she experimented with unique production that ended up great is a big plus factor. The cohesiveness of the tracks lived up to the album title, evoking pop sweetness in every sense.
  24. Aug 20, 2018
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. Ariana has poured her heart and soul into this album, I've been a fan of her work for years and I'm impressed with how much she's grown. I know that this album is controversial and a lot of people don't vibe with the songs produced by Pharrell, which I understand. I absolutely loved the tribute to Manchester, I thought it was really touching. There are a few tracks on this album that stand off, which are her two main singles, get well soon, breathin, and everytime. The other ones are great as well, however, I don't like Pharrell's vocals in the background of sweetener. It's super annoying and over the top. Borderline was kinda boring. But Ariana's voice was great as always, just wish Pharrell didn't take over more than half of it. Overall, love this album! might be my second fave following Yours Truly Expand
  25. Aug 20, 2018
    the tracks of this album is good, fun, dreamy and personalize but it doesn't showcase all of her capabilities in singing but she did it in her 3 previous albums which is very great.
  26. Aug 20, 2018
    the album has its highs and good notes but is otherwise totally bland. it is rationally good but not that extra ordinary.
  27. Aug 19, 2018
    I really like it! The tracks really show that she's growing as an artist - and she's put so many of her big mistakes (musically and otherwise) behind her.
  28. Aug 19, 2018
    El álbum más fresco, dulce y maduro de Ariana Grande. Nos sorprendió el nuevo cambio de Ari pero esta bueno, aunque no todas las canciones peguen bien pero es un buen trabajo.
  29. Aug 19, 2018
    Al escucharlo por 1ra vez se preguntaran: ¿Qué pasó con este álbum? ¿Por qué no es Dangerous Woman Pt. 2?
    Pero mientras más escuchen este álbum, más entenderán todas sus canciones y su respectivo significado y lo amarán.
  30. c29
    Aug 19, 2018
    Ariana explora outro lado de si mesma que até então era desconhecido, inovando em comparação aos seus trabalhos anteriores
  31. Aug 19, 2018
    There is a delightful aspect that runs throughout the whole album. At the same time, however, there is this sense of resolve that shows how Ariana has dealt with the tragedies and personal issues that have occurred in the most amazing way. It strays away from the extremely "pop-y" sound she had before, which is very refreshing, but still kept hints of it in a few of the songs on thisThere is a delightful aspect that runs throughout the whole album. At the same time, however, there is this sense of resolve that shows how Ariana has dealt with the tragedies and personal issues that have occurred in the most amazing way. It strays away from the extremely "pop-y" sound she had before, which is very refreshing, but still kept hints of it in a few of the songs on this album, furthering the message of being happy and not listening to the "darkness". This album is definitely a record worth listening to. Expand
  32. Aug 19, 2018
    Es un álbum potente fuera de lo común con sonidos envolventes que van desde baladas hermosas a música pop bailable
  33. Aug 19, 2018
    Ariana veio com um álbum com a sonoridade diferente de qualquer coisa que ela tenha feito antes. Isso pode desapontar muitos, porém Ariana mostra sua versatilidade se distanciando do pop mainstream. As faixas no tears left to cry, God is a woman, breathin, everytime e goodnight n go serão as favoritas de quem curte um pop mais tradicional. Já faixas como blazed, the light is coming,Ariana veio com um álbum com a sonoridade diferente de qualquer coisa que ela tenha feito antes. Isso pode desapontar muitos, porém Ariana mostra sua versatilidade se distanciando do pop mainstream. As faixas no tears left to cry, God is a woman, breathin, everytime e goodnight n go serão as favoritas de quem curte um pop mais tradicional. Já faixas como blazed, the light is coming, sweetener, borderline, R.E.M e get well soon mostram a tentativa de Grande em tentar se afastar do comum de maneira majestosa, seja com a produção de Pharrell Williams ou com seus vocais poderosos. Expand
  34. Aug 19, 2018
    This is her best and most personal album yet. Standouts are Breathin', Everytime, God is a Woman, Sweetener, No Tears Left to Cry, Better Off, Get Well Soon... I need to stop before I list the entire album. Excellence. Grammys are coming her way, bookmark this.
  35. Aug 19, 2018
    All songs on sweetener are exceptional, but almost all of them adopt the same dream-pop sound. The fifteen-track album could have been an EP and would leave the same sonical effect on listeners. Favourite tracks: the light is coming, R.E.M, God is a woman, borderline
  36. Aug 19, 2018
    O destaque aqui vai para os singles lançados anteriormente, everytime, breathin, goodnight n go, pete davidson, better off e get well soon que salvam o álbum no melhor estilo da Ariana.
  37. Aug 19, 2018
    arte, le pese a quien le pese, la princesa del pop ganando como siempre, selena mira desde lejos, bye

    breathin >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> vida y obra de seleperro amen
  38. Aug 19, 2018
    El álbum tiene canciones interesantes que podrían haber dado para más, pero no por eso es malo, me parece algo aceptable, aunque los ritmos se vuelven repetitivos tras un rato.
  39. Aug 19, 2018
    The album is very well produced and her voice sounds great, but it stays there does not give us anything and in my opinion a ballad is missing, therefore the album feels half-hearted.
  40. Aug 19, 2018
    this album was a mess, and i think the main problem was that Pharrell Williams participate on it. For me the only decent songs are: God is a Woman, Breathin and No Taers left to Cry. But in a overall, the album was mainly trash. i still prefer "Dangerous Woman".
  41. Aug 19, 2018
    Ariana Grande's 4th studio album is the definition of lazy and messy production. Most of the songs on this record were Produced by Pharrell which, unfortunately, lacks quality production. Grande and Pharrell go together like nails on a chalkboard, which 95-98% of each track sounds like they were produced in a blender. God Is A Woman remains the most dominant track on the album but stillAriana Grande's 4th studio album is the definition of lazy and messy production. Most of the songs on this record were Produced by Pharrell which, unfortunately, lacks quality production. Grande and Pharrell go together like nails on a chalkboard, which 95-98% of each track sounds like they were produced in a blender. God Is A Woman remains the most dominant track on the album but still fails to live up to its potential. I love Ariana's previous work, Dangerous Woman, a lot more than this desperate attempt of an R&B/Pop record. Expand
  42. Aug 19, 2018
    My first impression wasn't the best and even a little disappointment, but as one person once said: "Albums of Ariana Grande are like a good wine. The more you listen to it, the better they sounds."
  43. Aug 19, 2018
    The production is much different than her first albums. A much matured Ariana Grande and same breathtaking harmonizing and vocals. I love the mood and how it paid tribute to the Manchester incident.
  44. Aug 19, 2018
    a **** bop. her best album. locals are already shaking. buy and stream the **** out of it
  45. Aug 19, 2018
    first you get the dough and you hit it, hit it, hit it, hit, hit it
    mix it, mix it, mix it, mix it wit duh budder budder budder den, beat it, beat it, beat , beat it, beat it,
  46. Aug 19, 2018
    The album shows the real side of Ariana where she was actually personal. The album showed the evolved form of Ariana, proving that her artistry is excellent. The album showed diversity too, which is essential. Sweetener is definitely one of the albums of the year.
  47. Aug 19, 2018
    good album, but the duo that is pharrell williams & ariana feels very "hit or miss". with less gymnastic vocals the album is left with all the attention on lyrics and production, the production was great on most tracks but there's no lyrical growth coming from ariana. hoping she'll do better.
  48. Aug 19, 2018
    I LOVE THIS ALBUM SO MUCH. I'm glad she made such a strong body of work,it's so mature and her voice sounds amazing,it reminds me of the Yours Truly era. I'm so happy she released such a flawless album. I loved it from the first listen but maybe it needs more than a listen for some people to get into it. Give it a try. Fave tracks: R.E.M,Blazed,Goodnight N Go,Breathin,God is a woman..I LOVE THIS ALBUM SO MUCH. I'm glad she made such a strong body of work,it's so mature and her voice sounds amazing,it reminds me of the Yours Truly era. I'm so happy she released such a flawless album. I loved it from the first listen but maybe it needs more than a listen for some people to get into it. Give it a try. Fave tracks: R.E.M,Blazed,Goodnight N Go,Breathin,God is a woman.. basically the whole album haha Expand
  49. Aug 19, 2018
    É o pior trabalho que Ariana já fez, eu a amo é super talentosa, três faixas salvam este álbum!
  50. Aug 19, 2018
    a completely new and innovative sound; she is well beyond the scope of other popstars
  51. Aug 19, 2018
    I was left unimpressed by the 4-5 good songs on the entire album (those NOT produced by the guy with the big hat). I was expecting more from Ariana. Better try again next time, maybe we'll see some artistic development
  52. Aug 18, 2018
    tanginaaa!! love this album sweetener!! philippines here!! wala nakong masabi iba talaga ang queen.......................................asdghsdhdfjfgjfghkghkhgjfgjfghdfgsdfgshdfjfgjfg
  53. Aug 18, 2018
    her best album so different but its a vibe my favorites are everytime goodnight n go and breathin
  54. Aug 18, 2018
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. This is her most personal album now, and in my opinion, this is a really good work (taking in consideration that it is experimental and solid at the same time), she showed her personal/musical growth and showed how she can experiment with new sounds and producers and still sounds really good!. The best tracks for me are "Goodnight N Go", "God Is A Woman", "Everytime", "Breathin" and "Better Off". Expand
  55. Aug 18, 2018
    Un álbum en donde cada canción es diferente, esperando ansioso cada track para sorprenderse con los riesgos acertados que se decidieron tomar.
  56. Aug 18, 2018
    the perfect album I need is this one by Ariana Grande which is called Sweetener
  57. Aug 18, 2018
    La verdad tenia muchas expectativas acerca de este album, pero siento que aun asi es muy bueno.
  58. Aug 18, 2018
    Iconic diosariana dando arte nada nuevo, proxima reina del pop asi esza
  59. Aug 18, 2018
    Hands down, this is Ariana Grande’s best album so far!!! She tried to calibrate to another direction, try new stuffs, and she succeeded! Sweetener is “sweet” and “spicy” at the same time. This album deserves a Grammy!
  60. Aug 18, 2018
    Im an arianator and i have to say that this album is amazing but Pharrell songs could be better bc these sounds so lazy :/
  61. Aug 18, 2018
    Ariana explored new sounds and lyrics, that's good, she left her comfort zone, I love the album from start to finish I'm ecstatic ❤☁️
  62. Aug 18, 2018
    totalmente único e importante na carreira da maior artista de sua geração
  63. Aug 18, 2018
    De longe o álbum mais coeso e bem produzido de Ariana. Maduro e ao mesmo tempo doce.
  64. Aug 18, 2018
    En mi opinión este es su mejor álbum. Hay varios tracks que no me acaban de convencer, the light is coming es un ejemplo, pero para mi todas las canciones tienen algo excelente que las hace destacar y en el caso de tlic es la profundidad en su producción (la voz masculina que se escucha de fondo y que dice "you wouldn't let anybody speak" tiene que ver con un asunto político y si noEn mi opinión este es su mejor álbum. Hay varios tracks que no me acaban de convencer, the light is coming es un ejemplo, pero para mi todas las canciones tienen algo excelente que las hace destacar y en el caso de tlic es la profundidad en su producción (la voz masculina que se escucha de fondo y que dice "you wouldn't let anybody speak" tiene que ver con un asunto político y si no recuerdo mal es una cita de lo que un hombre gritó a un senador estadounidense tras un meeting sobre salud o sobre el control de armas) y por supuesto el verso de Nicki; y por más que me gusten My Everything y Dangerous Woman, estos no tienen la chispa, emoción y belleza que tiene Sweetener.
    Ariana poco a poco evoluciona como artista y está por fin encontrando su sonido. Estoy muy emocionada por lo que viene y totalmente convencida de que este es el comienzo de una nueva y sobretodo auténtica Ariana.
  65. Aug 18, 2018
    Sweetener is one of those albums that grows on you with each listen. Having listened to full thing through a few times, I can confidently say that this is easily the best pop album of the year, and one of the best period. It is well-written, sharply produced, and displays Ariana's vocals in ways we've never heard before. Most importantly, you can feel that Ariana is happier than she's everSweetener is one of those albums that grows on you with each listen. Having listened to full thing through a few times, I can confidently say that this is easily the best pop album of the year, and one of the best period. It is well-written, sharply produced, and displays Ariana's vocals in ways we've never heard before. Most importantly, you can feel that Ariana is happier than she's ever been in life. After the horrific events last year, this album almost feels like a therapy session to help deal with Ariana's grief. I have a feeling Ariana's core fan base, young white teenagers, may feel divided over Pharrell's non traditional production, but he still did a fantastic job. i was getting major mid-2000's pop vibes from some of the songs, which was really cool because that's the music I grew up on. People who don't appreciate that simply don't have the range. All in all, this is Ariana's happiest and most mature body of work to date. I hope she gets some recognition at the Grammys next year. Expand
  66. Aug 18, 2018
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. melhor álbum da ariana, um pop/r&b com toques suaves de uma verdadeira artista pop, dando destaque a "everytime", "breathin" e "better off" sendo lenda como sempre. a ariana se destacou como artista principal de todo o álbum, diferente dos outros! uma lenda que merece o melhor com esse álbum. Expand
  67. Aug 18, 2018
    Very disappointed of this album. Ariana shows no sign of musical growth. Pharrell's sound is not made for Ariana voice.
  68. Aug 18, 2018
    young ariana run pop! she never disappoints. has a song for EVERY listener, and is bound to be a gp success
  69. Aug 18, 2018
    Such an amazing album. So different from everything Ariana has ever done, yet she can explore every genre with perfection.
  70. Aug 18, 2018
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. Este es uno de sus mejores albumes, juega con sus voz, altas y bajas y canciones calmadas, como lo dice su titulo, es muy dulce. genial. Expand
  71. Aug 18, 2018
    Один из лучших альбомов в её карьере, если не лучший. Она заслужила всех похвал!
  72. Aug 18, 2018
    É um álbum bastante controverso para uma cantora do nível da Ariana - se não, o mais controverso de sua carreira -, mas não deixa de ser um trabalho impecável. Nesse trabalho, Grande deixa de lado os seus poderosos vocais, marca registrada do seu álbum anterior: "Dangerous Woman", porém ainda podemos notá-los em faixas como "raindrops" e "God is a woman", por exemplo. O único ponto ruim doÉ um álbum bastante controverso para uma cantora do nível da Ariana - se não, o mais controverso de sua carreira -, mas não deixa de ser um trabalho impecável. Nesse trabalho, Grande deixa de lado os seus poderosos vocais, marca registrada do seu álbum anterior: "Dangerous Woman", porém ainda podemos notá-los em faixas como "raindrops" e "God is a woman", por exemplo. O único ponto ruim do álbum são as músicas produzidas pelo Pharrel, que deixam um pouco de lado características próprias da Ariana e se mostram como um "The Pharrel Show" (como afirma o "The Independent (UK)"). Infelizmente, muitos esperavam uma chamada "salvação do pop", e se desapontaram, mas para quem realmente conhece a Ariana, sabe o quanto é importante esse álbum para ela. Contudo, em linhas gerais, é incrível como a Ariana conseguiu sair de sua zona de conforto (pop dançante e vocais bem marcados) e trouxe realmente um álbum bem "adoçado", com suas melodias, letras e vocais amenos. Expand
  73. Aug 18, 2018
    This is a truly mess, the production and lyrics are so weak, there isn't a important message and it's full of forgettable songs. If she wanna change her musical style, Pharrell is no the option
  74. Aug 18, 2018
    After delivering 'Dangerous Woman' and setting it as her best album to date at that time, the arrival of 'Sweetener' won't be able to change this scenario. While the singles were perfectly chosen, the other songs seem a bit off to what fans were expecting after receiving the amazing pop hits 'No Tears Left to Cry' and 'God is a woman', the two best songs of the album without a doubt. EvenAfter delivering 'Dangerous Woman' and setting it as her best album to date at that time, the arrival of 'Sweetener' won't be able to change this scenario. While the singles were perfectly chosen, the other songs seem a bit off to what fans were expecting after receiving the amazing pop hits 'No Tears Left to Cry' and 'God is a woman', the two best songs of the album without a doubt. Even though we can find some other nice songs to hear like 'Successful', when you get to hear the entire album for the second time be sure you'll be skipping some songs in the process, especially all the featurings she made with Pharrell, Nicki Minaj and Missy Elliot. Expand
  75. Aug 18, 2018
    É o melhor album da carreira da Ari. Ela deu um novo significado ao pop! Ela esta de parabéns!
  76. Aug 18, 2018
    Ariana's best album with no doubt. It reflects her growth as a person and as an artist. I loved the way she explored new sounds without fear of criticism. This is what the industry needed. Very proud of her.

    My top five atm:
    1. Breathin
    2. God Is A Woman
    3, Everytime
    4. R.E.M
    5. Successful
  77. Aug 18, 2018
    On this fourth album, Ariana captured every layer of your voice, managed to enjoy every melody and explore a new world and fit effortlessly, a sweet world, where everything was upside down and turned to one side, which has brought peace and comfort. Grande got the evolution and surprise more and more in their songs, an album directed to their fans that was always with her support. Congratulations!
  78. Aug 18, 2018
    After several albums that, albeit aesthetically different, followed the same Max Martin-devised formula of repetitive beats, soaring high notes for the sake of high notes, and a conglomerate of songs that would be great singles but didn't exactly make for a cohesive album, Sweetener is an emblem of artistic growth. Ariana and her team should be very proud. With an experimental sound thatAfter several albums that, albeit aesthetically different, followed the same Max Martin-devised formula of repetitive beats, soaring high notes for the sake of high notes, and a conglomerate of songs that would be great singles but didn't exactly make for a cohesive album, Sweetener is an emblem of artistic growth. Ariana and her team should be very proud. With an experimental sound that thankfully doesn't veer into "I have GarageBand and I know how to use it" territory, she stretches the limits of what modern pop is meant to be.

    With several songs dedicated to her struggles with anxiety, toxic relationships, and the sadness that remains after Manchester, Ariana showcases depth like she never has before.
  79. Aug 18, 2018
    Sinceramente, el album me pareció muy básico y los sonidos muy repititivos, sus albumes anteriores fueron mejores. No lo recomiendo, la verdad esperaba más
  80. Aug 18, 2018
    this album insults music as well... talking about personal **** and a very very simple music. i just found breathin track acceptable but others is for kids. don't waste your time to hear such a **** album. music is dying these years, no true feelings no forte and no more master stroke anymore. just a few bands and artists that no one knows them :)
  81. Aug 18, 2018
    i loved, it's so different of everything she ever done, but still perfect, she's never disapoint.
  82. Aug 18, 2018
    Stans be giving Ariana a negative score just cause it’s different and just cause they don’t like her but anyways it’s an amazing album and y’all should give it a few tries at least!
  83. Aug 18, 2018
    sweetener is an incredible work, Ariana explores the other side of her voice, showing that even singing something totally different, can make it totally unreachable, every year that passes Ariana is overcome more and more, sweetener is really the album of the year.
  84. Aug 18, 2018
    De primeira eu estranhei bastante o álbum, confesso que esperava algo muito mais pop, pop explosivo (principalmente pelos primeiros singles da era). Mas agora, depois de ouvir umas três vezes, é um álbum maravilhoso, suave, diferente de tudo que a Adriana fez anteriormente.
  85. Aug 18, 2018
    O álbum mais coerente e maduro da Ariana. Senti a falta dos vocais mais potentes que ela têm e que se encaixariam muito bem com o som mais r&b do sweetener.
  86. Aug 18, 2018
    O álbum acerta muito em suas composições e letras que tornam desse o trabalho mais maduro da Ariana, embora a produção do Pharrell deixe um pouco a desejar com alguma batidas fracas e genéricas,e Ariana talvez devesse ter utilizado um pouco mais seus poderosos vocais como principal ferramenta, o álbum consegue ser um trabalho promissor,
  87. Aug 18, 2018
    Ariana provou mais uma vez ser a melhor artista de sua geração com um trabalho de qualidade e vocais impecaveis, sem duvidas um de seus melhores trabalhos
  88. Aug 18, 2018
    This album exhibits Ariana's growth as an artist. The album, and yes this is an ALBUM not a collection of pop singles, reflects what Ari has gone through the last year or so. It's hectic and almost disjointed sound at times reflects her feelings of anxiety in a post Manchester world, mixed with dreamy vocals reflecting her healing process and falling in love. Feminism, anxiety, loss, toxicThis album exhibits Ariana's growth as an artist. The album, and yes this is an ALBUM not a collection of pop singles, reflects what Ari has gone through the last year or so. It's hectic and almost disjointed sound at times reflects her feelings of anxiety in a post Manchester world, mixed with dreamy vocals reflecting her healing process and falling in love. Feminism, anxiety, loss, toxic relationships, light, and getting well are all the themes and topics covered here. It's all wrapped in a lush throw back early 2000's r&b production while also pushing the boundaries forward. It's simply her most adult, and best, album to date. Expand
  89. Aug 18, 2018
    Apesar de Ariana sempre ter tido influências de R&B, acho que nesse album ela traz isso mais fortemente, além de se apresentar com vocais e arranjos bem incomuns, se comparados aos trabalhos anteriores.
  90. Aug 18, 2018
    el album es bueno canciones como NTLTC, GIAW, TLIC, Breathin, everytime, raindrops (an angel cry) son las mejores pero en otras canciones muy adelantada para sacar nuevos tonos y no son buenas son largas y aburridas
  91. Aug 18, 2018
    Her best album by far. She discovered a whole new sound for her and it is beautiful, the songs make you feel happy and it really "sweetens" your day. If you listen to the album you need to make it with a clear mind and enjoy al the new sounds.
  92. Aug 18, 2018
    i was expecting more of the album it was such a disappointment but there are some good tracks there like breathing, everytime, better of, and the singles that were released before
  93. Aug 18, 2018
    Não tão bom como seu ultimo Dangerous Woman, porém tão homogêneo quanto. Ganha pontos pela evolução artística e um experimental que não soa tão inexperiente, mas sim que Grande se comprometeu a um estilo de Pop Music e o seguiu com maestria, conjunto com seu Produtor Pharrel Williams que conseguiu trazer o estilo dele para o álbum mas, mesmo assim, deixa-lo com a cara de Ariana Grande,Não tão bom como seu ultimo Dangerous Woman, porém tão homogêneo quanto. Ganha pontos pela evolução artística e um experimental que não soa tão inexperiente, mas sim que Grande se comprometeu a um estilo de Pop Music e o seguiu com maestria, conjunto com seu Produtor Pharrel Williams que conseguiu trazer o estilo dele para o álbum mas, mesmo assim, deixa-lo com a cara de Ariana Grande, doce e, até, rude. Vocais ainda mais contidos que o Dangerous Woman, parece que o álbum é um filho do seu primeiro trabalho com o ultimo citado, onde o R&B marca certa presença, principalmente nos vocais falados e os agudos nos momentos certos. O álbum deixa algumas fillers, como Borderline e até a faixa que nomeia o álbum, que parecem uma bagunça, mas, ao se analisar o conjunto da obra, até que fazem sentido. É o melhor trabalho da artista, mas não são suas melhores musicas. O álbum se destaca pela surpresa e o inesperado trabalho, onde até faixas assustadoras como "The Light Is Coming" se tornam gostosas de ouvir. Faixas como "Everytime" "Breathin" "R.E.M" e "God Is A Woman" são os destaques do álbum, e a sequencia postas pelas musicas também deixam o trabalho ainda mais prazeroso de se ouvir, um outro ponto positivo da obra. Um trabalho mais artístico do que nunca, para Grande. Expand
  94. Aug 18, 2018
    Ariana Grande is a pop legend since her debut. Sweetener is a mix of everything she gave us with her three other albums, "Yours Truly", "My Everything" and "Dangerous Woman". It's a perfect album, even with the Pharrell's heavy intervention, it's something where Ariana explore her voice, her talent and emotions. Thank you Ariana.
  95. Aug 18, 2018
    It is SO bad, experimental music can be good but this isn't the case(sadly). Pharrell and Ariana don't fit and this album is the proof of that
  96. Aug 18, 2018
    I think all of these sounds were the same, it’s not a “too ahead of its time” album since all these sounds were similar to 2004-2007 music. Basically her worst album
  97. Aug 18, 2018
    Ariana's worst project so far. The lyrical content is awful and Pharrell's production is a mess
  98. Aug 18, 2018
    Este é definitivamente O trabalho de Ariana Grande. Para além das letras extremamente pessoais, a artista expressa-se através de diferentes sonoridades. Não é, de todo, um álbum comercial. É um album para os fãs. Nota-se claramente o envolvimento do Pharrel visto que em algumas das músicas há uma constante repetição da palavra que dá título à respectiva música.

    "Sweetener", mesmo tendo
    Este é definitivamente O trabalho de Ariana Grande. Para além das letras extremamente pessoais, a artista expressa-se através de diferentes sonoridades. Não é, de todo, um álbum comercial. É um album para os fãs. Nota-se claramente o envolvimento do Pharrel visto que em algumas das músicas há uma constante repetição da palavra que dá título à respectiva música.

    "Sweetener", mesmo tendo três altos momentos claramente POP - God is a Woman, No Tears Left to Cry e Breathin, "Breathin" é sem dúvida o melhor momento do álbum. É uma música extremamente honesta e consegue transparecer todas as emoções que nela estão inseridas.

    Definitivamente a quebra do álbum e o momento mais fraco é "Borderline". Para além de não conseguir relacionar a canção com o resto do álbum, a presença da Missy Elliot só estraga a música. Profere os versos como se estivesse a fazer um favor. Não é de todo a Missy Elliot enérgica que todos conhecem.
  99. Aug 18, 2018
    simplesmente hinário, há algumas faixas horríveis? sim como borderline é blazed mas goodnight n go,breathin, god is a woman e outras compensam, é o 2º melhor álbum de ariana só perdendo pra dangerous woman, ela traz uma vibe mais R&B nessa álbum saindo totalmente se sua zona de conforto, inovar e hitar é essencial
  100. Aug 18, 2018
    Esse álbum é sem duvidas maior e melhor que os outros só pelo fato da ariana ter se entregado realmente para esse álbum. As letras, melodias, cada música tem seu potencial. Ariana conseguiu nós dar um álbum com um conceito doce e quente!

Universal acclaim - based on 20 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 16 out of 20
  2. Negative: 0 out of 20
  1. Aug 31, 2018
    Grande’s new sound, the Williams-produced Not-Bangers, only make up half of the album. These standout tracks are interspersed between standard pop tracks. ... That’s not to say that the Bangers on Sweetener are bad--it’s more that they belong in previous era of Grande and they spoil the flow between songs. Sweetener may not be the dawning of a new age for Ariana but it could be a step towards somewhere weird and wonderful.
  2. Aug 29, 2018
    Ms. Grande backs up her statements with song-and-dance mastery. ... She’s her own choir, support group and posse. While a few guest vocalists (Mr. Williams, Nicki Minaj, Missy Elliott) provide a little grit for contrast, Ms. Grande sails above any fray, past or present. Her aplomb is her triumph.
  3. Aug 28, 2018
    An album that coheres in a way other Ariana Grande albums don't, which means Sweetener is something of a double triumph: she's come through a tough time stronger and better than before.