• Record Label: Domino
  • Release Date: Mar 2, 2018

Generally favorable reviews - based on 19 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 12 out of 19
  2. Negative: 0 out of 19
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  1. 91
    It’s a hearty mix, but that’s not to communicate that Superorganism are just good curators, they also are fresh creators.
  2. Feb 27, 2018
    Superorganism easily meets and exceeds the hype surrounding this talented group.
  3. Mar 5, 2018
    This LP is loud, clanging, and communal, but also, in its own way, dreamlike. There’s something warped at the core of these songs, as if they’ve been yanked through some kind of wormhole and have reemerged into our world as aliens. And, for the most part, that makes for some fascinating listening.
  4. Mar 9, 2018
    The disorientating utopian ride you take when listening to this album in full will no doubt bring you glee, and maybe some weird dreams if you think about being a prawn too much.
  5. Mar 2, 2018
    It's clear that Superorganism know exactly what they are doing at all times, slicing and dicing like master chefs, then reassembling the bits and bobs of pop ephemera into a concoction that has a sugary kick sweeter and fizzier than an ice-cold cola.
  6. Uncut
    Feb 21, 2018
    Superorganism benefits from a surprising amount of focus and discipline that belies the woozy feel of the group's fun and savvy synthesis of the bricolage hip-hop of vintage Gorillaz and Avalanches, and the Day-Glo psych-pop of Animal Collective. [Apr 2018, p.35]
  7. 80
    This is a band that isn’t odd for odds sake. Every single crash, bleep, smack and ring (insert other onomatopoeias here) is carefully placed with love, care and attention. In short, it’s a fascinating debut from a band that want to the push the boundaries of what pop can be.
  8. Mar 2, 2018
    An album that confirms Superorganism as that rarest and most wonderful of all musical beasts: a guitar band that reflects the age we are living in by embracing the technological anarchy of the modern world, as well as their own glorious peculiarities.
  9. Mar 1, 2018
    Superorganism loses momentum in its final third, but not before offering its two best tracks: “Reflections on the Screen” and “SPRORGNSM.”
  10. Mar 20, 2018
    While it's more than a little uneven, however, there are more new things being attempted on Superorganism than you might find on 10 other artists' records combined. They may not always nail their landing, but Superorganism at least max out their scores for creativity.
  11. Mar 19, 2018
    This is a startling debut that pulls off the trick of sounding utterly disposable and simultaneously full of substance.
  12. Mar 1, 2018
    Millennial inertia is a target--see ‘It’s All Good’ and ‘Nobody Cares’--but their bite is balanced with blear and bounce in equal measure.
  13. It often feels like an in-joke that we’re allowed in on.
  14. Mar 2, 2018
    Excess and saturation can only get a band so far without a knowing wink to match, and at the moment, it’s that mischievous streak of personality that feels slightly absent.
  15. Mar 2, 2018
    They’re not always as adept at mixing the myriad of disparate elements into great pop music, and at times the relentless sonic trickery can seem gimmicky, either masking the lack of a killer tune or, more frustratingly, detracting from one. At best, though--the giddily self-mythological SPRORGNSM or the ethereally lovely closing standout Night Time--it’s sharp, clever, experimental, oddly charming contemporary pop.
  16. Feb 27, 2018
    Superorganism could've been the perfect indie pop record if they'd have cut back a bit on the style and added a bit more of the substance.
  17. Mojo
    Feb 21, 2018
    Cute, but tiring over a whole LP. [Apr 2018, p.96]
  18. Q Magazine
    Feb 21, 2018
    Standouts Everybody Wants To Be Famous and Something For Your M.I.N.D.. The rest divides between disposable cut-and-paste experiments and breezy indie-dance, at least making up in energy what it lacks in depth. [Apr 2018, p.115]
  19. Apr 18, 2018
    The album quickly loses itself into a tasteless, gimmicky wormhole of hideous sounds that grate the ears. Superorganism are onto something here, but as it stands, their erratically-paced scheme is a passable novelty.
User Score

Generally favorable reviews- based on 60 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Positive: 54 out of 60
  2. Negative: 2 out of 60
  1. Mar 8, 2018
    A great way to start their careers, the album's funky and quirky sound is fresh considering we're stuck in a world of boring pop. The firstA great way to start their careers, the album's funky and quirky sound is fresh considering we're stuck in a world of boring pop. The first half of the album is without a doubt more stronger than the second half with the songs, The Prawn Song and Relax definitely being the weaker tracks on this LP, however the ending track, Night Time is well worth the wait of listening throughout this album. The song Nai's March to me at the moment is differing my opinion on whether I like it, or I love it, so a re-listen to that particular song may be needed.
    Overall, if you're looking for a fresh indie sound than look no further than Superorganism.

    Favourite Tracks: Reflections on the Screen, Night Time, Everybody Wants to Be Famous, Something for Your M.I.N.D., It's All Good

    Least Favourite Tracks: The Prawn Song, Relax
    Full Review »
  2. Mar 5, 2018
    Superorganism’s debut self titled record throws every last joyful/weird/memorable and creative punch at you throughout this quick butSuperorganism’s debut self titled record throws every last joyful/weird/memorable and creative punch at you throughout this quick but enjoyable ride of a album you experience here! They showcase a lot of catchy hooks as well as feel good beats with meaningful nature and memorable lyrics as well. The one thing that stood out so much through this record is the producing aspect. Every single song feels special and uniquely different while having similar contrasting beautiful earthy vibes within its atmosphere I love it! The vocals also pack a punch having tons of layers adding high/low pitches as well with beautiful harmonic moments plus lovely harmony’s mixed in as well. Highlights in this record are “It’s All Good”, “Everybody Wants to Be Famous” , “Nobody Cares”, “Something For Your Mind”, “Nai’s March” and “Night Time”. My favorite track being a mix up of the title track “SPRORGNSM” having super catchy lyrics and a weird but fun attitude and “Relax” for producing wise being the best on the record and memorable lyrics and melody. Final Verdict: For being a debut record this record not only surprised me for how well this band produces and mixes their music as well create such a lovely, special, unique/creative plus enjoyably weird record that I would love so much! Basically the two bands Youngblood Hawke + Animal Collective’s love child and everything blends and flows making a powerful record to bless your ears and enlighten you to new fresh music! 9/10!!! Full Review »
  3. Apr 29, 2018
    First thing I heard from this band was the highly eclectic and extraordinary Joe Goddard remix of Something For Your M.I.N.D, which in no wayFirst thing I heard from this band was the highly eclectic and extraordinary Joe Goddard remix of Something For Your M.I.N.D, which in no way prepared me for the much more laid back nature of these 10 tracks. Initially that left me a little disappointed, but that soon passed and before I knew it, this album was being played over and over again. The combination of distinctive vocal styles, often sampled and messed about with, together with the imaginative effects and laid back guitars are a charming concoction. They also miss no opportunities to throw another pleasing pop hook into the mix. In the end the whole is a delightful cocktail and already looks to be one of my picks for this year. Full Review »