• Record Label: Island
  • Release Date: Oct 22, 2013
User Score

Mixed or average reviews- based on 30 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Positive: 12 out of 30
  2. Negative: 15 out of 30
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  1. Nov 3, 2013
    Crappy banger after crappy banger, DJ Khaled's compilation album lives up to my expectations. It's also a fitting addition to his already horrendous discography. I really wish he'd release an entire album of good tracks, as his albums always consist of two or three tracks clearly designed to actually be good compared to the rest of the album. If he put out an album with nothing but theseCrappy banger after crappy banger, DJ Khaled's compilation album lives up to my expectations. It's also a fitting addition to his already horrendous discography. I really wish he'd release an entire album of good tracks, as his albums always consist of two or three tracks clearly designed to actually be good compared to the rest of the album. If he put out an album with nothing but these songs, he'd be in line for his first good release. Expand
  2. Jan 6, 2016
    his past albums had some pretty good catchy stuff. this one however is extremely weak. same guest appearances hes had on two albums before this one. the songs here dont stand out and lazy like he didnt care what he was doing. this album was a huge disappointment.
  3. Oct 22, 2013
    While a fan of Khalid's past albums, I had high hopes for this album. Imagine my surprise when I listened to this album and found most of the verses weak and dialed in, and most of the tracks in general wouldn't cut it on a mixtape. After a few listens, I put on We the Best and that fully exposed how weak, uninspired and wack Suffering from Success turns out to be....
  4. Dec 22, 2015
    Terrible generic beats, terrible lyrics, and just overall not a product made out of passion and love. THis record is made so he can have more money to blow.

Mixed or average reviews - based on 6 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 1 out of 6
  2. Negative: 0 out of 6
  1. Jan 21, 2014
    Decidedly hit and miss, it's the songs that stray beyond the typical tales of money, sex and cars that are worth returning to.
  2. Oct 22, 2013
    He simply doesn’t provide enough flash to continue his meteoric ascent toward becoming an independently viable brand.
  3. Oct 22, 2013
    Despite some deft, defiant turns the set suffers from inconsistency.