
Generally favorable reviews - based on 11 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 9 out of 11
  2. Negative: 0 out of 11
  1. Considering how tight "Strength & Loyalty" is, it's not likely anybody is going to forget Bone Thugs-N-Harmony any time soon.
  2. Entertainment Weekly
    A pleasant surprise after years of diminishing returns. [11 May 2007, p.74]
  3. Together, they have their tricky, intricate flow intact, and the songs are supremely melodic, sharply arranged to remind you of how tuneful and infectious hip-hop can be.
  4. Strength & Loyalty doesn't overcome its challenges; it just sidesteps them and works hard to reward fans for a decade of patience.
  5. A tight disc that skitters from track to shiny track with imagination and a renewed sense of rap's widened boundaries.
  6. Billboard
    A relatively solid return that should bring some new fans into the flock. [12 May 2007]
  7. Although the group's signature speed raps suffer without Bizzy's haunting high harmony, the Thugs' collective ear for a hook remains undiminished.
  8. When their free-flowing, melodic patter is matched with the right groove, that Cleveland magic returns.
  9. Spin
    The veteran group's dizzying flows remain flawless. [Jun 2007, p.90]
  10. When they're flowing about anything but shooting people over the expensive-sounding synth-goo production, the record could pull a school bus with its teeth. But aimless, boring gunshot-laden tracks like 9mm and Gun Blast find Bone unable to let go of their dated murda-isms.
  11. The New York Times
    The group’s gospel-gangsta fusion sounds as weird and as inevitable as ever. [7 May 2007]
User Score

Generally favorable reviews- based on 13 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Positive: 10 out of 13
  2. Negative: 1 out of 13
  1. JustinF
    Jun 3, 2007
    them Bone boyz are Back!!!
  2. NickS
    May 31, 2007
    This is by far not the greatest CD released by BT&H. The Fleetwood Mac remake along with the song with Akon are the only 2 songs that stand This is by far not the greatest CD released by BT&H. The Fleetwood Mac remake along with the song with Akon are the only 2 songs that stand out as very good tracks. All of the others are just OK to me. Full Review »
  3. TJ
    May 30, 2007
    This is a fantastic album by a group that seems to manager to weather the worst of storms. I have been a fan of the group since their early This is a fantastic album by a group that seems to manager to weather the worst of storms. I have been a fan of the group since their early days, and my love for them keeps growing. Having said that, since the E1999 Eternal album, they really went away from what truly made them a legengary group (and also their namesake) - Harmony! They relied on only one or no band members doing the hook, and relegated their style to traditional hip hop styles with each member doing 16 bar verses between monotonous hooks. On this album, they go back to what made them the group that everyone loved. The melody/harmony on most of these tracks has not been present in their music, or all of hip hop, for years - For example, my favorite song, is actually the bonus track "Just Vibe", where you find the trio trading 4 bar verses and HARMONIZING. The absense of Bizzy goes without saying - a huge issue that I hope that group resolves for their next installment. But as long as they keep those two key elements of hamony and melody, then they will have no problem staying relevent for years to come - oh and the beats by swizzy and akon definitely don't hurt the situation! Full Review »