• Record Label: Lava
  • Release Date: Oct 26, 2004
User Score

Mixed or average reviews- based on 131 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Positive: 69 out of 131
  2. Negative: 57 out of 131

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  1. robertom
    Jan 2, 2006
  2. SimonB
    Aug 26, 2006
    A four, for the effort. A four because I could simply go like this: "SP SUX, DONT BUY ALBUM PLZ PLZ!" and I would consider it fair game. I do not think that people telling me they listen to SP and act special about should feel special. SP reminds emos what it is to be emo. AKA: Crying for something that you aren't getting, but could be getting, if you only stopped crying about it. A four, for the effort. A four because I could simply go like this: "SP SUX, DONT BUY ALBUM PLZ PLZ!" and I would consider it fair game. I do not think that people telling me they listen to SP and act special about should feel special. SP reminds emos what it is to be emo. AKA: Crying for something that you aren't getting, but could be getting, if you only stopped crying about it. It's an issue. The whole album is an issue. I am french, from Quebec. And I can tell you there's a fury about them in their own country. People rush to buy their albums and then feel sad because of an overly singular text. Those guys are what... 20 years old? And they still come up with texts like "Somebody save me!" or "Help me!" ... You could be asking for help at 14 years old, but at the point they are, it just doesn't fit. It's not right, it doesn't sound right. Some critics have said: all the songs sound like hits. Alright, so that's already another problem. When all the songs sound like radio-material. It's bound to not make sense and just be teen-food. Parents enjoy Simple Plan because they apparently make their children feel special. Issues that teens cry over are talked about in this less-than-brainy album. If your view on life is sad and you think "there's nowhere to hide". (LOL , MAJOR LOL)Please, do buy this album and cry in your own little corner, or invite your friends over to rant about things you have trouble comprehending. Perfect album for someone with an IQ of a simple-minded anarchist. P.S Simple Plan is Pop-Rock, not Pop-Punk. Or "Teenage crying for attention". Expand
  3. LoicS
    Feb 17, 2006
    I believe this album was made for places in the world where people speak just enough english to vaguely understand what each song is about but not quite enough to be able to come up with criticism. When you don't understand the lyrics, this album is actually pretty good. Not at all revolutionary but audible and I might even say relaxing at times. Otherwise it just makes you want to I believe this album was made for places in the world where people speak just enough english to vaguely understand what each song is about but not quite enough to be able to come up with criticism. When you don't understand the lyrics, this album is actually pretty good. Not at all revolutionary but audible and I might even say relaxing at times. Otherwise it just makes you want to find Simple Plan and tell them to STOP COMPLAINING !!! - or to stop using horrible clichés to do so... Expand
  4. Aug 18, 2021
    Boring, even worse than their debut. Decent instrumental work, but combined with whiny lyrics, not much depth or creativity, like what is the point of this record? This is probably the perfect album for teen girls to be like "Yeah, you are so right!! Oh god i love you all so much, Simple Plan!! Mom, shut the f*ck up, you can't change me and push me around!!". If your teen child isBoring, even worse than their debut. Decent instrumental work, but combined with whiny lyrics, not much depth or creativity, like what is the point of this record? This is probably the perfect album for teen girls to be like "Yeah, you are so right!! Oh god i love you all so much, Simple Plan!! Mom, shut the f*ck up, you can't change me and push me around!!". If your teen child is listening to this album, you as the parents can be aware of what will happen over the next few months until it grows out of the phase. I grew out of it as well and i can understand it must be a very tough time being the mother or father of that child. Expand

Generally favorable reviews - based on 9 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 4 out of 9
  2. Negative: 0 out of 9
  1. Individually, the songs are catchy, but as they pile up over the length of the album, it's impossible not to wonder whether the singer's endless complaints didn't drive everyone away. [8 Nov 2004]
  2. Despite the overwrought angst, Still Not Getting Any... is a hard-to-deny collection of bubblegum punk
  3. Blender
    Every song has hooks so polished you can see your reflection in them. [Dec 2004, p.142]