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  1. VanDX
    Jul 12, 2006
    Danilio if you don't like them don't listen them. Great album.I love them
  2. Ronnie
    Jul 17, 2006
    Great album from a great band.
  3. Fanis
    Jul 17, 2006
    Greece love this album. ***Gold*** 1st week. ***Platinum*** 2st week. ***5 weeks*** at 1st position
  4. Tony
    Jul 17, 2006
    The best album of 00s.
  5. Asis
    Jul 17, 2006
    These solos are great.John Frusciante is my hero.
  6. DualForm
    Jul 17, 2006
    I believe Mars is better than Jupiter.
  7. VictoriaF
    Jul 24, 2006
    really good album, a few songs were a bit lacking but generally a really good album
  8. iain
    Jul 28, 2006
    a multitude of songs none are lacking.. maybe the best double album of all time
  9. Marcino
    Aug 25, 2006
    Funk rock or funk metal ? I don't care. What I only care is the good music they've been doing these last years. Even if I could never listened very good the "Californication" album, I'd say that this is one of their (lately) great albums. When I knew that this album was a doble cd, I right away thought about the Guns' "Use Your Illusion" doble cds. But (everyone) had Funk rock or funk metal ? I don't care. What I only care is the good music they've been doing these last years. Even if I could never listened very good the "Californication" album, I'd say that this is one of their (lately) great albums. When I knew that this album was a doble cd, I right away thought about the Guns' "Use Your Illusion" doble cds. But (everyone) had the luck the result was even better that of the guns' cds. This "Stadium Arcadium" could be marked as "money maker", and maybe it is, but it is also a very good funk album. To me , it reminds me a little bit some sound of "Blood Sugar Sex Magik" and something also from "Californication", making it a very good example of good music. About this album , I would also say that , to explain these songs, thay are way different from one to another , and this is the greatness of this album. One song recalled "Blood Sugar...", the other "Californication", and there is another one that recalls the '70s, when the funk began. I really thank this band, because every song is different, and making 28 different songs in one/or 2 cds, is quite hard. To me, they are not kunf metal, they play what they are, they play what they like, and with luck, they play what we like. I really enjoyed all the songs, maybe someone has been made for the radio stations, but they've been made very good, too, at the same time. I was really impressed by the change (and what a change!) of this band, because they could have followed the "blood sugar..." success, but they did not. An example is the title track, when it starts, it looks "californication", but it is even better. Then, "Humb..." looks another kind of song, but later it is a RHCP song, even is a bit different from the rest of (this very same song changes its rythm 3 times, cool!!!!). and "she's only 18" looks like one lost track from "Blood Sugar....", and the chorus is amazing!!! Thanks, guys, keep on! Expand
  10. Slash
    Aug 25, 2006
    I have been a huge fan of RHCP since I was about 6. I know them well enough to see them live hear John tune his guitar and know what song they will be playing next,since John has come back they have seen nothing but success and this album being the first time they have made at least 3 albums in a row without a lineup change it really shows how well they have gotten to really know I have been a huge fan of RHCP since I was about 6. I know them well enough to see them live hear John tune his guitar and know what song they will be playing next,since John has come back they have seen nothing but success and this album being the first time they have made at least 3 albums in a row without a lineup change it really shows how well they have gotten to really know eachother musically and I have to say this is the best album they have ever done in there 20 plus year career,no Im not just saying this just cause Im trying to support the band I am obsessed with Im saying this cause its true! when Californication and then By the way came out I was really really impressed but still had to say Blood Sugar was still there best with Stadium Arcadium is has all of the sound blood sugar did and by the way or cali all mixed in one but with a new facelift it has thoughs old bass plucking funky songs you old school fans missed(Tell Me Baby,21st century,Hump De Bump, Warlocks) and it has the soft pretty types of songs(Slow Cheetah,Hard to Concentrate,If,Wetsand)and thoughs groovey Hendrix types of songs(Dani California,Turn it Again,Shes only 18,) they have everything mixed in one.With Frusciante(best guitarist out today)killing on the guitar and Kiedis(best frontman out today)sounding and writing the best lyrics of his career where most frontmen at his age start rocketing down hill and losing there voice, you have one of THE best Rock albums by one of THE best rock bands off all time so go buy this album then see them live they will blow you away! Expand
  11. Samsa
    Aug 27, 2006
    I think this album might cement the Chili's as the best rock band of our time.The sounds on this album range from Mothers Milk, to a blend of Californication and By the way, there's songs with elements off all 3 albums. Anthony Keidis seems to have mastered and embraced his voice. Flea, if it was possible got better, and coupled with chad smith establish a rhythm that makes you I think this album might cement the Chili's as the best rock band of our time.The sounds on this album range from Mothers Milk, to a blend of Californication and By the way, there's songs with elements off all 3 albums. Anthony Keidis seems to have mastered and embraced his voice. Flea, if it was possible got better, and coupled with chad smith establish a rhythm that makes you wish you were half naked on the beach with a beer. However it's John Fruciante's sometimes almost Hendrix like guitar play that steals the spot light on this album. All in all, I can say definitively that it is their best album, and that's saying alot. Definately worth the buy. Enjoy. Expand
  12. NoComments
    Aug 27, 2006
    John Frusciante is the best guitarist of this century.Amazing guitar work.
  13. DumpandDumper
    Aug 27, 2006
    To quote Flea, "If you don't like this record you don't like red hot chili peppers full stop." So it's time for these people who claim to be fans but aren't happy to put up or shut up. Sure 28 tracks is a lot to wade through at once but if one wades through this album piece by piece each track puts out it's own beautiful vibe, wheteher or not the listener has the To quote Flea, "If you don't like this record you don't like red hot chili peppers full stop." So it's time for these people who claim to be fans but aren't happy to put up or shut up. Sure 28 tracks is a lot to wade through at once but if one wades through this album piece by piece each track puts out it's own beautiful vibe, wheteher or not the listener has the temperement or musical knowledge to appreciate or not is circumstantial. But if you are a pappers fan just having one listen will give you at least half a dozen tracks that immediatly stick you and you want to keep. To the argument that the album is totally radio friendly, bollocks! I'm sure charlie or Humde de bump or warlocks or death of a martian could be played for a trendy radio audience. Expand
  14. SanDiego
    Aug 28, 2006
    I think the album is pretty great, something i'm definstelly gonna grow into. Too much material to deal with right now.
  15. Download
    Aug 29, 2006
    I had very expectations of this album from the moment I found out that RHCP were making out a new album a few months ago. I have been a fan of this band since I could remember, their album releases are one of the only times I really look forward to going to the record store. This particular album is by far the best of the RHCP's career. It features 4 musicians that are each I had very expectations of this album from the moment I found out that RHCP were making out a new album a few months ago. I have been a fan of this band since I could remember, their album releases are one of the only times I really look forward to going to the record store. This particular album is by far the best of the RHCP's career. It features 4 musicians that are each individually, at the top of their game and the industry. All members of the band are shining to full potential: Antony is controlling the vocals as only he could, Chad is holding down the beat with perfection, Flea is the best bass player out right now or even ever, and John is etching his name into the best guitarist of all time statue. Their are so many different levels of genius in this album that anyone that does not listen to this album will miss out on an album that will eventually become the pinnacle of this era. A true work of art that any listener will see as simply put in one word, beautiful. The hype is justified, this band has just concreted itself into history. I cannot believe that this music was once nothing and now it is out of this world, as the title of the discs implies. Listen and you will also be a believer. Expand
  16. Kostas
    Aug 29, 2006
    It's amazing to see an album of this quality rise from so many years of releases... some of which i'm sure most will agree were average at best.
  17. Bairon
    Aug 29, 2006
    Best album ever.
  18. Cox
    Aug 29, 2006
    The lyrics are amazing. They are meaningful, fun, sometimes random (not often though) Anthony Kiedis is the best. The Red Hot Chili Peppers couldn't have a better guy for the singing.
  19. HumpDeBump
    Aug 29, 2006
    Stadium Arcadium rocks.
  20. Zanko
    Aug 29, 2006
    The bands I like at the moment are heavy, loud and dark.The sound of the Red Hot Chili Peppers is amazing. Their songs I believe have taken rock music to the next level. The music they write really comes from the heart and expresses their true inner feelings about the world around them. This group has many talented people especially their bassist. They are very original. My musical tastes The bands I like at the moment are heavy, loud and dark.The sound of the Red Hot Chili Peppers is amazing. Their songs I believe have taken rock music to the next level. The music they write really comes from the heart and expresses their true inner feelings about the world around them. This group has many talented people especially their bassist. They are very original. My musical tastes now though would not be present without the band Red Hot Chili Peppers. That is fact. I loved Blood Sugar, By the Way, Californication was gd too, Freaky Styley extremly random, and Mothers Milk, which I thought was a stroke of genius. Stone Cold Bush, wotta song. So Since By the Way I had gone from Linkin Park to Trivium and Avenged Sevenfold, so now I wait for the Chilis, hoping that they will not be the cutsy light stuff that By The Way had become since my musical tastes enhanced. Dani California blew me off my seat personally. I liked the fact they heavied it up a bit but retained the chiliness. I had to buy the album. And soon into it I realised this was really gd well written music. Hey Oh, amazing, Charlie funkeriffic, it was gd to hear blood sugar was creeping somewhere into the album. Stadium Arcadium, beautiful song, really touching and agen, amazingly crafted. Jupiter perhaps losing its energy after about song 11 or 12 but still very decent. It took me a longer while to get into Mars I must say, but normally the best albums are the ones that take the longest to get into, then once u do its a bit gobsmacking. This definitley happened to me with Mars. I think I prefer it, it doesnt lose its energy til the very very end, and with songs like Storm in a Tea cup and Readymade, you shouldnt be surprised. The sound is typical chili's, like one reviewer said. The strongest parts of Blood Sugar, Californication, and By The Way in two albums with a bit of a leap onwards as well. It doesnt get the 10 because, there is something missing, I really don't know what. There just is, its probably the unnecessary hype, the chilis are about honesty and experience, we dont need to go crazy, the album seems not to live 100% to expectations, 90% for me though. MAybe they could have done a Foo Fighters, just 10 songs per disc? Then you would have 20 songs of pure energy, there are definitley some songs, great as they are, that still might have made the albums lose their energy.Anthony Kiedis. What a man. He knows how to write a good lyric. No matter how the Chilis progress with the guitars or bass, the lyrics will be amazing all the time. Sexy, clever and crazy. Never fault Kiedis. He makes amazingly catchy singing tunes as well. Love the guy, so does my mom and my sister!The lyrics are catchy and are very true. I can, and probably many of you as well, can relate to the music at a personal level. The lyrics to their songs really draw me into their music. Their singer and back up vocalists are amazing and have wonderful voices. Expand
  21. Danzig
    Aug 29, 2006
    The Red Hot Chili Peppers are undoubtedly the biggest band in the world right now. Having already released two greatest-hits albums containing countless hits, I wasn't sure they'd be able to create a gem like this.This album is the "Revolver" of the 21st century. It's completely unique, and this aformentioned uniquity to the Chili Peppers' music has failed to become The Red Hot Chili Peppers are undoubtedly the biggest band in the world right now. Having already released two greatest-hits albums containing countless hits, I wasn't sure they'd be able to create a gem like this.This album is the "Revolver" of the 21st century. It's completely unique, and this aformentioned uniquity to the Chili Peppers' music has failed to become mainstream until the release of "Stadium Arcadium." The band's musical ability was simply sensational in this album, and the Peppers went all out for this one. Not only was Frusciante's guitar incredible in songs like "Snow (Hey Oh)," but he also played blistering solos in "Dani California" and "Readymade" to name a couple. The rhythm section of the Chili Peppers is the reason I keep coming back, however. THe combination of Chad Smith's incredible drumming and Flea's godlike bass playing is what holds the music together every single track. Chad's drumming in "Stadium Arcadium" and "Hump de Bump" are highlights. Flea's bass playing... wow. His basslines in "Tell Me Baby," "She's Only 18," and "Warlocks" are memorable gemstones of the album. However, I must say Flea's most magnificent work to date is "Hump de Bump." Yes, I said it... best work to date. This song was by far the highlight of the album for me. "Hump de Bump" has an easy yet catchy guitar riff, sweet drum beat, and Flea's bass thumbing during the verse is simple but excellent. Once the chorus comes through, Flea goes wild with an absolutely orgasmic bass line that shows what the Chili Peppers are truly about and makes the song the highlight of the disc for many people, not just myself. All in all, the highlights of the album are "Stadium Arcadium," "Tell Me Baby," "She's Only 18," "Readymade," and, of course, the funk smash "Hump de Bump. Their new album is entitled "Stadium Arcadium," and it's utterly brilliant. The sound of the album is great. John Frusciante's guitar playing is heavenly; Frusciante is easily the Clapton of the 21st century. His solos in "readymade," "Dani California," and "21st Century" are simply dazzling and incredible. Chad Smith's drumming only continues to improve. Smith's percussion is amazing on this album, especially in songs like "Hump de Bump" and "Warlocks." And then there was Flea. Don't even get me started on Flea. This man is AMAZING. Hell, amazing is a major understatement. Flea's bass playing is, has been, and always will be the most recognized and popular foundation to the Chili Peppers music since day one. Flea's virtuous bass playing shows a few different styles in this album. Slower songs like "She's Only 18" and "Charlie" show that he can play a mean bass riff without having to go crazy. However, there are several other songs on the album where Flea really gets to let loose and let his bass to the talking. Songs such as "Warlocks," "Tell Me Baby," and the incredible bassline in "Hump de Bump" remind people just how incredible Flea really is. I honestly think that Flea could possibly be the best bass player in the world right now. Expand
  22. Rock_on
    Aug 29, 2006
    Stadium Arcadium is their best album and one of the best albums of 00s.
  23. Respect
    Aug 29, 2006
    John Frusciante is a god.Fuck you bad reviewers ,just fuck you!!! hahahaha.Assholes hahaha.
  24. FleaFleaFlea
    Aug 29, 2006
    Flea what a guy?Flea is one of the best bassists around in the history of music and he can play the bass so well that it is just amazing and if you want like really good bass look up Red Hot Chili Peppers for bass tabs.
  25. Noble
    Aug 31, 2006
    Great album
  26. JonasW
    Feb 19, 2007
    I'd rather hit myself in the head with a brick, while listening to the Paris Hilton CD than listen to this album.
  27. NathanD
    Feb 21, 2007
    Don't get me wring I am a huge chilli peppers fan, but this is there worst work ever. I miss what the the chili peppers really stood for FUNK. It seems that they are try to turn way to main stream and it made the album not that satisfatory. even togh this album doesnt have the funk i want there was still some but not eniugh. I wish they would make another BSSM
  28. jiggaplease
    Apr 22, 2007
    it's decent. it doesn't feel like chili peppers to me...i love all their work, but this is just mediocre for me
  29. tristant
    Apr 23, 2007
    If you can survive this long in the music business and still be kicking it,it can only be one band and thats the chillis. take a bow!!!!
  30. HumpDeBump
    Nov 28, 2008
    Stadium Arcadium rocks.

Generally favorable reviews - based on 25 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 16 out of 25
  2. Negative: 1 out of 25
  1. Stadium Arcadium ensures that graying Lollapalooza-era fans, indie teens, and rowdy lunkheads will all be satisfied.
  2. Somewhere along the line the Chilis got sophisticated on our asses.
  3. Frusciante's guitar work... almost single-handedly saves the project, but not quite.