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  1. AndresS
    Jun 16, 2006
    Another brilliant album by a great band!
  2. MarkGH
    Jun 16, 2006
    It´s indeed a great album. At first it´s hard to digest all the 28 tracks but give it time and try to listen to just one of the cd´s at a time, and you´ll begin to apreciate each one of the songs and their unique qualities. Frusciante again provides some bitching melodies and killer solos, usually in two or more tracks at the same time, which makes me wonder how It´s indeed a great album. At first it´s hard to digest all the 28 tracks but give it time and try to listen to just one of the cd´s at a time, and you´ll begin to apreciate each one of the songs and their unique qualities. Frusciante again provides some bitching melodies and killer solos, usually in two or more tracks at the same time, which makes me wonder how the hell is he gonna pull this off live . There are very few weak links, and even songs i disliked at first have grown on me. It is better than by the way , IMO. But well , buy it and at least give it a chance , and please dont expect a retread on their funk past, even though there are funky numbers , its mainly pop - rock and rock ballads in californication/ by the way style. Expand
  3. pfloo
    Jun 21, 2006
    The Second disc slays the first!! "So Much I" is AWESOME!! The best of their career, yes, even BSSM!
  4. rockfan
    Jun 2, 2006
    Everyone here is insane!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! The Lukewarm Chili Peppers are sooo much worse than Elvis, the Beatles, the Eagles, and all those other legends. Anyone who says different is obviuosly smoking Sharpies. Chili Peppers suck, and I'm ashamed that they're rock.
  5. Bairon
    Jun 2, 2006
    Best album ever.
  6. stacec
    Jun 23, 2006
    i love this albm! and im sooo glad its not just like 9 songz, its got 28 fab songz and they do not all sound the same like SUM PPL think.
  7. kaciaryna
    Jun 29, 2006
    this album is fantastic. RHCP play great music. Stadium Arcadium i lovethis song
  8. Ray
    Jun 4, 2006
    After hearing the album many times, I can say with proud: Its the best RHCP Album ever. Flea has right with this comment, too. And when I read all the bad critics, then I have to say, listen to the album and then write again
  9. GavinDossC
    Jun 6, 2006
    This album is so fucking good. Not only has it brought the funk back, it is intelligent as it is dirty. "She's Only 18"? Aw, man. That is one sweet track. The Red Hot Chili Peppers brought back to life their much needed fervered energy, as shown in their first single, "Dani California," and their title track "Stadium Arcadium" is just soothing and pleasing to the ears, bringing back This album is so fucking good. Not only has it brought the funk back, it is intelligent as it is dirty. "She's Only 18"? Aw, man. That is one sweet track. The Red Hot Chili Peppers brought back to life their much needed fervered energy, as shown in their first single, "Dani California," and their title track "Stadium Arcadium" is just soothing and pleasing to the ears, bringing back the funk and a nice blend of great beats and purposeful music. There are not too many bad tracks on this album. This album is a must buy. Expand
  10. SamD
    Jul 1, 2006
    good, but it is it just me, or does all their stuff sound EXACTLY the same?
  11. Miriam
    Jul 12, 2006
    along with californication, S.A has the best lyrics and overall its an amazing album. The chili peppers are always advancing. Johns guitar solos are phenomenal!
  12. Jeff
    Jul 16, 2006
    Nevermind all the california "rambling" as some describe it... the music and vocals are very fun and fresh.
  13. Mathiew
    Jul 17, 2006
    Led Zeppelin of 21st Century.Super Album.
  14. Acalin
    Jul 17, 2006
    This album has great solos.John Frusciante's work is awesome.Really great.
  15. Roadie
    Jul 17, 2006
    Their best work ever.
  16. KeithChinaBoy
    Jul 17, 2006
    Kenneth M and Danilio can't hear the good music.Maybe they are fans of Britney Spears or Paris Hilton.You must be a big enemy of red hots to give 0 to this album.I can't understand.I believe that they haven't listen this album
  17. Mas
    Jul 17, 2006
    One of the best albums that I ever heard.
  18. Ram
    Jul 17, 2006
    It should have .... in order to you circulate double album.Best band!!! I love Red Hot.Make us feel better!!!
  19. Fragile
    Jul 17, 2006
    I haven't heard a cd this good in so long.
  20. Ranka
    Jul 17, 2006
    Jupiter 5-6 great songs. Mars 7-8 great songs. if they recorded these songs I would give 10.
  21. SoldierofX
    Jul 17, 2006
    Great album with nice,radio-friendly songs and super solos.Readymade's solo is the best solo that I ever heard.Amazing.
  22. GeorgeW
    Jul 17, 2006
    I just cant stop listening to their latest album Stadium Arcadium Not one shit song on there all great my faviourite song on there is gotta be Torture me but they are all cool. All the people on this site who have given it a 0 Dont know real music and dont know wat they r talkin about RHCP are the best band ever
  23. AxonB
    Jul 20, 2006
    I cannot stop listening to it. Listen Tell me Baby!!! Amazing track!
  24. Alice
    Jul 20, 2006
    With 28 songs accross 2 discs there's a lot to listen to and not a moment of disappointment!!!!They remain rock legends and this album is proof of their status!!!!
  25. GreekFan
    Jul 20, 2006
    The most succesful band in Greece is Red Hot Chilli Peppers.Awesome album!!!! I love them!!!
  26. Theoden
    Jul 20, 2006
    If the best 10-11 tracks from this album were condensced onto a single record the result would be fairly great.
  27. Lena
    Jul 20, 2006
    They rock my world.This album is amazing.Anthony is a god.
  28. SystemOfADown
    Jul 20, 2006
    Stadium Arcadium is a very good album.This is the best album of Red Hot Chili Peppers.Rick Rubin is a big producer.
  29. JoshF
    Jul 20, 2006
    Awesome album. The best in modern music. Never got so hooked on an album.
  30. GuyH
    Jul 28, 2006
    This band have become truly tedious now.

Generally favorable reviews - based on 25 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 16 out of 25
  2. Negative: 1 out of 25
  1. Stadium Arcadium ensures that graying Lollapalooza-era fans, indie teens, and rowdy lunkheads will all be satisfied.
  2. Somewhere along the line the Chilis got sophisticated on our asses.
  3. Frusciante's guitar work... almost single-handedly saves the project, but not quite.