• Record Label: XL
  • Release Date: Oct 14, 2016

Generally favorable reviews - based on 13 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 8 out of 13
  2. Negative: 0 out of 13
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  1. Oct 19, 2016
    Throughout, Sport is crude, queasy, sometimes shockingly ugly, and often quite funny, in a madcap, slightly threatening way. It thrills and it mystifies in equal measure.
  2. Nov 1, 2016
    Powell has matched his high-concept buffoonery with a fittingly wacky record that tiptoes the line but never oversteps it. It rests on a high-risk juxtaposition between frivolous and tasteful, thoroughly peculiar but equally satisfying.
  3. 80
    Although wrestling with Sport, at first, may prove to be a challenging affair, it rapidly becomes a wholly rewarding and thorough sonic work-out.
  4. Oct 13, 2016
    At 14 songs it’s long, and tracks like Mad Love drag compared to the rip-roaring Jonny, but then Sport is an album of extremes. When music is as joyfully oddball as this, it’s worth the hurdles.
  5. Oct 13, 2016
    Whether Sport is really for digital punks or leather-clad clubbers remains to be seen, but regardless of audience, this is one of the most interesting records to come out this year.
  6. Oct 17, 2016
    Most tracks have a near-total lack of reverb that suffocates sentimentality without starving the record of atmosphere. As a listening experience, it's like pushing on a bleeding gum: knotty and perversely satisfying.
  7. Oct 13, 2016
    During the album's first half especially you therefore find yourself wishing for a more tangible emotional link to its maker. This arrives during Sport's last third, which closes the distance with the listener in a thrilling final run of tracks.
  8. Oct 13, 2016
    A confounding, often thrilling album of pieced-together samples and shorted-out electronics that nevertheless has a primitive groove coursing through its veins.

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