• Record Label: Sony
  • Release Date: Dec 9, 2003

Mixed or average reviews - based on 11 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 6 out of 11
  2. Negative: 1 out of 11
  1. The problem is that most of it is deadly dull.
User Score

Generally favorable reviews- based on 43 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Positive: 31 out of 43
  2. Negative: 3 out of 43
  1. Oct 27, 2012
    I really enjoyed Splinter, It has alot of pretty good songs on here. however The Worst Hangover Ever is one of their worst songs. But the restI really enjoyed Splinter, It has alot of pretty good songs on here. however The Worst Hangover Ever is one of their worst songs. But the rest of the Album is solid. Full Review »
  2. Feb 21, 2023
    Despite containing my favourite Offspring song, this album has always struck me as a bit dull. There are certainly very high moment on hereDespite containing my favourite Offspring song, this album has always struck me as a bit dull. There are certainly very high moment on here which I will get into, but this song does suffer from feeling as bit samey throughout.
    Neocon - This is an opener seemingly designed purely to get a live crowd hyped up. Not a bad idea....but it is basically never played at live concerts. Meaning it does feel quite pointless.
    The Noose - Luckily, the first proper song is a strong one. The drummer who only played on this album makes a great first impression, with said drums really hitting hard and fast for most of this tracks. The chorus is fast and fun to sing to, and it is just overall a very solid start.
    Long Way Home - Another song where the drumming really stands out. The short 4 second interludes of just drumming is a great way to show off the new skill in the band. This is not necessarily a complaint, however there is an ever increasing cliché of the Offspring's chorus just being the same phrase repeated over and over again. Which does drag this track down a little bit just because of how overused it is in their discography.
    Hit That - My favourite Offspring song. I know many are not fans of the more pop side of the band, but this song just works on so many levels. The lyrics are really interesting, talking about the dangers of hook-up culture on families. The piano and unique sounds dotted throughout the song makes it special and the chorus is the catchiest thing ever. It is impossible not to sing along and properly bop your head. 10/10 song.
    Race Against Yourself - This song feels quite similar to 'Denial, Revisited' with it being a ballad with a great emphasis on long whiney vocals. I absolutely love 'Denial, Revisited', but this song is okay. It suffers from dragging on a bit too long and feeling a little dull. Though the little guitar change up in the bridge is pretty cool.
    (Can't Get My) Head Around You - The other major single released for this album. It is a very solid song and enjoyable to listen to, but I would be lying if I said it wasn't quite a forgettable single compared to their back catalogue of greats. I'm glad its very short, as I think it would have been easy to feel like its dragging on if it went on for too much longer. Let me reiterate, still a good song.
    The Worst Hangover Ever - I think this one is trying to be a joke song on the album. I believe it moderately succeeds, its a fun song. However, as a running theme in this album, it just comes across a bit flat and dull. A song about drinking and hangovers should have a bit more oomph to it if its being presented in a goofy way.
    Never Gonna Find Me - This is kind of an odd song. The verse is fast and intense, the chorus is mostly pretty fun and easy to head bang too and the bridge is really unique and probably the best part of the song. But there is just something not fully working here and I do not know what. It just comes across as forgettable yet again.
    Lightning Rod - One of the more traditionally punky songs on the album. The guitar work from noodles between singing and the highlight of the base in the verse works really well. But this just is not a song I come back to much.
    Spare Me The Details - Okay....this is pretty great. I love how this song talks about a pretty horrifying situation in such an upbeat and fun tune. However even with that, the resentment and anger still comes across clearly. I love how this song is not afraid to explode at certain points, especially in the bridge and final pre-chorus when Dexter just outrights how pissed he is. Great song
    Da Hui - I love me some absolute explosions of energy. And Da Hui does this amazingly. The song does not let up at all. Whether it's Dexter's shouted vocals or the relentless surf style guitar, especially in the very end, this song what this album needed to finally ejected energy back into this album. I hope the final song keeps this up..
    When You're in prison - I spoke too soon. Clearly a massive joke song, which I have no problem with. I love a bity of goofiness in otherwise mainly serious albums. But this 100% should have been a bonus track and certainly not the closer. It just leaves you with a weird feeling when you listen to the whole album all the way through. Da Hui would have been a fair better closer.

    Overall, this is such a weird album. There are moments of brilliance with songs like 'Hit That', 'Spare Me The Details' and 'Da Hui', but ,much of the album just feels quite dull and uninspired overall. This is probably my least favourite post Smash album, which is still crazy to say as it has my Favourite Offspring song of all time.
    Full Review »
  3. Nov 15, 2022
    Kinda mid album tbh. Hit That is pretty good, that's about it. Some of their other albums I highly enjoy to the extreme. But even so thisKinda mid album tbh. Hit That is pretty good, that's about it. Some of their other albums I highly enjoy to the extreme. But even so this album is one of the very few albums even outside the Offspring I didn't really enjoy THAT much. Full Review »