by U2
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Generally favorable reviews- based on 293 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Negative: 30 out of 293
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  1. Sep 14, 2014
    It's no disaster but one for the faithful only. It's very doubtful that Songs of Innocence will win them any new fans, and a few old ones will be disappointed by the lack of ambition and innovation. They'll still be great live, but maybe U2 just don't have it in them anymore to write any great new songs. Oh God.... I just realised. They are turning into the Rolling Stones!
  2. Sep 13, 2014
    Better than No Line - but still weak. Eventually, this is Pop v.2.0 and far far from Achtung, Baby or albums from 80s.

    Actually, after listening to this album twice - I was unable to find any melody from it in my mind.
  3. Sep 12, 2014
    As a life long U2 fan, I do not know what was more painful; listening to the album or watching Tim Cook and Bono hold their fingers together. One thing is clear after listening to this album 20 times...U2 needs to get back to basics. Very disappointed in the album and I find most of it very annoying. The lyrics and rhythm just don't mesh together. Every time the band is about to rock BonoAs a life long U2 fan, I do not know what was more painful; listening to the album or watching Tim Cook and Bono hold their fingers together. One thing is clear after listening to this album 20 times...U2 needs to get back to basics. Very disappointed in the album and I find most of it very annoying. The lyrics and rhythm just don't mesh together. Every time the band is about to rock Bono steps in with his nasal high pitched voice and ruins it. Almost every song has some type of silly Doo Whop chorus and it just gets very repetitive. There is good music underneath and a nice environment but it is ruined by Bono. His singing is just totally out of synch with the album. His voice lacks the soul it is most famous for. I think thats what it is...this album lacks a soul and feels very fake and polished.

    Instead of Danger Mouse they should have hired DeadMou5 and taken more musical chances on this album. Every U2 album has one or two gems on them but I am still struggling to find one after 20+ plays.

    Maybe U2 tried to do something cool with Apple but I think they need to stop trying so hard and stop worrying about saving the world and focus on the music. They need to experiment more. We need more Passengers, Achtung, Zooropa and :Baby" tracks. U2 needs to stop taking themselves so seriously or they will become irrelevant. Not worth a six year wait for a song like Raised by Wolves...please. I will give it a five - out of respect and I will skip this tour.
  4. Sep 10, 2014
    As a longtime fan of U2, I was pretty disappointed with Songs of Innocence. I think it lacked the trademark joy, passion and energy in their work. The lyrics are overly depressing, the music is average at best and forgettable at worst. It has its moments, but it doesn't live up to U2's standards.
  5. Sep 10, 2014
    The new album is even more melody-challenged than "No Line...". Grating vocals from Bono, a non-existent Edge and Mullen's usual tom-tom thumping in place of driving snare and hi-hat. "Raised By Wolves" has a strong chorus. "This Is Where You Can Reach Me Now" is well-crafted, and "The Troubles" has its moments. That's about it.
  6. Sep 22, 2014
    Very well produced, but, imo, the music is blank, soulles and has no depth. it reflects the band's choice and heading after the Pop album. i kinda understand because they have to strive in a very competitive industry, but musically speaking can't take that into consideration. So, my rating is this: technical points: 8; artistical points: 2. Final rating: 5.
  7. Sep 26, 2014
    I'm not a fan of U2, and will not pretend to know much about their history or style as a band. And while the album itself does not seem to adhere to any sort of direction or even theme, other than Bono's 'I'm generally disgruntled with the world' attitude, and even that feels half-assed. Still, for a free album it holds some pretty okay songs with aI'm not a fan of U2, and will not pretend to know much about their history or style as a band. And while the album itself does not seem to adhere to any sort of direction or even theme, other than Bono's 'I'm generally disgruntled with the world' attitude, and even that feels half-assed. Still, for a free album it holds some pretty okay songs with a Coldplay-meets-the-Killers-meets-the-White-Stripes sort of vibe. Not bad, and if you're a fan of U2, you'll probably enjoy it.

    Favorite song: none of them really stood out to me, but I really dig the composition of "Volcano".
  8. Oct 6, 2014
    So U2 go Coldplay. Composed and produced for the massive audience of iTunes user this album constitutes the last and final step of the Irish band into the mass mainstream market. Too many catchy choirs, uhhs, ohhhs, and banal tunes to get to average 6/10.
    Shame because there are a couple of really great songs, namely two: Sleep Like a Baby and The Troubles.
    Should they avoid to get to n.
    So U2 go Coldplay. Composed and produced for the massive audience of iTunes user this album constitutes the last and final step of the Irish band into the mass mainstream market. Too many catchy choirs, uhhs, ohhhs, and banal tunes to get to average 6/10.
    Shame because there are a couple of really great songs, namely two: Sleep Like a Baby and The Troubles.
    Should they avoid to get to n. 1 so hard we might still have decent record for a band that used to be great. Another lost occasion.
  9. Oct 8, 2014
    As usual, U2 put the obvious singles in the first half and leaves the more experimental stuff to the end. The problem is that this time the obvious singles are uninspired and dull. They stay in their comfort zone for the first 5 tracks. Tracks 5-7 should have been released as an EP since they are not only superior to the rest, but also "classic" U2. Those three tracks save this album fromAs usual, U2 put the obvious singles in the first half and leaves the more experimental stuff to the end. The problem is that this time the obvious singles are uninspired and dull. They stay in their comfort zone for the first 5 tracks. Tracks 5-7 should have been released as an EP since they are not only superior to the rest, but also "classic" U2. Those three tracks save this album from a negative rating.
    I am a fan of most Danger Mouse records. However, his influence is not apparent here as on the Black Keys records, for example. Maybe it could have been interesting if they let him produce every track, but that's just not how U2 records an album nowadays, unfortunately.
  10. May 22, 2017
    Not the best album put out by U2 but it's a consistently enjoyable one whilst you are listening to it. Problem is nothing really sticks in the head once the album has concluded playing and you will be hard pressed to remember anything from it a few days later without having to listen to it again for a refresher.

    Whilst listening to it I found it to be a good mix of the old and the new
    Not the best album put out by U2 but it's a consistently enjoyable one whilst you are listening to it. Problem is nothing really sticks in the head once the album has concluded playing and you will be hard pressed to remember anything from it a few days later without having to listen to it again for a refresher.

    Whilst listening to it I found it to be a good mix of the old and the new more "pop"-py U2.
  11. Dec 23, 2014
    U2 Voltou!!!... Que pena que voltou não tão bem como na época de ATYCLB 2000 HTDAAB 2004.
    Começando pela parte boa já que o começo do disco é a parte boa,Every Breaking Wave.California,Song For Someone,Iris (Hold Me Close) e The Miracle (Of Joey Ramone),O Que seria antigamente o lado A do álbum é excelente porém o B é tão fraco que não parece U2,Volcano,Raise By Wolves,This Is Where Can
    U2 Voltou!!!... Que pena que voltou não tão bem como na época de ATYCLB 2000 HTDAAB 2004.
    Começando pela parte boa já que o começo do disco é a parte boa,Every Breaking Wave.California,Song For Someone,Iris (Hold Me Close) e The Miracle (Of Joey Ramone),O Que seria antigamente o lado A do álbum é excelente porém o B é tão fraco que não parece U2,Volcano,Raise By Wolves,This Is Where Can Reach Me Now,Sleep like A Baby Tonight e Cedarwood Road são péssimas.Do lado B The Troubles se salva.
    Top 5
    1-Every Breaking Wave 2-California (There Is Not End To Love) 3-Song For Someone 4-Iris (Hold Me Close) 5-The Troubles
  12. Jul 13, 2015
    .................................................................................................................................................................................................... Mesmo com maravilhas como Every Breaking Wave,California,Song For Someone,Iris e The Troubles......
    Songs Of Innocence não deixa de ser um álbum fraco do U2
  13. Oct 21, 2015
    The B-side of album is so Weak. Volcano is a disaster Raised By Wolves have a dull,boring and ugly melody This Is Where You Can Reach Me Now is boring and ugly Sleep Like a Baby Tonight is so-so.

    But Every Breaking Wave,California(There Is No End to Love),Song for Someone,Iris (Hold Me Close) and The Troubles are amazing mainly the first three cited.
  14. Dec 30, 2015
    Really, Really, Really Weak!!!!! doens't seem U2, The best band of rock that they were good melodies,few here have decent melodies,decent lyrics doens't work with bad melodies...
  15. Apr 2, 2016
    No!!!!!!!! This one isn't the best album since Achtung Baby (1991), Is the worst since Zooropa (1993)....

    People that don't know what U2 really is, came saying or is a Masterpiece don't SOI Is a weak U2 Album this is the Reality!!!!

    6 is the score that this album really deserve and is For a fan since ATYCLB (2000)
  16. May 11, 2016
    ...........................................................................................................With the coming of this weak album of U2, Coming Millions of recent Fans Poser saying "This is the Best Album of U2" "This is album is the Best Since Achtung Baby"

    Really??? All That You Can't Leave Behind of 2000 How To Dismantle Atomic An Bomb of 2004 Put This Album to shame.
    ...........................................................................................................With the coming of this weak album of U2, Coming Millions of recent Fans Poser saying "This is the Best Album of U2" "This is album is the Best Since Achtung Baby"

    Really??? All That You Can't Leave Behind of 2000 How To Dismantle Atomic An Bomb of 2004 Put This Album to shame.

    Okey!!! Every Breaking Wave, California (There Is Not End To Love), Iris (Hold Me Close), Song For Someone & The Troubles are the very good ones of album

    Cedarwood Road & The Miracle Of Joey Ramone are reasonable but the Side B of the album let's pretend that we are even in the 70's 80's after the 6th track is very bad is one of the worst things that U2 Made in this long career.

    Volcano, Raised By Wolves, Sleep Like A Baby Tonight, This is Where you can Reach me Now is Dissapoint with Very Poor and Ugly Melodies.
  17. Dec 22, 2016
    Bono... You Always do an amazing job with the lyrics but since How to Dismantle an atomic bomb (2004), you don't seem don't call much for fine & beautiful melodies to your songs...

    Every Breaking wave, California, Song For Someone, Iris, Are the only who have beautiful melodies. And Miracle (of Joey Ramone), The Troubles & Cedarwood Road almost

Generally favorable reviews - based on 32 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 13 out of 32
  2. Negative: 3 out of 32
  1. Classic Rock Magazine
    Dec 17, 2014
    Songs Of Innocence is stricken with lethargy, with a level of aspiration that extends as far as Coldplay and never explores further. [Nov 2014, p.93]
  2. Uncut
    Nov 11, 2014
    Things get increasingly glum and disenchanted as the album grinds towards the cop-out of "The Troubles." [Dec 2014, p.81]
  3. Oct 3, 2014
    They want to be everything to everyone and, in attempting to do so, they've wound up with a record that appeals to a narrow audience: fellow travelers who either thrill at the spectacle or dig for the subtleties buried underneath the digital din.