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Universal acclaim- based on 45 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Positive: 35 out of 45
  2. Negative: 3 out of 45
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  1. Aug 5, 2013
    I've been a technician (devoted Tech N9ne fan) for quite awhile now, and I am not being biased when I say that Something Else is definitely rap album of the year in my opinion. I have heard Born Sinner, Yeezus and Magna Carta so I'm not stating this with nothing to compare it to, but Tech absolutely kills it here. He's truly the only artist to just get better and better with every albumI've been a technician (devoted Tech N9ne fan) for quite awhile now, and I am not being biased when I say that Something Else is definitely rap album of the year in my opinion. I have heard Born Sinner, Yeezus and Magna Carta so I'm not stating this with nothing to compare it to, but Tech absolutely kills it here. He's truly the only artist to just get better and better with every album release, even after 13 studio releases. Something Else is exactly what the title says. It is nothing like you've heard before. It blends almost every genre. Tech's flow and lyricism is stronger than ever. He goes from battling personal demons (I'm not a saint) to calling out the Vatican (My Haiku-Burn the world) to adding in a club track (Dwamn) and as well a heavy metal mixed with rap track (Love 2 dislike me). It honestly has everything. My only issue with the cd overall is there were too many features, Wiz Khalifa was certainly a mistake on See Me although it's stil one of my favorite tracks due to Techs 2 verses and B.O.B. on the hook. If I had to pick my top 5 tracks it'd certainly be 1. Fragile (Kendrick Lamar's verse was amazing) 2. Straight out the gate (Serj Tankien of System of a down on the hook killed it of course!) and it is by far Techs best opening track to an album to date. 3. Believe, such a powerful song and everybody thinks its Beyonce on the chorus but its Kourtney Leveringston who I must admit sounds strangely identical to Beyonce so the confusion is certainly understandable. 4. Strange 2013, Techs dream finally came true with this track, he got to work with the doors, his favorite group and his inspiration for Strange music and they did an amazing job on this track for sure and number 5 has to be I'm not a saint, this song should inspire people everywhere dealing with their own personal demons as Tech broke the news of how he was molested in the 7th grade by his teacher, much respect for him to come out with that, especially on a song. Tech always said he'd never go mainstream, mainstream will go Tech and that's exactly what is now happening with the release of Something Else, it's just ridiculous that it's taken this long for people to recognize Tech's incredible one of a king talent. 10/10 Expand
  2. Aug 4, 2013
    Tech nines album is definitely "something else" tech fans. Of course his chopper style rhyming is as excellent as always. Bur Something Else is very diverse in the tone of each song, the heavy features in this album is definitely a highlight. Best tracks are Fragile, So Dope, See me Dwamn, and straight out the gate.
  3. Oct 15, 2013
    techn9ne evolve and prosper, more shockvalue on ur next album. PLEASE. this would make a great pizza for me man but i want more of that shockvalue man so i can fulfill this hunger man. I am so hungry right know that i would eat a couch but man, this album was at the very least appetizing unlike the other crappy music i'm forced to listen to.
  4. Jul 13, 2015
    tech has always had a unique flow, crazy rhyme patterns, and a weird strange style that's always been creative. followed him since his debut album. another great album he has made. one of the few artists that has adapted great in the music scene. he seems to be getting better as time goes on. technician for life
  5. Aug 3, 2015
    I will also say that I am a Technician as I liten to Tech N9nes music everyday. I absolutely love "Something Else" and I tend to agree that it is another excellent album added under his belt. My GF and I put Fragile on loud every Sunday and rap along! Keep up the great work Tech! You're a genius and I will always be a Technician!
  6. Sep 25, 2020
    Something Else in all of its intense, loud, confusing and obnoxious glory is fluid in its musical movement and sincere in its content. The album is contradictory in subject matter and sound yet speaks to the idealistic and free flowing approach Tech takes when creating music. One minute, he is a fire-breathing rapper with a large amount of darkness that could slice your retina with oneSomething Else in all of its intense, loud, confusing and obnoxious glory is fluid in its musical movement and sincere in its content. The album is contradictory in subject matter and sound yet speaks to the idealistic and free flowing approach Tech takes when creating music. One minute, he is a fire-breathing rapper with a large amount of darkness that could slice your retina with one verse. The next, he is a softer, blemished parent that wants what’s best for his seeds and just likes to breathe easy. But this flip is what makes the album work and gives it its core. It’s authentic and full of heart while capturing the duality of man. Some may be confused with its composition and not sure how to label it, while others will bask in its inventiveness. Even the skits play a key role, and production wise, it’s stellar amid a few bad apples (“With The BS,” “Dwamn”). Seven—who handled most of the beats—alongside Fredwreck and Drumma Boy aided Tech in blending genres and truly giving this album an impressive backdrop that tells just as much of a story as the lyrics. Tech N9ne sounds sharp over complicated production that has many layers to peel back. And he took big risks that will pay off, as Something Else will surely be a contender for album of the year. Overall, it’s an incredible album that will keep that hint of burgundy in the sky. Expand
  7. Dec 22, 2020
    The title says it all honestly. mixture of everything in this project. ****

Universal acclaim - based on 5 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 5 out of 5
  2. Mixed: 0 out of 5
  3. Negative: 0 out of 5
  1. The Source
    Dec 19, 2013
    The visuals that come along with the music and skits create a Cirque du Soleil-meets-Hip-Hop atmosphere as Tech N9ne and his star-studded cast propel you through ups and downs throughout the album all while staying on track with fire, water, earth theme. [Sep 2013, p.99]
  2. Aug 1, 2013
    Whether Tech wants the bigger fame or not is unclear, but it’s safe to say the growth he displays here is one step nearer. He’s strange, he’s provocative, but the lesser shock value on this album marks it as his true debut to a larger audience.
  3. Aug 1, 2013
    Big and bold the whole way through and with nary a stumble, Something Else is another triumph from Tech.